The account I've been using for four years was shadow banned due to posting here.

0  2015-05-08 by [deleted]

Just something to be aware of. I had my account, truthie, for 4 years. Had over 14,000 karma, and I was shadow banned sometime this week. This is the main sub I post on, and I'm certain I was banned because of my comments here. The crackdown is coming!

My only consolation is that I took cali_gunner down with me.


It was probably for "brigading" (visiting a crosspost and up/downvoting) and you can probably get your account unbanned. It's a really stupid fucking reddit rule because some people on here like to brigade. I was once shadow banned and all I had to do was ask to be unbanned, it was pretty easy but you do have to be polite. Here is a guide on how to get your account back. Edit-- wording

Yeah I've heard of that happening, but I didn't do any of that. I just got into an unpleasant (though funny to me) exchange with a user here and then was banned out of nowhere. The brigading thing at least kind of has a precedent. Being banned for teasing an asshole user is so much more arbitrary.

So did you even ask a mod? I really highly doubt your account was banned for an exchange with another user. I'm just sick of posts like this and the tinfoil hat brigade running around screaming reddit is hating on our subreddit. There are many other, way worse subreddits than this that get by unscathed.

And also, by-and-large, most people don't even know about that crosspost rule, and it is enforced seemingly at random.

It's an admin thing, not a mod thing, and yes I have a message into them. The exchange I mentioned is the only thing that was going on before the shadow ban, which is site-wide.

I know all about the crosspost downvoting. Not my thing, never has been.

Cali_gunner sucked. Gooood riddance.

What? You don't like Jeff Foxworthy memes?

ME: Of COURSE I do! I'm all in with the Foxworthy!

They will unshadowban if you ask nicely. Just say you fucked up. But you probably voted on something linked from here. Even if you don't think you did. They can tell you exactly what you did. You fucked up and won't do it again. No big deal.

truthie was a fag that added nothing to this subreddit. This place is better off with that cunt gone.

My only consolation is that I took cali_gunner with me.

Well that's one less annoying "This user is ignored, show anyway?" message clogging up my internets.

I truly hated that man.

Pretty good consolation.