Blobby's podcast stinks.

17  2015-05-12 by AlejandroFiz

I just tried to listen to it for the first time in a few months, and its just as bad as I remember it.

Bobby and 17 different open mic comics who shout, scream, interrupt, all trying to talk over each other at once. Bobby's same bullshit personal anecdotes that he's beaten into the ground, his constant ego tripping and berating interns for minor production mistakes. Bobby will step on Jokes, and interrupt the comedic flow in order to SCREECH at someone for some minor technical issues, looking at a phone, and just kill the chemistry in the room.

With all the people who tear Opie to shreds, I don't understand how Bobby escapes criticism.

Half the time he comes off like a dumber, louder, even more insecure Opie.

His podcast is fucking garbage.


I loved the show when it was just him and Joe D or the occasional special guest 1 on 1. It was still good when Soder, Kelly, List and Gomez started appearing, but after that, too many people who didn't understand how a show should flow started appearing.

I'll only download if Gomez, List or Soder is on.

Based Gomez never disappoints


Dave's Luis J Gomez impression is one of the few things that gets me to laugh no matter how annoying it is in the flow of the show.

Hey bro, wanna come to a Private Poison Pizza Party?"




Dude, I think you mean Jay's impression. Everyone else is just doing an impression of his impression.

Even Soder admitted that.

What Jay says in Luis' voice is always funnier than Dave too.

Jay singing Louis' thinking music had me rolling, and Jays Kat Williams is fantastic too.

Luis is anything but based lol

Its pretty good when its List, soder, and gomez. It can be good when theyre not on but its rarely the same quality. I dont like sam morril or some of the other unknown (edit. I should say "lesser known") comics that i cant really name because ive only ever heard them on podcasts.

Just finished listening to it and Bobby truly annoyed me on it. His rage levels at the most minor infraction are inexcusable and his ego is out of control. He won't accept the slightest teasing about his weight or anger issues. After a few years of listening I may have to delete this podcast.


...and start subscribing to Lookin GOOD Radio? (Free on itunes) I agree.

I listened to O&A for years and I can't remember any time Bob Kelly made me laugh. I can't imagine his podcast.

YKWD is def rough at times but ive been more entertained by YKWD than o and j for months now, 9/10 shows are more listenable than opies garbage. I think the reason bobbys podcast gets a pass most times is because he hasnt made or asked for any money for the podcast. its free.

Opie gets destroyed for his general personality/demeanor and then couple that with the fact that he is so bad at his job.

Bobby is a very likable guy. And he's actually funny unlike some other hosts...

I personally love YKWD. Some guests are much worse than others for sure. But it's also where I first heard some of my favorite comics now - Soder, List, Luis. Every person who shits on the show makes the same criticism you are - they all talk over each other. I really don't even notice that that much but even so, O&A used to do the same shit. Have a ton of comics in that are all firing out lines and it got too crazy sometimes.

At least Bobby tries to correct this and acknowledges it's a criticism of the show. Which is another stark contrast to Opie.

Long story short I disagree.

no way, his podcast is one of the best out there, way better than O&J at this point.

Legion of Skanks is awesome.

YKWD is complete shit.

Pretty much this

He used to put up numbers tho.

The reason Bawby "escapes criticism" is because almost nobody's paying any attention to him. What's he got? "Dude!," "fat," puke sound. He's seven IQ points from being Beetlejuice.

That he apparently makes a living doing comedy is THE PROBLEM WITH THIS COUNTRY.

He's the fifth wheel on an upcoming FX sitcom.

i think you mean fifth sphere

Cause he's fat


spoken like someone who hasn't seen him live. he's hysterically funny

He's become a crushing bore since he had a kid and won't shut up about it. I listened to the podcast once when it started and couldn't stand him. His fake tough guy act is just the worst. That fucking waddling penguin fuck couldn't kick my mom's ass, though he did do a number on his own knee.

Anybody remember his HI-LARIOUS "angry baby" bit? Fucking vomit.

Unlike Opie, Bobby is funny. Jump off a bridge viral spiral boy.

I was about to say something mean but I think he has become more sensitive these past couple of years. Love you Bobby.


Bob Kelly and Joe Derosa playing a PSVita on the podcast... Those were the good days.

Tech Talkkkk with Bobby and Joeeee

It is terrible. There's always way too many people on and everyone feels the need to speak at the same time. It was better when he first started it was bobby, punk ass joe derosa and maybe one other guest

Agree, and sure I'll get downvoted like hell for this, but I don't find LoS that great either. Feel like if they got rid of the audience, the visual element and cut down on the weed a bit, it'd be a funnier show. Maybe I'm just getting old.

I enjoy LoS most of the time, but I'm starting to get annoyed by the ball washing that goes on here. It's not THAT good.

I could never get into that clusterfuck of a podcast.

I thought the shitty guests were the problem until last week when bert kreischer hosted and it was the best show in I can't even remember how long. Bobby kills the funny with his self indulgent horseshit. There are a few specific people he likes or respects enough to let them bust his balls but if they're not on its going to be 2+ hours of pontificating dad Bobby.

blobby. good one.

Half the time he comes off like a dumber, louder, even more insecure Opie.

That's where you lost me. I've listened to both a shit ton, but what you're accusing of Bobby is unpossible for another human to achieve.

Bobby and 17 different open mic comics who shout, scream, interrupt, all trying to talk over each other at once.

You should have stopped there because it's so true. It's enraging that they all acknowledge this but also admit that they don't care and don't try to fix it.

I get that they know what they're doing is in the spirit of the cellar, and that the cellar has always been the soul of O&A. But it's Too Much Cellar for those of us who have never actually spent time at the Table. In that sense you have a point about the egos, but they're all guilty of it.

It's easy to see what led them all astray.

I haven't heard his podcast since like 2012, so I really cant judge. But the last episode I listened to, he spent 15 minutes talking about how he was too successful to lose weight, as he could afford to eat whatever and wherever he wanted, and the next 5 begging for donations to keep the podcast going.

It's annoying because if it was just Buddha and a guest it could be great.

He has interns?

You READ JZhon??

Yeah, he needs to stop propping up these shit comedians. Didn't Scopo start out as Bobby's Keith, now he's a comedian???

Just listen to Legion of Skanks.. It's a far better version of YKWD.

DUUUUDE ya know what DUUUDE you got your kidddd you got your stupid dogssss you got your podcast you named after something someone said about you because you don't have anything of your own to sayyyy you got ya coffeeeee go match the hatch duuuuuuuu

It's one of the finest podcasts out there. The two hours go by fast. The only part that can be tedious is that Bobby pontificates too much. But the rotating comedians he's assembled are interesting to listen to.

Every few weeks I'll go through the riotcast page and read through the guests list of each episode but for the past year or so it's almost always been about 7 people at once that I've either never heard of or I know aren't funny. It's too bad because it's a great show when it's just bobby and a couple other guys shitting on each other. Thank god for legion of skanks.

The intro music is terrible to. It's a supposed to be a conversation not a fucking WWE event

Bobby and 17 different open mic comics who shout, scream, interrupt, all trying to talk over each other at once.

I know dude, its fucking disgraceful because the podcast used to be good.

It drives me up a fucking wall because Bobby doesn't accept this criticism, when the podcast first started going to shit people voiced their concern, and in true douche fashion he ignored them and said its his show and do as he pleases.

Fuck Bobby that fat pig.

If he ever goes back to how the show used to be, with less than three guests, I might listen again.

I'd also listen if he did a show by himself, those shows were surprisingly good.

I wouldn't say it's garbage, but he rarely brings on the funny regulars anymore (Soder, List, Gomez, Kelly, etc). It's mainly just 7 people in a room talking over one another. Bobby being an obnoxious asshole used to be his character on the show (making fun of Kelly's accent, calling Louis a retard) but now he has become his own character.

When your show intros with "This is Opie from a lot of thingssssss" you know you're in for a big plate of dog shit

The two shows aren't even comparable, neither are the hosts. Seriously, man. We hate Opie here, not YKWD. I fucking wish O&J were half as funny as YKWD

Yep. It is utter shit and he is an annoying screaming asshole who can dish it out but cant take it.

I never have found him or Rich Vos particularly funny. They're competent as far as comedians go, but they've been the most frequent guests on the show for years. I must've listened to hundreds of hours of them in that time and they've barely ever made me laugh.

Listen to it once, realized he has women on it and immediately turned it off.

Yeah, women are icky. Only boys for for us, right sailor?

Holy shit you actually got upvotes for this. YUCK.

I honestly could have written anything. People just wanted to upvote something after reading the idiocy that you wrote.

Do you even realize what radio show's subreddit you are on? What a fucking moron you are. The battle cry of O&A has always been "women aren't good at radio, they shouldn't been put on mic just to fill in a diversity quota." Which Kathy was a perfect example of. Just a massive hole who doesn't understand funny, sitting in a seat just because she has a vagina.

But if you're the type of cuck who enjoys that type of show, by all means, listen.

You made a decision that you hated an entire podcast because you heard a female voice and since Opie and Anthony said that was bad you immediately turned it off, and I'm the fucking moron? Let me guess, you hate blacks and Democrats, love trannies and Kiss, and have mother issues and a Google alert for the FunnyMofo's Daily as well?


Once again, jumping into conclusions because you're hysterical PC cuckold. I don't have any feelings about Bobby's podcast, because I don't listen to shows with women on them. Women aren't funny on radio and it's been thoroughly explored and studied through jocktober and decades of O&A.

Don't attach your projections onto me just because I understand which gender funny emanates from. I tried to look for a compilation of Kathy's best lines on YKWD?, but surprisingly didn't find any. Went back to the new Jimmy laugh compilation to hear 40 diamond bullet lines by Ant. Push another downvote if it helps you sleep, cuck. I can take it.

Nothing of what I have said could be interpreted by a non-retarded person as hysterical or politically correct. I am not pro-woman, just anti /u/KenFrezno. I am sorry that the mere sound of a woman's voice on the radio reminds you of all those years of rejection from women. No one should ever have to hear, "ewww" from a lot lizard at an Arkansas truck stop.

Also, I didn't downvote you, you whiney idiot. But, since you are a such a man, I know you "can take it." Afterall, that has been your bathhouse rally cry for years.

10-4 good buddy.

Holy shit you are a genuine cuck. The shittiness of women in radio is as evident as your virginity in your white knight defense of any criticism of princess. Do you send fan mail to Kathy in hopes that she'll recognize you? I bet you're the type of guy who writes positive comments to women comedians to get some browny points in whatever messed up mental worship cult you're a part of.

Your only option to walk out of this without being left completely ass-devastated as you are is to produce ONE (1) clip of a woman contributing to a radio show who isn't Bonny.

Except that you can't, and that's why you won't respond anymore. Go for another ad hominem attack, you predictable bitch boy.

Holy shit, you are monumentally stupid. Never once have I defended Kathy, women in radio, or Bobby's podcast. Go ahead and quote me, show me where I have done any of those things. Oh, you can't? No shit. I'm starting to wonder if you even know what cuckolding or white-knight means, because so far you have used them wrong everytime you've tried. Nice job, stupid. Keep on embarrassing yourself. Its adorable that you think you are winning this argument and don't realize you are universally regarding as one of the dumbest posters in this subreddit.

10-4 Keep her between the ditches.

Right there to mouthfoam more. What a lunatic.

Didn't see a hotlink for a clip of a woman being funny, so I doubt you've ever heard one either. Go on dog, go fetch more points for your le ebic poltiically correct profile. At least I say what I feel, you say what you think you're allowed to feel. Cuck cuck cukkidy cuck.

I love how everytime I call you out on something you come back and accuse me of the same thing. I guess it's too much to ask someone with a show reference for a username to come up with something original. I'm still waiting for you to show me where I have defended women being funny, political correctness, or anything else your dumb brain has tried (and miserably failed) to accuse mr of. Seriously, go on, find one instance of any of the above. I'm waiting, stupid. The truth is, I honestly don't even know who Kathy is because I don't listen to YKWD.

Sorry to digress though, I'm waiting...

Still no link. What an obsessed zero. You might wanna follow the "Hi Opie!" guy, you guys would have tons to share.

I never said women were funny, stupid. Why would I try to find a link to prove something I never said, you delusional moron?

Still no link. What an obsessed zero. You might wanna follow the "Hi Opie!" guy, you guys would have tons to share.


Don't worry bro they chased that hole back to Australia so it's all good now


i think you mean fifth sphere

Dave's Luis J Gomez impression is one of the few things that gets me to laugh no matter how annoying it is in the flow of the show.