Why not more Jim Norton hate?

0  2015-05-05 by RickMirer3

By reading this subreddit it is obvious that:

  1. The majority of Anthony's fans hated Opie and thought that he was untalented and had zero role in the show's success whatsoever.

  2. Jim Norton is funny when paired with Anthony.

  3. Ant needs a co-host.

Combine this with an obvious fact: Jim Norton signed his current contract with Sirius XM to do a show WITHOUT Anthony Cumia, and with Opie instead.

Yet people here are pissed at Opie.

If I was a Cumia fanboy I would be thrilled with Opie right now.

Here's why:

If Anthony's conspiracy theory paranoia (of which he has presented no proof) that Opie "didn't fight for him" to stay on the show, thus putting the final nail in the coffin, then Opie essentially ended O&A, giving Cumia fans what they always wanted: a chance to hear their favorite host without the albatross who did absolutely nothing to contribute to Ant's success and only made the show worse...that being Opie.

Not only that, but Jim Norton was also free to join Anthony, thus giving the Anthony fans even more of what they really wanted: Ant & Jim.

But Jimmy chose to stay.

For a gig that is his secondary source of income.

So my question is, why the hate directed at Opie, and not Jim Norton?

Opie gave you guys what you want...a chance to hear Ant without even having Opie in your entertainment world.

If anything, you should hate Jim. He's the one that could have gone over to Ant and given you guys everything that you want.


I hate them all equally!

This I can get behind.

Jim is a fame whore.

Jimmy is Ant's last chance of having a good show

Jimmy made it pretty clear the biggest factor in signing was convenience. He wouldn't have to change anything in his life and he wouldn't have to drive to Long Island every day. I wish he would have left, but I can't blame the guy.

Who gives a fuck.

You are right to an extent.....however, he is suffering a tremendous punishment by having to sit across from the Sniffing Tits for the next year and a half. He loves doing chip and Paul, and it is painful to listen to it get less than nothing from Opie. Its as if Jim didn't even speak and it happens all the time.

Because Jimmy is a sweet boy trying to make the best of a fucked up situation.

why not more Norton hate? at least for it is because what he does doesn't annoy me as much as what Opie does. Hate isnt a tangible thing that has to be divided amongst the show members.

I kinda did hate Jim for not joining Ant. I thought that would have been the right thing to do and would have made for a way better show and I strongly wish one day he will. But he's been honest about it and he has his reasons so it's whatever. But people don't just hate Opie because of his handling of all that, if thats all it was, and he was a funny and entertaining guy, people would be over it for the most part. People don't just hate Opie because of what happened, it's that he is extremely untalented and isn't smart enough to even make attempts at humor, yet he has an inflated sense of importance and thinks he should be on the radio amongst people that actually are funny and worth listening to.

Apparently so do people who are willing to pay him for it?

Apparently, so did Anthony who sat with him for 20 years...

right thing to do

Do you realize how lame that sounds. Why are you telling another man what the right thing is?

Yeah Yeah Yeah. Another guy with the same opinion old opinion. Anthony would really be in the same place he is now if he stuck to doing parody songs and cover bands with his brother.

What happened to the rumor that Corporate Cunt chose to stay and it caused Norton to reconsider joining Ant? Or was that bullshit?

We should hate jim because whiney cunts like you say so? okkkkkkkk beat it