The Top Five Excuses People Make For Anthony's show sucking - DEBUNKED

0  2015-05-07 by Ant_Sucks

1) "He just needs a better producer. Keith sucks. If only Keith didn't suck then Ant's genius would shine through."

Keith does suck, but Ant hired him. This is who Ant thinks produces a good show. If Gordon Ramsay hired a chef who pisses in the soup, and your soup tastes of piss, who's fault is that, the SoupPisser or the man who puts a SoupPisser in charge of making your soup?

2) Ant can't fire Keith. They're best buds. Ant's loyalty is what's stopping his genius from shining through.

Ant had best buds before Keith... Now look what he does to them.

3) He just needs a cohost. It's the lack of a co-host that's stopping his genius from shining through.

Ant believes his show is worth paying for without a co-host. Do you disagree with Ant? Is Ant stopping Ant's genius from shining through?

4) He just needs an NYC studio to get all the good guests. It's the lack of an NYC studio that's stopping his genius from shining through.

He only lives 50 miles from Manhattan. People travel all around the world doing tours. People will travel if it's worth it. It's not worth it. It's just as much of a pain to commute around NYC from gig to gig. Why would an NYC studio make a difference if nobody is listening?

5) He's only talking about what's in the news. It's the news that's stopping Ant's genius from shining through.

It's always in the fucking news. There's always something that will trigger a rant from Anthony. The day it isn't in the news will be a newsworthy event.


The biggest reason is because he's ugly and unwatchable.

It's amazing to me the rationalization that goes on with Ant fan boys. And don't get me wrong, I like Ant and used to subscribe to TACS. He did some really good shows during the time I subscribed. But the level of delusion with some of his hardcore fans is incredible. Guess I'm just not used to being exposed to fanatics. It's just weird that grown men will act like this over another grown man. Maybe some of you are just insecure and you see a part of yourself in Ant, idk. It's faggy for a grown man to act like this, though.

Just for having slight criticisms over Ant or his show you'll get dismissed as loving Opie (which I don't, I hate him), or being Jewish or being liberal. I'm neither of those as well. Coming from people who have a victim complex over the liberal media and being dismissed as racists or bigots, the hypocrisy is palpable because they do the same dismissal to others without any amount of critical thought.

See how this post is just floating into obscurity? That's about what is going to happen to TACS if he doesn't pull his head out of his ass. I finally cancelled my sub two days ago. The show is BORING!! Rarely funny and produced HORRENDOUSLY!!

Keith is a terrible producer. He's already reached OPIE levels of douchiness. It feels exactly the same as when I first heard O&A and always would yell "SHUT THE FUCK UP!..Why are you even there?" at my radio. He's worthless, the show is pretty much a wash. Studio or not, it won't save this turd.

Ant work's best with other people to bounce off of. By himself? MEH... I'll leave it. Prime example was him on Legion Of Skanks the other night. He was great and worked great with those guys. He should get them in four days a week.. I'd pay 14 bucks a month for LOS w. Cumia. TACS as it is now, sucks shit. He has become Sam Rothstein and it's embarrassing at this point.

He should (but is too much of a pussy) demote or fire Keith from the producer job, have him just handling the website and other TACS business, get a real producer with some talent booking experience. Someone needs to beat it into his head, that what made O&A great and what made him great, was him.. in a room full of other funny people, ripping each other and everything that got in their way, a new asshole.

YKWD, LOS, JRE, SDR etc etc are all better than TACS & O&J, and the best thing about them (besides being funnier than TACS) is that they are FREE!!

Same here, I don't even listen to the show anymore, but I've already paid for the next 4 months so I still see it show up on my podcast feed.

The best of the week podcast is more than enough and that's dtill pretty shitty.

I love ant, but old o&a clips are enough of him tbh.

username ...

i cant wait to watch ant unravel, i mean can you even imagine what will happen to him in 5 years?

Not without a liver transplant.

Pißwasser, this is beer! Drive drunk off a pier!

This is accurate. The excuses keep getting made. Ant could sit in front of a mic for 4 hours and be hilarious. Its funny but meh

Are you saying the show can't get any better or won't cuz he won't fire that retarded cop?

I wish Keith's gun would go off in his face when he's cleaning it. That would be the funniest episode yet.



i'm not sure what you mean by #2

Very Accurate

As polarizing as the mean people, and autistic Opie haters are, I'm turning over a new leaf guys! No more negativity from This guy! I will not fight with anyone anymore, I will not bash Ant (which I only ever really did to balance shit out). From here on out I will only bring positivity to this sub and your downvotes will not effect me

Eat shit

I know you're really extreme and crazy on here man so I'm not gonna mess with you. Have a good night man, just try and be more positive

die in a fire kid

Please drive blindfolded on the L.I.E. on the way home tonight. Whistle a Harry Chapin number while you're at it.

and I'm paul!

Another delusional Cumia white knight. Face it dude you're not going to get invited to the compound

I think you missed the point of this thread.

after further review you are right i just felt like trolling

Whatever you were doing was not trolling you retard.

You are one dumb coon