Do you think they will come a point where Ant will say "fuck it" and do his show for free.

0  2015-05-05 by Lilcumia

The biggest thing hurting TACS is that it can't be viewed for free and this means anyone who doesn't know of OnA won't see it. He enjoys broadcasting so I don't see him quitting and he can still make money from sponsors. Ant could have a killer week and it won't help promote him. So basically is the subscription based model hurting the show more than helping it? Discuss


It just struck me recently, wasn't it dumb that he made the Greggshells episode free?

Isn't that the one show you wouldn't want to make free?

Like how many people would've subscribed for a month just to see that episode?

That's like HBO making Game of Thrones free to lure people into paying for the rest of HBO.

It would be more like HBO making one episode of Game of Thrones free. Or like how AMC made the first two episodes of Better Call Saul free online

Not really. Maybe if the one episode they made free was The Red Wedding.

And Better Call Saul was a new show they wanted to garner interest in.

If Ant had made the first week free that would've made sense.

Yea, good point

More like making one episode free of The Wire in season 3 to attract new viewers. It just wouldn't work.

That show really is overrated.

Are you retarded? It's a great social commentary and based on what's been happening in Baltimore it's even more relevant. David Simon was ahead of his time.

Nope, I just found it extremely one dimensional and most characters boring.

Extremely one deminsional with bad characters? You're literally the only person to ever say that. People have said it's to slow for their taste but one deminsional? There's like 25 different plots happening at once and most of the characters are remembered to this day and alot them are people's all time favorites.

I have a unique opinion on a bad show Im surprised people think is good. Who gives a care?

Apparently you cared enough to let me know when I simply was just making a reference about the show. Nighty, night.

Oh shit burn. I'll never get over that one

Huh? Jim stop trying do hard.


Silicon Valley

As long as people keep subscribing, it will continue to be a paid service. If people cancel or refuse to renew their subscription, then he may have to change that.

...but that's exactly what's been happening. His numbers got to be dwindling.

Not dwindling to the point where it makes sense to make it free. A free podcast won't get him more money than a paid podcast.

Honestly there are formats out there to make money and still keep your podcast free. However it would require Anthony to actually leave his house, and we know that's not happening. He should look into doing some live shows with a crowd.

you base that on nothing.

Says a guy that's constantly making assumptions about Opie and his show.

Just pay attention to this sub. People aren't satisfied with TACS. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out, and anyone can put 2 and 2 together. Dissatisfied people equals fewer subs. Anthony has a very niche show and it's just not viable right now.

Maybe yes, maybe no, but you have nothing proving you have any insight into the number of subs.

The numbers are dwindling. Look at the number of people who have come here and admittedly dropped subs.

Anthony is relying to heavily on the backbone and success of Opie and Anthony and that's just not enough to sustain a new show for very long. You need people coming here saying their signing up. When's the last time you saw that? Immediately after Anthony was fired and that's it. He's losing subs and not replacing them. That's really bad news.

And if you have anything better to counter my argument id like to see it but so far all I see is alot of people complaining about its quality. People don't do that in numbers if they enjoy what you provide.

Ok, but it did take you 3 posts to get cite anything relevant.

No not really you're just an idiot.

He has hour long best of clips on youtube every week, which is almost like getting 1/8th of the show for free. It's audio only though.

I don't like that you ended your sentiment with "discuss," like a bad teacher lesson planner.

So..."talk amongst yourselves?"

that might be a tough thing to swallow if pride gets in the way, but it will likely happen. I don't see how his sub numbers could increase just through word of mouth, but I wish him luck.

If the show was funny i would have no problem paying the monthly fee

Name a successful paywall podcast for me. Even the huge free ones just really serve as marketing for live shows or other merchandise.

How can he do a show for free and rely on sponsor money? How much do you think he's getting from Mangrate, penis pumps and cardboard box pickup companies?

How can Adam Corolla do it? How can entire networks of podcasts do it? More from advertisers, paid bonus content, free standard content. It's done everywhere.

Corolla has been on tv for a long long time as well as radio.

He censors himself.

Adam Carolla doesn't go on racist rants every night on twitter then on his show, buy ipads for 13 year old girls, get fired for being "racist" and doesn't go on white supremacist shows. Carolla also does a million other things to make money-he had 2 movies come out in the past 4 months and does standup and has a tv show.

The company that was making ant's merch dropped him because they found out he did a kkk-type show, what research do you think a company that will pay the amount of money that ant needs to survive, will do?

Then he has to pick - do a free show and make money from advertisers or bonus features and subscribers, or continue to have a shrinking paid listener base and say less stupid shit and don't lose advertisers. Ant is in control of what he does, but may be overestimating how much people want to listen to his rants.

I think he'll go into panic mode in August when an enormous chunk of his subscriber base doesn't renew.

And he's not going to get any new ones any time soon either. Face it. He's got all the subscribers now that he's ever going to get.

Here you are again nigger, imma set my watch

That's just hurtful.

I hope so keeping it behind a paywall is fucking retarded and I can understand how he doesn't want to have to censor himself for sponsors but I think its better to not lock the cock of your show into a tiny little cramped cuck cock cage in terms of reaching people in the viral web 2.0 gay shit world. His shy is all fucked up, he could be more than a niggermania forum celebrity. There is only the hail mary of Ant and Jim left.

Do you speak like this in real life? "A tiny little cramped cuck cock cage" and "lock the cock?"

...but that's exactly what's been happening. His numbers got to be dwindling.

No not really you're just an idiot.