It took me long enough, but I finally realized that the "Destroyer" nickname was actually a years-long inside joke that referred to how Opie could kill the flow of anything funny on the show. Opie is still oblivious to this.

37  2015-05-08 by ryanasimov

Ed Asner was a master of subtlety so it flew over Opie's head, and Joe Rogan masterfully spun it so Opie thought it was a compliment. I can imagine Opie looking in his bathroom mirror later in the day, squinting his eyes and slowly nodding his head as he mouths, "The Destroyer... hell yeah."


You guys are basically writing Opie fan fiction at this point.

Fuck off. Other than the morning jam with jim and sam this is all I've got left.

OPIE FAN FICTION….ok pests, get at it! start writing your best fan fiction and send it to TACS!

Yuck, as if.

Totally groady!


Oh my god this is the greatest idea ever

He's a "destroyer" in the sense that he's the opposite of creative. Jim and Anthony could actually create comedy. All Opie was ever able to do was literally break things and be rude without any clever element whatsoever.

Exactly. I hate when people point to the Poker Chip incident as proof that Opie is funny. He just threw something and it was a funny way, but there's no comedic talent there. Same thing with hanging up on people or putting baby shit over his mouth. It's just "shocking" things that have no substance behind them...

I hate Opie, but the talent is that it takes some modicum of balls to do that/sociopathy, and Ant/ Jim weren't going to do that. It was honestly the one thing he added to the show that was good.

What Ed said: [calmly] "You are a destroyer."

What only Opie heard: [loudly and with reverence] "You are The Destroyer!".

Cocaine is a hell of a drug

that clip is an example of opie working, his asshole-ishness kind of smashes the social norms, i'll give him that, you see kids, you have to give credit when its due

Throughout today's nopie show it became very apparent that the chip chipperson character is heavily influenced by Opie.

Chip is: every person on this site or any fan who approaches Jimmy and thinks they are funny.

We are Chip. The sooner you realize that the better off you will be.

Not to defend Opie too much but Ed Asner is a cunt. He's always been a cunt, and he'll always be a cunt, and the only thing that's going to change is that he'll become an even bigger cunt.

On the day he was born, a person walked past his mother in labour and said "hey look, there's some cunt coming out of some cunts cunt"

I love Hudson in Gargoyles, and him playing that old fuck in Up. It makes it sadder to see how much of a delusional asshole fuck Ed Asner is.

I did like Up, that was a good movie (and depressing) but I'm just glad he didn't talk much in it.

He's a black ninja, fuckface!

You hear that, Bubba?!

