Ant has lost me

17  2015-05-04 by isla_n00blar

Am I the only one who just can't stand Ant anymore? I'm sorry, he's hilarious, but I can't relate to him. I'm not talking about his material possessions or even his obsession with guns. If I had as much money as him, I'd buy all that shit, too. But he's so detached from reality that it's getting to where everything he talks about these days just doesn't connect with me. He's going to be 60 in like half a decade, yet he still drinks constantly and generally acts like a 14 year old (complete with a 14-year-old's taste in girls). How fucking weird is this guy gonna be in 10 years? There's definitely a gap between how he lives and how other people do-- including those in his line of work.

TL;DR ant is a creepy old racist pedophile who I can't relate to at all.


I don't need to relate, I just want to be entertained. Listening to someone yell about how black people need to 'behave' for two hours is not entertaining.

Exactly, I just want to be entertained, and by entertained I mean laugh. I really don't give a fuck about what goes on in his life or what he's up to on Twitter. It's so douchey that other dudes talk about how he lives his life or who he is sticking his dick in. Fucking wash women, the lot of them.

I am a big fan of Ron and I don't know anything about his personal life beyond the very little he does share.

I am a big fan of Ron and I don't know anything about his personal life beyond the very little he does share.

Exactly. Talking personal shit is just the easy route. It's much harder to just be funny and entertaining.

TL;DR ant is a creepy old racist pedophile who I can't relate to at all makes me laugh.

His problem is lack of a co-host. Any time Ant tries to be funny, it's a dead silent room. That doesn't help feed him lines like on O&A.

His problem is that his dad fucked him in the shower.

He had Jim Norton, a whole staff finding and preparing content for the show, and a revolving cast of funny/interesting guests on his old show. I don't think Ant's the problem. Anyone talking to their 3 unfunny off-screen employees in front of a green screen is never going to be able to compete with what the O&A show was.

This is starting to become a serious problem Benjamin.

How fucking weird is this guy gonna be in 10 years?

Be honest. It's weird already.

As long as Ant has fans who are willing to pay for thinly-veiled racist rants and middling imitations of people from the Reagan era, it will only get worse as he inevitably continues surrounding himself with enablers and yes-men.

He has always been a creepy old racist. People were just so upset about him being fired that they forgot about how his race rants shut the show down every day. And now, Jimmy and Opie take every opportunity to say "I just don't understand why you burn down your own community." WE HEARD YOU!

Ant used to be the guy that said shit that we were all thinking(old school Stern) and now he's just a pathetic right wing nut obsessed about black people and guns. He doest even make sense anymore.

I'm kind of glad he's failed so horribly.

So why has he only lost you now? He's been acting the same as he been for the last ten years.

I think it's before there was always someone to give a counter argument. Jimmy, Burr and Patrice. Now that it's just him alone it gets tiresome.

Leaving the house every once in awhile to pick up new (non news related) material would help too.

This is something that's hard to pin down. Part of it is probably my own age, really. I started listening as a dumb high schooler and now I'm working on what grad school to go to. Meanwhile Ant has not only stayed he same, he's more blatantly indulging in all of his idiosynchrasies than he ever has before. He's more racist, more reclusive, more alcohol-driven, and generally more of a weirdo than he was ten years ago, or at least more apparent about it all.

I just hate all of Ant's friends. Keith, Danny, etc.


In the past, he has always been odd but I think it has also helped him comedy-wise. Now, he relates to few and isn't that funny anymore.

As others have said, I agree with his general points. But the way he goes about it these days is unlistenable.

man there sure is an ANThology of hate today.

it's the ANTithesis of a fan club.

The Opie and Anthony fans healthily balances their hate out. Opie, Jimmie, and Ant will get their fair share of the hate to make things fair.

Remember what Patrice said about Seth McFarlene, that he got bigger than the cartoons, and needed a Hanna to his Barbera to slap the shit out of him?

Ant needs a Bennington or a Norton.

Jesus this subreddit has become the shits. You guys need to get a hobby outside of obsessing about a couple of radio shows.

The only thing that bothers me about Anthony is his show. Its not a conversational hang and I can't get into it unless there's a guest. I don't give a fuck if he's fucking Vinnie Brands daughter or that he drinks to excess, it has nothing to do with the show.

what about those times she interrupts the show to say shes going to the pool and ruined a CQ appearance

He's going to be 60 in like half a decade, yet he still drinks constantly and generally acts like a 14 year old (complete with a 14-year-old's taste in girls). How fucking weird is this guy gonna be in 10 years?

I'm picturing something like what happened with George Carlin. In 2001, on Complaints and Grievances, he was the same old skinny energetic brutal gadfly he'd been throughout the 90s. Then at some point he went to rehab and cleaned up. His next special was 2005's Life is Worth Losing. He was slower, fatter, slurred a little, and looked like Santa Claus.

Basically, he kept going at the same high pace for too long, and it was like a train hit him when he reached a certain age.

hi Opie!

What you just stated is exactly how Opie feels which subsequently led to their friendship dissolving.


Ant has said many times that if he had to keep working he would've robbed a bank, spoken sarcastically but also deeply and sincerely truthful which is why most of us love him and not the middle class habitual liar Opie.

He should remind himself of that mindset when insulting the underclass and working class, skin pigmentation is irrelevant and a cunt hair away from each other when people in that classification know they can't make it so they may as well just take it, right or wrong.

And if ant robbed a bank, it would be ok?...

no but it's the first hand understanding of that humorous mentality that should separate him from other uptight stuffy political commentators. they ain't bout that life, they probably didn't smoke freebase with their mom so they have no understanding of slum village coonin' and buffoonin' like ant.

Ant is not smart enough to rob a bank and get away with it. It's pretty fucking hard and ant is a giant pussy and has zero vision. So yeah

He should remind himself of that mindset when insulting the underclass and working class, skin pigmentation is irrelevant and a cunt hair away from each other when people in that classification know they can't make it so they may as well just take it, right or wrong.

then why do they behave so differently, and why is it so taboo to point that out in a humorous way?

it isn't wrong or bad i just think ant can do it better, i don't know if he needs to ramp it up higher or dumb it down but at his current frequency it's a bit stagnant. i still subscribe and will for as long as i can but i'm beginning to agree with people complaining about it.

a troop of apes just tried to burn down a major US city... cut the guy some slack. i for one am happy i have a place to go that is willing to call it like it is instead of just ripping the AP print and reading it to fit the "accepted" narrative.

sometimes a tongue or pecka in cheek reading of the accepted story is funny, not saying i agree with the actions but it gets a bit boring when theres no one willing to be a sarcastic prick and go the opposite way if they believe it or not just for laughs alone.

which comes back to him needing a cohost...

but i still enjoy seeing him cover this story in his own way with guests that are able to speak their minds without having their opinions censored.

i concede that i like the rants probably because they're so taboo, he just gets hung up on being straight faced about it instead of having a laugh at blacks packaging their stolen goods with store bags instead of carrying them out by the armful.

I still love Ant but his penchant for young girls is starting to get on my nerves. Dating someone young enough to be your daughter is always creepy and with Ant it's usually that plus 10 years. Is he just gonna keep jumping from one insecure bottom feeder to the next until he's 80? Just settle down already, christ.

The thing I object to most is the "he's hilarious" part. It's not 2011 anymore, he's become obsessive and seemingly lost all his comedy mind.

He is a lazy drunk wop.

Opie and Jimmy needs Ant to bring the funny back into their show, and Anthony needs Opie and Jimmy to balance out his ivory tower craziness.

It doesn't help that Ant mostly has 'Yes' men around him that couldn't really tell Ant what to do.

If Bob Eatman was competent, he would get Ant back in.

He's going to be 60 in like half a decade

You couldn't have just said "in 5 years"?

Did he ever discuss the girl his former girlfriend said he was following on Twitter?


I'm not reading that. Is this melissa stetton?

Yep (whoever that is). This is the anecdote in question:

He was following a 14 year old girl on twitter and had her “Amazon wish list” saved so he could send her things. I confronted him and he said “well she’s a fan of the show and she’s cute.” Right, because that makes sense.

At has ADMITTED to 16 year old girls. He's said on air that the lowest he'd go is 12. Can you imagine the horrors that he's covered up over the years? And scum like keith helped him.

Even beyond that aspect, if her account is to be believed, his "game" is just really, really groveling and pathetic. Patrice called it from Day 1.


What the fuck?

This may have been when he was catfished though so he ended up buying an ipad for a 40 year old guy.

Yeah, but if he thought he was buying it for a 14 year old girl, that doesn't really make it any better. Melissa's story could be total bullshit, and I hope it is.

Yeah I know, I'm just saying I'm glad he felt like an asshole after. He's still a child predator, that doesn't change.



Melissa said "He was following a 14 year old girl on twitter and had her “Amazon wish list” saved so he could send her things. I confronted him and he said “well she’s a fan of the show and she’s cute.” Right, because that makes sense."

Oh shit. Now what!? I'm dancing as fast as I can!! Look. The show is what it is. The subject matter, tone and weather it's "funny" or not depends on a lot of things on a daily basis. I hope on average it works and people like it. It's impossible to have people like every show. I guess I can take solace in the fact that SNL always sucks but it still does well. 😉

Maybe the next cast of TACS can get it going.

I spelled "weethar" wrong!

OP and the rest of you Hens should only watch Lifetime network or Oprah.

The worst part is they try to impose their own unimaginative small town morals on another person.

Because I am so unlike him, is the reason I love him.

I don't think he'll make a decade, I put my money on either suicide or jail for pedo or road rage.

I wouldn't be surprised if he's living in a trailer with Joe in 5 years.

He NEEDS a co-host. Why the fuck doesn't he have one yet. And yet still, Ant is worlds away from Opie, Sir tits.

He swung for the fences with Ronnie...but that was a pipe dream. He couldnt afford to give Ron half a mil per year...which is what he is getting from Sirius.

How do you know that?

I used to go a lot of the old bar crawls with the R&F gang. Still have some good friends who know more than me. Half a mil is about what Ronnie is pulling in at Sirius. It was closer to 200K when they first started at Sirius.

He's annoying from the very beginning. Why does he have to talk about his fucking hair for 5 minutes at the beginning of every episode while creepily looking into the monitor with a 'yeah I'd fuck that' look on his face.

It would be weird for the vainest of chicks to do that.

"everything in moderation"

There's waaaaaaaaay too much race talk.

If Jim Norton had a two hour show where he spent half the time talking about trannies, it wouldn't be good.

I agree. His going on his own really high lighted what a creep he is.

Ant will have no money in ten years and will have to sell his home. The guy is a Drunk, dumb wop.


I don't feel as harshly toward Ant as you do, but I get what you're saying. The weird thing is I'm much more like Anthony than I am like Opie (i.e. drinking, partying, sense of humor). I wonder if people who are more similar to Opie like Anthony more and vice versa.

Am I the only one who just can't stand Ant anymore?

No. I unsubscribed, because I knew if I stayed listening to him I'd start hating him, and then that would spoil the old shows. Unfortunately I watched some of the free shows lately, and that's exactly what happened.

I'm having trouble listening to the old shows now. I knew it would happen if I kept watching TACS. Some of the things that were so hilarious on O&A just seem awkward and cringeworthy on his show. I just keep thinking of all that Opie resentment he had too, and it spoils the fun of the old show. He's calling him "Ope", and they're laughing and joking together, but all this time he hated his guts? Really? Or is he just saying that now to save face after getting fired?

It's time to just quit listening to both. Neither can survive independently. Just give up on them and listen to friends of the show. It's really worth it.

I don't miss O&A a bit now that I listen to Robert Kelly and Legion of Skanks all day.

So the problem is he's old? The juxtaposition of his age and maturity level doesn't really have any impact on me, since he's not a total manchild like Redban (Joe Rogan's over-40 lackey).

He is starting to show his age more though, I think it was on Legion of Skanks where he made a Honeymooners reference and nobody in the room got it.

During the interview with that 19-year-old porn star who freaked out and left the studio, he tried to win her back by doing a Dudley Moore/Arthur impression. Way to speak the young people's language, Mr. Cumia.

Drinking and chasing young women are the two most charming things about the paranoid old coot. The guy also gambles unrepentantly and does karaoke in his home by himself. These are all in the plus column.

He use to gamble. He can't keep up with his old school numbers

Doesn't sound that weird to me. He drinks and he fucks hot young girls? Oh no how teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrible! So what? He has racist views that he's honest about? That's just awful, doesn't he know that he should coddle blacks and treat them like children and pretend he doesn't cross the street to avoid them like Patton Oswalt or Jon Stewart?

The only problem I see is that we're in a holding pattern waiting for Jimmy's contract to be up so that he'll go sign up with Ant.

such a 13 year old response, do you ever think he constantly drinks because he hates to look at himself in the mirror or hates to think about his empty life? 17 year old girls is fine and all but outside of sex that must be hell, you'll see when you get to highschool that 17yo girls are a headache.

Just as people WITH children have a particular take on life, so do those without. I don't get "diapers", you don't get fucking 17yr olds. Fair enough.

Hey Ant, the jerk store called..

17 year olds ARE children, grandpa kiddie fucker.

Not in New York State

Not in 90% of the U.S. according to law

Just because it's legal to fuck them in parts of the U.S. doesn't make them adults. They're still considered children who cannot sign legally binding contracts... because they're children.

Fucking hilarious because he is now fucking a retard with aspergers.

Way to make it sound hot, pal.

He drinks because he hates his empty life, and also he bought a drone and flew it around the neighborhood because that represents his desire to fly away from his terrible upbringing! Plus he has a personal movie theater because he wants to PROJECT happiness over his BLANK SCREEN of self hatred!

Good job with analyzing that deep meaningful symbolism, you'll earn your diploma in no time! You gaywad.

And maybe the problem isn't because I can't relate to him, because if I were to gauge my appreciation on the similarity of their personal lives, my favorite host would be Tits and believe me that isn't the case. So I don't really know. It's hard to put into words.

Member Gauge the porn star? She ruled.


Sometimes...dead is beddah.

What's a yute?

Love tugging my pecka to her. Just pulling that cum out.

At one point Ant was the funniest man I ever knew of. He's a great man.

Ant rocks. So does his show (except for The Cuck and Twat). He should be on morning drive time radio.


If I miss the show in the next two days, let me know if he opens the mail and my Weirdfellas shirt made it. I had to send it to the PO box because I lost his fucking address.

This thread is unabashed faggotry mixed with popper induced ass sex/AIDS transmission.

I dunno, it's kind of a refreshing change of pace from the daily Opie flogging. Yesterday some fag actually posted a thread on a dream he had about him.


Ant lost me when he blocked me on twitter. I just made a joke, and now i can't see his crazy ass tweets anymore. UNBLOCK ME ANT!!! @ITSJOEMCGEE

Could all of you fags who for some reason don't want to fuck young women when you're in your 50s please go suck a dick

Take your morality and fuck off.

Look out, we've got an Internet badass here!

I spelled "weethar" wrong!

Maybe the next cast of TACS can get it going.

Fucking hilarious because he is now fucking a retard with aspergers.