Brace for censorship: Reddit to begin focusing on creating a 'safe environment', cracking down on unfriendly subreddits ... Good thing we only promote kindness and hearty laughs amongst friends on this sub!

94  2015-05-07 by photonblaster9000


What a bunch of faggots.

and niggers

You could say faggot niggers with aids

I am offended by all this pleasant talk going on.

Reddit is turning into digg pretty quick with its popularity. I expect a new dominant one to emerge soon.

reddit used to be fun. the faggotry that is reddit is a recent thing, maybe over the past 2-3 years.

OP used to always be a faggot. Now you'll probably get banned for using the "F word." I put the blame on the faggot Millennials & SJW's who now look to take offense to everything, crusade for everyone's rights (except yours UNLESS your #lgbtqaa2lmnopxyzz,) and preach tolerance as long as your opinion is in line with theirs.

The days of having the right to be "offensive" are slowly dwindling away. Pretty soon humor as we used to know it will cease to exist, probably being replaced with grade-school type knock knock jokes and chicken-crossing-the-road type shit. It will always have its place, but enjoying it will brand you a racist, bigoted homophobe.

In a world where tumblrina's and SRS-cunts are winning, i feel my time is running out. I'm never going to respect anyone who identifies sexually as a plant or goat, who tells me to respect their pronouns before talking to them, or tells me they are a woman who's trapped in a mans body who's gender is male but is an asexual gender fluid. I'm pissed I even know what this shit is.

Like a poster a few down comments says, a new site will emerge, there's always gonna be /pol/ and a few others (stormfront j/k) who will never change. Welcome to the new norm folks, um, i mean otherkin, or wait shit sorry if i triggered anyone by using folks, implying that you identify as a human.

just die.

*grammer edits

what the

Holy shit. Its like you picked buzzwords out of a hat

i did, and the hat was from Ted's Hat Emporium.

if they don't let me say kike here, i will just say it in the real world

Shut up kike.

Excuse me but maybe think about those around you before you start spewing your hate

I'm banned from twitter. I plan on making reddit the second online community I get kicked out of. By the end of this month, I'll be known as the digital Jew. I'm going to be an oppressed nomadic minority.

I'm offended you don't think that I consider others when I make my kike remarks, you're not making this a safe place for me and I feel you should be banned, you kike.

Where did the word kike come from, originally?

kikel was the word for the symbol Jews used to sign their names on papers after arriving on Ellis island. Hence, the immigration workers manning the entry point would declare: "we got another kike here".

Would you like to know where the word nigger came from originally?

from where?

There was some black guy being a nigger

This entire exchange was lifted. Remarkable.

This thread has been linked to from another place on reddit.

If you follow any of the above links, respect the rules of reddit and don't vote. (Info / Contact)

fucking christ

Just because you can't understand the art that is Louis CK doesn't mean you should blindly hate. Gosh I feel like when Louie talks to his daughters about lifes greatest mysteries. Just dropping some knowledge bombs on your head.

This Generation is So Fucked. I Bet You Watch Lady GaGa Instead Of Louie

I can't tell who is fucking with whom where.

Yeah, I said whom, you motherfuckers.

Whom is a term gay men usually use.

Ugh. Can we ban this bot and the kike who x posted it?

And bring back Phillycrew bot!

This wouldn't get crossposted unless there was a fucking rat in here.

whole family is rats

More likely a troll.

That's the story, but it's a story.

What we know for sure is that "kike" was primarily an intra-Jewish insult used by Austrian- and German-descended American Jews against Russian and other marginally dusky-hued American Jews.

It's the Jewish equivalent of "country nigger."



If I'm not mistaken, nigger comes from niger, which is another word for black.

Thanks for that, Doesn't-Get-The-Joke Guy.


I hope Ellen Pao gets a sledgehammer up her cunt or sumthin

When this shithole inevitably gets shut down soon, "violent sexual imagery", even though it means fucking nothing, will be one of the reasons these dipshits use.

I googled her intending to say something horrible but she looks like a nice lady. Rats.

she sued her last company over some gender inequality bullshit right

Attempted to and got blown the fuck out!

she looks like a nice shovel

Create a safe space to encourage participation.

Embrace diversity of viewpoints.

Allow freedom of expression.

Be stewards, not dictators. The community owns itself.

So basically, they're just going to do the opposite and say that's not what's happening then? Most ungood, comrade...most ungood.

In closing, I'd just like to add, nigger, sand-nigger, kike, cunt, wop, mick, gyp, zipper head, abbo, redskin, beaner, wetback, camel jockey, porch monkey, chink, Christ killer, coon, coolie, cracker, dago, gook, flip, spear chucker, goy, haji, injun, honkey, jungle bunny, limey, mau-mau, paddy, paki, ooga booga, peckerwood, sambo, and monkey shine.

You forgot schwoogie

...that's a new one

I like how the blacks have more derogatory words in reference to them than any other race.

There's probably a reason for that.

shut up, nigger!

Let's play 'spot the jew' ... ^

Hey, it's not like I'm complaining, more to choose from.

You forgot "moon cricket".

As well as darkie.

and PECKAHS!!!!!

I feel like you're not being inclusive enough. What about us spiks.

Dont forget homo, faggot, queer and shit pusher!


Let's all invade the opie & Jim subreddit and fill it with deplorable content in hopes it gets banished

It's already full of deplorable content.


Well that's unfortunate. Reddit, and many subreddits actually have less censorship than 4chan. The dream is over!

Go to 8chan. It's like 4chan but good, and the moderation is very reasonable.

Go to 8chan.

suuuuuure ... that's a good site for file-trading ...

heh heh heh

I haven't seen any cheese pizza in my year or so there. Then again I don't look for that sort of stuff. It has the same policy to CP as 4chan does. Give it a try.

In all seriousness, I go on it all the time. There is no denying that they are much more lax when it comes to moderation though.

true. 4chan is moderation hell.

haven't been there in years, never really looked back.

There's some file trade boards... I hear.

Anyone can make a board on 8chan.

how do we get there?

holy shit

just google it ya fuck

The censorship on 4chan is hilarious though. For example on /k/ you can post pictures of kids blown up by ieds all day but if you post a picture of a girl with her nipple exposed you get banned because it is a "sfw" board. But in no way is reddit less censored than 4chan.

I want to see 'em make a sub-reddit called "Bowling for Behave".

Give me ten seconds

I understand you're trying to construct an argument but quoting Joe DeRosa isn't going to help matters.

Fucking lost it. Bravo.

Anyone supporting this is a dink, a blockhead, and a faggot cunt.

Ellen Pao is an androgynous looking chink that loves to love niggers solely for political and social currency. It's permanently disgraced itself with Papa-san.

You forgot to mention that her nigger husband is also a faggot that only became straight once they were married. They have also both sued their former employers for discrimination.

We need to work on a more inclusive way to say "Die in an AIDS fire"

"All asians, blacks, puerto-ricans, and dot heads should die in an AIDS fire"

diversity, nigga

So I guess we should start putting our affairs in order?

I hear people are moving over to in preparation.

Someone should get the mods of this sub to make a new one over there.

They seem to be decent mods, and at least don't fret over bigotry and opie-bashing.

Although, I'm still pissed from when they banned my Joe Derosa account.

I already made an opieandanthony sub over there. I don't mind giving it up to the mods that already exist.

Looks like someone already made one, not much there though.

Look, alls I'm saying is, what happened to Matthew Shepard was pretty funny.

And well deserved. At least he's in hell. God hates fags! I heard that at a funeral for a friend once. He was a soldier, and these people with colorful signs came out and started shouting that. I started thinking about what they were saying, and they were right. God DOES hate fags. So I pissed on my friends corpse and went and joined their church.

a little twist there at the end

Fucking faggot nigger kike cunts are trying to ruin our chances of becoming the #1 most bigoted subreddit.

I've always been disgusted by the liberal hive mind on reddit, and now its being promoted by the site itself; good heavens. is the alternative site people are going to

I'm a big ass liberal. Huge! This cracking down on shit sickens me. You can't do shit without someone being all butt hurt over it, and taking the joy out of everything.


Knew this would happen once they named that Asian cunt as CEO who sued just to keep her gay husband out of jail.

I feel that, with some extra effort, we could take #1 this time around.

America 2015: If you can't say something nice, lie.

They can't remove this subreddit. It was voted 2nd best in a groundbreaking study.

Wow, I somehow ended up in /r/blackladies and their view on this post, and they hate it too but for the complete opposite reason, they think there should be more censorship on reddit lol. I can't believe how ridiculous the entire thread is:

Please tell me that is a satire sub, please. I don't think I could stomach knowing that those kind of people actually exist in the thousands.

Read some of the posts on there... they're filled with blatant hatred for white people.

why did that link take me to /r/PopeyesChicken? weird ...


From the top post.

yeah we know black people cant be racist at all! oh hai

That LAST hypocritical bullet-point annoys me:

4) Embrace experimentation:

  • Don't let "that's the way it's always been done" be a reason.

  • Seek new ways to be better.

  • Be willing to try new things and fail.

  • But remember wheels don't always need reinventing.

Plus, "embrace" is a word used by menopausal women, fags, socialists, and Kashi cereal-box feminists.

This one's for you, Opie and Anthony subreddit:

All I can picture is dogs with nails in their head

I would bang her./

It's copy pasta from 4chan /k


I don't know if they'll actually go through with this, there was a lot of push back on the original post. If reddit tries to pull any fuckery I think many people will just opt to leave rather than stay for the PC circle jerk.

Reddit is already a pc circle jerk. The inside joking, pc/pg/SJW overall attitude, and girls and nerds just looking for "good clean fun and a nice laugh" are sickening

After the cry-baby weekend drama that put as much closure on O&A that we're going to get, the only reason I come back to this sub now is to enjoy the PC-free atmosphere. It's one of the few active subs that holds nothing back, but in a good not-r/greatapes kind of way.

I don't know if they'll actually go through with this, there was a lot of push back on the original post.

They couldn't care less about push-back or their audience. They are a bunch of San Francisco SJW cunts, lead by Ellen 'Wage negotiation is sexist' Pao.

If reddit tries to pull any fuckery I think many people will just opt to leave rather than stay for the PC circle jerk.

This kind of nonsense has been long in the making on reddit.

These people hold their ideology higher than business.

This wouldn't be the first time this happened. Look at Digg. Look at 4chan.

There is already a large wave of people moving from Reddit to

8chan is the new 4chan

Overall, if you think business acumen will override ideology-enforcing, you're in for a surprise.

I guess we'll see what happens, most people on reddit seem to be adamantly anti-censorship, a unilateral change would receive significant push back in my opinion. The one issue I heard about with 4 chan was gamergate related, I didn't know they want full SJW. But if they want to ostracize a good portion of their userbase by all means, g'head. I'll go back to just using the internet when I need a wank or an obscure movie.

True, but there was a ton of pushback when they stopped allowing the up/down vote counts, and they didn't change that back.

Censorship is a much more drastic change than the upvote/downvote counts. I think if they did go through with this a good amount of people would leave, I know I personally would.

So the death of reddit is already upon us? That's a shame. Why not just let the community police itself, and dictate how people act. Reddit is already annoyingly pg, progressive, and happy go lucky. This place is a pleasant deviation



This sub is the only place I feel alive anymore

Fuck you nigger

Perhaps computers should come with some sort of button that can remove negativity from the glowing portion.

RES already has an "ignore user" button. Maybe reddit is going to implement that? Lol, who am I kidding. They are going to ban subreddits and all the users within them.

What did you expect from Reddit? This place has always been a SJW magnet. Normal people just got away with being normal if they flew under the radar.

Earlier on it was much more related to science/technology/libertarianism

It's interesting to see how over time it has slipped into memes/childrens-humor/pop-culture/far-left politics/social justice


Welp, nice knowing you assholes.

fuck off fag

That was very rude. You are a rude man.

I'm a good boy. Take that back. Take it the fuck back.


Don't you ever talk to us like that again.

Ellen Pao should be deported and her boat should be sunk halfway back to fuckin Nigeria.

Well even if the sjw's ruin reddit and other websites there will always be 4chan, the place where everyone knows your name. Its faggot.

Meh, if this sub goes away I'll go hang out on the live video channel.

Is it sexual harassment every time we mention Opie's tits?

the red pill is also in a similar mindset...we'll see how its impacted

Relax guys.. This sub reddit is safe. We love niggers, kikes and beaners =)

Gj linking our sub to the thread retard

I hope all those niggers are holocausted.

What this is code for is no bad comments about Hilary Clinton. Ironic that libs run Reddit and they are all for free speech for themselves but not for others.

Did they take the post down? I don't see it on /r/blog anymore.

there's all kinds of fuckery afoot

The blog post is still up, if you can't see it here it is copied and pasted, with some formatting lost.

We're sharing our company's core values with the world Posted by the reddit admins at 10:10 |

reddit is almost 10 years old (just a month and a half away!). It’s been an amazing journey so far, and the next 10 years look brighter still. We’re growing quickly, and as a company, we’re now planning for the future. As we look forward, we’ve realized we want to define and communicate our principles to those joining us on this journey.

So we've articulated our company ideals in seven principles to guide our decisions and growth, to encourage us to abide by and measure our work against them. We also recognize that we may need to revisit and refine them as our company and circumstances evolve over time.

Creating these values was a broad and iterative effort that included company-wide discussions, employee-led committees, and open feedback forums. Because of this, every one of us can confidently stand by these values and commit to following them both in the way we operate internally and how we interact with the community.

We value privacy, freedom of expression, open discussion, and humanity, and we want to make sure that we uphold these principles for all kinds of people. We encourage all redditors to join us in protecting these values and making reddit a safe and positive community for everyone.

And so, without further ado, reddit Inc’s core values:

  1. Remember the human

Be authentic, passionate, and empathetic. Treat others as you would in person, and remember we all make mistakes. Champion diversity. Default to transparency, and when you can’t be transparent, be honest.

  1. Give people voices

Create a safe space to encourage participation. Embrace diversity of viewpoints. Allow freedom of expression. Be stewards, not dictators. The community owns itself.

  1. Respect anonymity and privacy

You are not required to share more than you are comfortable with. Having information doesn't give you a license to use it. Allow people to be as anonymous as they choose, including ourselves. Value the candor afforded by anonymity.

  1. Embrace experimentation

Don't let "that's the way it's always been done" be a reason. Seek new ways to be better. Be willing to try new things and fail. But remember wheels don't always need reinventing.

  1. Make deliberate decisions

Make all decisions within the framework of larger goals. It's better to make an unpopular, deliberate decision than to make a consensus decision on a whim. Consciously explore options and impacts of potential paths. Voice disagreement; acknowledge that dissension is okay.

  1. Be doers

Turn ideas into actions and get things done. Don't be paralyzed by the status quo. Find the balance between perfection and progress. Build for the future and leave things better than you found them.

  1. The spirit of Lambeosaurus embiggens us all

Work is better when you're having fun. Don't take ourselves too seriously. Celebrate the good: recognize successes and reward accomplishments. There must be four subpoints to each value. We are proud to share our values with the world, and they are now also displayed on our about page and linked to in our footer.

This reads like something straight out of a high school newsletter.

Be doers

Turn ideas into actions and get things done. Don't be paralyzed by the status quo. Find the balance between perfection and progress. Build for the future and leave things better than you found them.

I can't believe this is a company that is remotely near facebook in terms of popularity.

I bet all those unfuckable fat cunts jerked each other off to this and came a diverse rainbow of smugness.

By the way, here is a video of that fat cunt mod.

Give people voices

Create a safe space to encourage participation. Embrace diversity of viewpoints. Allow freedom of expression. Be stewards, not dictators. The community owns itself.

welp, doesn't take a genius to read between the lines on this one ...

Yes it is retarded and completely contradicts itself. Not a surprise, 99% of this site is an absolute shithole.

Embrace diversity of viewpoints

Unless I think you're wrong




These types of things always "need" to be cracked down upon because humans are garbage


As soon as celebrity's and politicians start publicly saying they go on Reddit all the time, the end is near. Reddit will have the parking space next to Digg. Fuck you and your faggot safe environment you bunch of Kike loving niggers. Suck a dead baby's dick!

We better find a reddit replacement pretty quickly

wow I just went there. Why does anyone stay here???

I recall the burning of books (ideas) worked out great when it was tried in the '30s. Good thing SJW's are here to protect us. #banbossy

Hopefully Ellen Pao and the rest of the Reddit team take a page out of the Aaron Swartz playbook.

This isn't even the fun kind of fascism.

Hhhhahahah I told you guys and you down voted the shit out of me everytime. I told you this is a safe hugbox meme shit fest where nobody wants to create any crazy content. On 4chan you have a guy going into a catacomb to take pictures of his erect cock inside a human skull, on Reddit you have SJWs shutting down anything they don't like. It was fun while it lasted, but it's time to move on.

If you think 4chan isn't just as bad now as Reddit you must be out of the loop

As long as genuine weirdos are posting their piss bottle collections with timestamps it's better than Reddit.

Your piss impresses nobody.

Exactly, it isn't for normal people like you. You're supposed to groan and turn the site off. The less of you browse the sites I browse, the better the content becomes.

Any pic of that cock in a skull? I've run out of fap material.




Gamergate is so gay. Similar shit happens all the time but everyone cares because its video games


Its not though. Obsessing over game journalism is just childish.


I am 19

I bet.

What does that mean?


A. Why would I lie about that? B. This is not really political its about how I think arguing about "video game journalism" is immature.

Edit: also we probably have similar political views I just don't give a shit about video games


Stop trying to act intelligent you faggot


I literally have no idea what youre talking about


You literally sound like a child. If you're not also a teenager I'm sorry

This means absolutely nothing coming from someone not old enough to drink.

That's completely irrelevant

No it isn't.

Great point faggot

Lol random insults.

Alright I've had enough of this retarded argument.

There was no argument. You are 19.

Are you trolling or are you just an unlikeable cunt?

edit: also I guarantee you're like three years older than me


You posted in a thread about a website's rules in an shock jock radio thread whining about mean things bloggers said about video games. Then you bragged about being mature. Kill yourself


Great point that means you must be really mature. I'm sure everyone in your life respects you


I'm deleting reddit I have better things to do than argue with manchildren


Reddit will slowly die and we will move on to the next free speech-like forum. It's inevitable with all things that get too popular

it's already happening

They're doing this to clean up the neo-Nazi militia subs and stuff like that which are using Reddit to recruit and incite violence. There's been a big fuss about it lately and Reddit doesn't want to be liable for that. A sub like this is safe. They're not gonna start banning the n word.

They're doing this to clean up the neo-Nazi militia subs and stuff like that...

Well, there goes the TACS subreddit.

wink wink

You just did, you nigger.

No, I'm just not a racist.

It's about time.

Excuse me but maybe think about those around you before you start spewing your hate

You forgot to mention that her nigger husband is also a faggot that only became straight once they were married. They have also both sued their former employers for discrimination.

No, I'm just not a racist.

