So over the past couple of days another bunch of cops got murdered and George Zimmerman did something stupid again.

0  2015-05-11 by Ant_Sucks

This shit happens every week. Anyone of you retards still think that "It's in the news" is a valid excuse for his show being a race ranting show? This happens all the fucking time. There's enough material to fill every 24 hour cable news program, not just Anthony's 2 hour podcast.

I will eat Lady Di's ass live on Meerkat\Periscope if Anthony can make it through the show today without talking about either of those cases and only talking about funny things that happened. Or just doing anything funny.


It has never been safer to be a cop. Between improvements in technology, all crime but identity theft going down to its lowest levels since the early 60's, and police tactics becoming more militarized and defensive cops are much safer now than they were at any point since the 1950's.

In 2014 there were 117 police deaths, in 2013 that number was 107, and in 2012 it was 126.

Compare that to the 1990's when the lowest number the whole decade was 140 police deaths in a year. And in the 1970's the lowest number was 192 deaths in a year and it was as high as 280 in a year. It's in the news more because people are becoming more aware of incidents because of technology and communication. It's not in the news more because it's some sort of epidemic.

George Zimmerman could actually be funny but this cop thing isn't a story because of the safety of the cops but rather the long overarching implications. I simply don't want to hear Ant's take on black and brown people for the one millionth time.

It's getting to the point where I don't even care about the human lives involved; I just want it to stop happening/world peace so Ant won't go off on it for hours and talk more about funny things.

Zimmerman is clearly a piece of garbage. Doesnt change the fact that lil piece of shit thug deserved to have a cap popped in his ass. As the kids say. If it wasnt fatso, it woulda been one of his homies.

Nobody cares.

About your shitty repetitive threads, yes. Your Ant obsession is creepy. Die faggot.

U mad.

Butthurt memes.

Did you seriously take the effort to click the downvote button before telling me I'm butthurt? LOL. KennethFresno, you sir, are a fucking faggot.

Lol u mad.

heh heh heh you really can't flim-flam the Zim-Zam! You know what I'm saying, playas?

hahaha I'm sure that Faux News Cumia will have something to say about this. If only Patrice Clarke Duncan were here to put him in his place...

Faux News

End your life

You're either a minority or a child, valid reasons beyond your screen name to ignore your thoughts entirely.
