Opie's issues with his mom?

0  2015-05-11 by maddawg4

I've heard Opie mention issues with his mom on numerous occasions but I have never heard him mention what the actual issues are. Why is he so angry or sad about her?


She shares opies selfishness and narcissism as well as being a Me Me Me Person....they also both have tits

Turns out Opie was the bad egg and his mom is actually a saint on earth.

HOLD ON.... Opie has issues with his mom?

She didn't want in badly, so Opey had an issue with it

Ironically her narcissism and selfishness. For a guy who responds to every tweet with "ME:" it's kind of funny.

I'm surprised the obvious joke about inheriting breasts hasn't popped up yet.


Anthony has similar issues but he is not man enough to talk about Alzheimer's