Does it annoy anyone else when people describe alcoholism as a disease?

0  2015-05-10 by Lilcumia

Especially when there are actually non-preventable diseases. It's just a lack of will power. Odd.


It can go beyond just a lack of willpower. It can become physical dependence, where the withdrawal can literally kill you. There are also addictive personalities much more prone to seeking this shit out.

But yeah....the whole disease thing can take it a little too far sometimes. Even the lifelong step meeting people can be annoying.

Did this post come about from something Jimmy said?

You're retarded

Tell us about your relationship with your mother.

You're attempt at trolling is so transparent, it should be in a roadrunner cartoon.

Only when people claim to have it because they got drunk and prank called a Caldor, when they were 15

So what are your symptoms?

Oh, I get real happy. I also find it easier to talk to people and occasionally I'll meet a girl with the same disease as me and take her home and fuck her.

As far as diseases go though I think I got the best one. It's the only disease where you get to drink booze all the time. In fact, that is the disease.

Who's bit is this? I know i've heard it but can't put a face to it.

Wait until it gets to the point where your life is spiraling downward.....and when you try to stop, you go into seizures or worse. It gets to the point where the alcohol is no where near fun, but becomes something you force down your throat to ward off withdrawal.

It's a Norm McDonald bit, Mr. Solemn and deadly serious.

So at the risk of interrupting your didactic moment, I get it. The longer you continue to drink, the more your body manufactures neuro chemicals to counter the sedative effect of booze. Remove the booze suddenly and your brain goes nuts. I've seen one of my best friends Sean collapse with massive seizures within hours of going cold turkey. He was in the hospital for 3 days.

But that doesn't equate to 'alcohol is a disease'. So if a wife decides to slowly poison her husband with hemlock or some shit, does that mean he had a disease? No. Essentially alcoholics are slowly poising themselves voluntarily.

There is no other disease that doesn't have an inherent physiological component. I believe there is a genetic predisposition to compulsive behavior but that isn't the same thing. Someone with bowel cancer can't just stop eating chocolate cake all the time and have it go into remission.

Sorry I don't know every fucking comedic bit in the book. One of my other comments also stated that I think the disease part is a bit exaggerated. But oh well.

I probably overreacted to being down voted for no apparent reason. Hugz.

It was called "the disease" by early 20th century Irish immigrants. You probably have plenty of actual neurological diseases to concern yourself with though.

Man-made things, in this case drinking like a goddamn drunk, can indeed be considered a disease.

"Jews and niggers are a disease."

- Joe DeRosa

It is a disease you dunderhead.

Anthony Cumia is a sloppy alcoholic, thats all I know.