A Written Transcript of Scorch's PFG TV Monologue from 5-2-15

1  2015-05-06 by [deleted]

First of all, have you guys heard there are more water restrictions going on here in California? Many of them are having such an impact. For instance, they just renamed Splash Mountain... "Just A Spritz Mountain."

Did you guys hear about this? Iron Chef Bobby Flay and his wife have separated - you know what I mean. I have a funny feeling Bobby and Gianna might have a little something going. But let me put it in terms Bobby will understand: when u cheat on your wife -- allegedly cheat on your wife -- it is usually a "recipe for divorce."

A new survey found that a growing number of millennials want to work from home and get more time off... Of course the first step toward that would be getting out of mom and dad's basement.

Oh, and this is sad -- very, very sad. Anytime we talk about anything negatively happening to cannabis, weed, herb, pot. A fire burned down Seattle's very first legal commercial growing operation. They say it took about 45 firefighters and 87 pizzas to put out. There's still a lot more. None of the firefighters were overcome by smoke despite numerous attempts to be overcome by smoke.

And that's what's going on. Let's do some television, shall we?