Does anybody else not listen to anything anymore?

0  2015-05-04 by capnlumps

I cant stand listening to either of the current remaining shows. Both are just too depressing to me and I cant stand all the drama between the two. Am I the only person who just opts to go back and listen to the shows from the glory days instead?


I listen to things sometimes.

Like if there's a noise outside, I will hear it.

I'm in 2015 so I listen to podcasts.

What are these podcasts you speak of?

It's like radio but on the internet. My favorite one is "downs with Joe DeRosa" it's about a comedian with down-syndrome struggling with his disability while also being an active member of the KKK.

I have a 3-hour looping mp3 of Louis CK sighing heavily and muttering "cunt"

Yeah I love his early OandA appearances too.

You should give Bennington a try. It won't fill the void left by O&A but damned if it's not a nice alternative.

I quit listening a week after Ant was fired. I have no interest in The Anthony Cumia show. I come here, laugh at the shit going on here and listen to OSW Review and Legion of Skanks. I was listening to the Super Best Friends Podcast, but it's 3-4 hours from four nerds who should stick to an hour, maybe an hour and a half. In fact almost all podcast shouldn't ever exceed two hours.

Great point.

I love Hardcore History but the episodes are so long, it feels like work.


There's so much old material I haven't heard - and a treasure trove of it on Youtube, so I just do that.

I've been listening to Legion of Skanks. Anthony is guest hosting tomorrow night while Jay is out in LA.