How many subs do you think TACS has to date?

0  2015-05-07 by tailnail

I subscribed from day one, but always wondered how many subscribers Anthony actually has. I still like Anthony's show, but now that O&J's awfulness has become a "thing" its nice to tune in now and then to hear a train wreck.


It's hard to say i am going to say 10 thousand or less because it is a percentage of o and a listeners, and i think probably only 100 thousand or less listens to o and a.

Probably at least 500 at this point.

"Perhaps even more than that, sir!"

An Ant fan boy argued in the last LoS stream chat that Ant has 150,000 subs. He really believed this.

Anyways, I think he has around 12k subs. Didn't someone get the web traffic numbers for and the average number of unique visitors around the time of any TACS show was around 6,000? That combined with the fact that not everyone listens live, the subs to TACS on reddit, activity on twitter, I think around 12k is a good estimate.

Tacs has under 5000, and rapidly plummeting.

Less than this subreddit because he hasn't called Burr and he didn't heed Ronnie B's advice. Did I mention that he hasn't called Burr yet?

What does Burr have to do with anything?

He got this black wife u see

Just the female ones under 20 with daddy issues.

12k is confirmed

I don't listen live, and I don't visit I download the show audio to Beyond Pod and listen to it at 1.7X speed, so I don't think that counts as web traffic, would that be correct? If many people are doing this, maybe there are more than 12,000 subs. I would like to think so.

Why? You enjoy chipmonk cumia?

I'll say between 15k and 20k.

12 to 15k subscribers would give him 72-90k per year in listener subs alone so I think it's a bit higher. Even Jim (with no reason to lie) has said Ant makes more now than he did at SXM.

*per month

Yes, thank you. I'm a dope.

Jim is relayng what ant said though , and that may have been the case when he debuted.

He got this black wife u see