Tsss his fawkin pekkahs a donut or somethin

8  2015-05-09 by capnlumps


That episode was terrible. His show has become unwatchable for me.

I was just waiting for the punchline at the end... it was sad when I realised he was serious.

I felt the same way, just waiting for the funny moment, but it never came.

He cut his dick off in this episode to please his feminist fans.


People definitely get very pretentious about it but I like the show. It's not laugh out loud funny or anything but it's good some of the time.

There are definitely times when it gets pretty stupid or preachy like the stupid conversation with the cashier but other times I like it so idk I'm split a lot of the time. Definitely not the greatest thing ever made like /r/louie seems to think.

You just don't get it, maaaahn

a lot of them are