0  2015-05-08 by TradeA_BJ_4A_Lobster

That Anthony, even with all his money and funny, could only get a girl who gave a blowjob for a lobster to an intern. Then he had orgies with his wife and said lobster girl. Then he had a nine year relationship with said lobster girl.

Way to go you ugly cretin.



How's the weather in Philly?

I dunno, go to www.msn.com/weather you dumb shit.

Who uses MSN...?

alot of people you idiot.

*a lot

Exactly bitch, its a huge website and i just embarrassed you, deal with it.

I bet your Internet Explorer favorites pane has such favorites as MSN Weather, America Online, and Ask Jeeves


LOL, your the idiot who cant admit that opie is doing better without ugly ol cumia! What a dumbass.

If you're going to call someone an idiot, Benjamin, get basic grammar right.

Are you Opie? That's the only reason there should be this much butt hurt from you faggot. Otherwise go outside. Get a hobby. Masturbate if you can't get laid. Opie sucks you suck and this troll post sucks.

Uh Oh, looks like i struck a nerve!

Coming from the guy who still plays command and conquer? LOL

wtf is command and conquer...?

im not a gamer.

lol, you got all embarrassed about it!

I barely care about the stories of the girls my friends fuck, let alone pseudo niche celebrities.

What is wrong with you?

And do you say the same when people talk about opies wife? Kids? Family? No, you DONT. Stop being a hypocrite, start being objective. Or is that the way people in your country behave?



If you want a block from the douche bag it's a guarantee to get the job done lmao

hey /u/ricardo_von_nicht why dont you tell this guy that you dont care who the father is of a pseudo celebrity's son?

I know why you wont, because you only say that if someone insults your lord and savior you fucking hypocrite.

lol, its not my fight dummy. I ll leave the internet evangelism to you

if it isnt your fight, than why didnt you feel the need to make it your fight for my post? Why? Because you are a hypocrite and i just proved it. Have some class and stop acting like a loser.

if it isnt your fight, than why didnt you feel the need to make it your fight for my post

This line made no sense.

Alright dummy, im logging off. Come at me next time.

It made plenty of sense. You chose to make it your fight when cumia was insulted and ONLY when he gets insulted you hypocrite. Stop pretending like your objective, you arent.

Benjamin, you truly are a fucking moron.

Ok, now Im sure this is Ben.

And do you say the same when people talk about opies wife? Kids? Family? No, you DONT.

Dont presume to know what I think. BUT, whenever those posts were made, and were funny, I chuckled. Unlike yours which reads like a sensationalist tmz article..

Exactly. You DIDNT say anything like that when they said recycled shit about opie. Take your hypocrisy back to your queen loving shithole of a country.

Exactly. You DIDNT say anything like that when they said recycled shit about opie

Re read my comment history dummy.

Take your hypocrisy back to your queen loving shithole of a country.

Try again

I dont have to do shit. I know you didnt say shit because i read this sub. You got caught being a hypocrite and now youre embarrassed. Deal with it bitch.

Benjamin....we miss the "sir". Could you please incorporate that back into your stupid comments? Maybe pepper it with a little "you seem confused" and "CHECK"??

I remember him saying he couldnt use his "catch phrases" because he would get banned or something. Ill forward your request.

If the idiot had a brain, he would realize that the catch phrases were not the problem.

Find a vagina, Benjamin, and stick your useless cock in it.

benjamin is married silly

I support gay marriage, don't you worry fag boy.


There should be a week wait on new accounts being able to make posts.

Little bitch cant take it huh?

Still better than you'll ever do, virgin.

Sorry bro, im married to a classy broad. Do better mkay?

Sure, I'll play. What anime character do you like to pretend to be married to? Your "waifu" if you will?

i said do better, that isnt better.

Now, now. You didn't answer my question. That's very rude. What would your pretend wife say about your behavior?

Still not better, just pulling the old "youre a virgin" gag. Be creative.

Are you using your wife's account?


She's a whore.

how dare you

I don't mean that to be insulting.

Did she enjoy my lobster?


Broad? What a strange name for a man. You are a faggot, Benjie.

It's really quite beautiful when you contrast the pure spleen venting rage filled rants about the billions of ways Opie shows himself to be a completely talentless, petty and stupid person who ruins the experience for the listeners against these awful forced attempts to do the same to AntH. 'He.....he...he had relationship difficulties in the past!' 'He had acne in the 1970s!' 'He's not really as happy as he seems!' Oh well I guess that puts him and the Opster on exactly the same level.

Opie has a new studio, a raise and a nice family. Anthony is a dysfunctional substance abuser. End of story dumbass, go back to the basement.

Great point. Whoever heard of a dysfunctional substance abuser being a great entertainer? What clearly matters to an audience is that the guy they're listening to is clean and sober with a swell family and a healthy paycheck. Tell us again how we're all sad individuals who are obsessed with the personal lives of people we don't know.

Benjamin talking to himself again.

Ant IS human garbage. That is all. Keep paying 7 bucks for shit content you dumbass.

That's terrific

thank you

The Turkey Noise!

Opie should star in his own Turkey Call reality show, Cuck Dynasty.


Lol I don't know why I believe this but I do.

Didn't you get the memo? We can only make fun of the Opster and Yimmy here.

Thats seems to be the case.

See when it goes the other the "we're jocktobering the show" flies right out the window and you're a faggot for not following along.

exactly, fucking hypocrites.

And do you say the same when people talk about opies wife? Kids? Family? No, you DONT. Stop being a hypocrite, start being objective. Or is that the way people in your country behave?

if it isnt your fight, than why didnt you feel the need to make it your fight for my post? Why? Because you are a hypocrite and i just proved it. Have some class and stop acting like a loser.

LOL, your the idiot who cant admit that opie is doing better without ugly ol cumia! What a dumbass.