Upvote to get Patrice Documentary made. Also donate. cross-post this everywhere (x-post /r/charity)

0  2015-05-08 by Weed_n_Wisdom


i cant wait for this patrice is a legend

As soon as Opie mentioned he was going to make up the difference anyway, -everyone just stopped contributing.

/looks at Sidebar pic...

sidebar pic changes per page load. I don't listen so I didn't know that

So is opie not going to contribute?

I only know that the donations pretty much ground to a screeching halt the day he said that even if they didn't raise the full amount he would kick in the rest...

The project hasn't taken in any money since then lol...

He donated 10k under anonymous. He made a comment about it on twitter or something. Regardless, the project is listed as "flexible funding" meaning they don't need to reach their goal to receive the money that was pledged so far.


this documentary is a scam were not contributing we've been over this