Haven't listened to an entire O&J show for a while, is SXM still remodeling the studio?

0  2015-05-08 by daterapebandit

So is O&J doing the show right now from a different "temporary" studio for the time being? Because after they're done remodeling I will LOL my fucking balls off if Jenny McCarthy's show moves into the new studio permanently and O&J's temp studio now becomes their new perm. home.


The only justice will be for them to be unceremoniously dumped from that new studio, if not thrown off the channel outright, in 2016 for some upstart to take the studio.

K m

That's as likely as the pedos "Manhattan studio."

Aww shit

Even I'm assuming the new studio is actually a 250 square foot apartment where there's a toilet in the kitchen.

SXM gave Opie both a raise and a new studio. They are in a temp studio for another 10 days. Cumia remains in the basement, as do his sycophants.

I love Ant but have no problem admitting that TACS is pretty lackluster. You don't have to be a sycophant to recognize Opie's profound lack of talent and SXM's consistently poor judgment.