In defense of George Wendt...

2  2015-05-08 by bdizzle45

It wasn't the "back to the book" interview they've been saying for a couple years now. Opie did try to ruin the interview from the start (after complaining that they always get canceled on by guests).

That being said, he was a bore.


he was a bad guest but he didn't really deserve to be on the receiving end of a Jim Norton intervention

No one does, you need to have experience before you talk like a beatnik with a tale of woe

Jim: So, you are known as a character that always went to a bar and drank. Now, you've written a book about beer. Do you have a drinking problem?

GW: I enjoy tipping a few back every now and then.

Jim: It just seems like much of your life is built around the bar and drinking. Now, there's this book about your favorite drinks. When I was 18, I hit rock bottom. I was drinking and doing drugs all the time...

The jump to conclusion that Jim made was obnoxious. Oh, you like beer? Are you an alcoholic?


jump to conclusion

He's lonely and wants people to look up to him like he opened their eyes. If he can't have fun with the rest of the world, he'll take the feeling of having "helped" people as a consolation. Unfortunately he has a tendency to force it and "help" people whether they need it or not.

Thinking - or needing to think - that everyone is essentially the same as you is a fairly common thing, admittedly.

Its because jim is a rehab/12 step worshiper its like a religion to him

I really thought Opie and Jim were being dicks during this interview.... I felt really bad for George. Jimmy sabotaged the interview when all they had to do is cancel his spot.

Jimmy's recovery obsession doesn't bother me as much as it does most people. It's usually easy to ignore. That was one exception. What a fun-hating cunt. It's not even that I care about Wendt or Cheers or expected the hacky "beer guy" to be a riot with just a little help. I think Jimmy was in a particularly shitty mood that day and felt like taking it out on someone.

George Wendt is a bore but things would of gone a lot better if Ant had been there. Opie is a shit interviewer. Aaakkkward.

i did always feel sorry for george, but i was entertained by how awful it was. and i rarely actually feel that way.

even so, that's an example of a guest that never should have been on the show.

George somewhat set the tone, but we all have mornings like that even if we're not hungover. It would've been a dull interview just because it's George Wendt but it was salvageable, AA Jim put the nail in the coffin. This is one scenario where I like Opie better, he was consciously being a douche meanwhile Jimmy is the typical brainwashed AA mascot.

I don't know if Jim should have grilled him but he really did come off like a sad drunk that day.


In the context of that day's show, Wendt's interview was directly after a 1.5-hour-long bitch session about how the singer from Stone Temple Pilots had cancelled (even then, this goddamn transfixion on alt-rock bands that were popular in 1993-98), so they were sort of looking for someone to slaughter at that point. Not defending what cunts O/J were to him, I'm jussayin'.