Ant's dismissal of boundaries in regards to peoples daughters was always a little discomforting

0  2015-05-04 by NerdConvention

I know it's been a joke over the years but there's definitely truth behind it. He once said he'd go as low as 15, right? The jokes are funny, don't get me wrong, it's been a funny theme throughout the years. But the fact that he's fucking Vinnie Brand's daughter now (who Jimmy once said he knew since she was little and told them to not make jokes when she was in studio years ago), and his comments regarding Vos's daughters and even Keith's daughter, who was 14 at the time of his comments in 2009. The one about Keith's daughter wasn't on the show, it was on one of his live streams at the time and I wish I could find the clip but I'm betting it's looong gone. Basically Ant said he'd like to see Keith's daughters tits. Ant brought it up on the air and was really defensive about it and denied he said it but it just felt like there was some truth there.

When you really think about it, Ant is creepier than Uncle Paul because we know Jimmy is doing it for humor and shock value, while we know Ant genuinely feels that way regarding underage girls. And it's one thing to talk about these things but no one should trust Ant with their teenage daughters because he actually seems to like crossing those boundaries and praying on these girls (don't forget that he got cat fished by a 40 year old man pretending to be 15 on twitter). Wonder how Travis and Opie think of that.

I'm not saying Ant isn't hilarious and I think he was clearly the backbone of O&A. I'm not even saying he's a pedophile because wanting to bang 15 year olds isn't pedophilia, but it is a little discomforting coming from a 50 year old man. But just pondering and putting this out there for discussion.


The Vinnie Brand thing is weird-he can't find anyone else to fuck? If that Keith story is true and Keith knows about it, he's a bigger cuck that people say. If a friend said that they wanted to see my daughter's tits, regardless of age, I would stop talking to him immediately after I beat him up. I certainly wouldn't fetch him beers and be his personal assistant and let my wife be his interior decorator.

There are 17 year olds that look like they're 22 and that's understandable to be attracted to them, but ant is attracted to 22 year olds that look 15. Wasn't there a story with him buying an ipad for a 13 year old, who he thought was a 13 year old and Stetten called him out on it, then she turned out to be a guy who was trolling for a new ipad?

Yeah, he got cat fished and actually bought an iPad for a dude pretending to be 14 or 15 on twitter.

That's pretty disturbing

You mispelled hilarious

if laughing at the colonel from boogie nights is wrong, i don't wanna be right.

If a friend said that they wanted to see my daughter's tits, regardless of age, I would stop talking to him immediately after I beat him up

What if he ends up beating you up and dating your daughter?

What if he marries the daughter and he becomes his brother in law?

Son-in-law. Nice try with the relate tho.

Then I'd make him my executive producer.

If you have a friend who wouldn't like to see your adult daughter's boobs, there's a word for that. "Gay"

True, but you don't say it in public.

Christmas dinner is in public?

that girl looks to be in her 20s, there's nothing wrong with it

I've only seen a few pics, but in the ones I've seen, she looked around 17

she's 25-26

There was a show with Patrice and Giraldo where Anthony said he'd go as low as 13 if it was legal.

He was mocked, and he defended his position. He's a fucking creep.

Giraldo nailed him pretty good on that. Because Ant's logic is that they look older.

And Giraldo said something along the lines of, "so the number is irrelevant to she could be 4 but if she looked old enough you'd do it." Putting it in those terms does make it sound awful.

"Oh Uncle Anthony"

I would be horrified if my daughter was interested in a pedophile.


Macrophilia, pedophilia...what's some of them other philias we got?

lol wut



Oddly, I've had the same fantasy, but I was the tiny woman.


It would be ironic and perfect if Ant was shot dead, unarmed, mid-coitus with a girl of questionable age by her white, legally armed father.

Ant actually said he'd go as low as 13. I really hope he hasn't. That is despicable.

As long as they have an Amazon wishlist it's fair game.


Holy shit, that chick is Vinnie Brand's daughter?? Sheesh.

I get the mentality behind fucking younger (ideally legal) women, but that one isn't even terribly good-looking. There are plenty of "Just Turned 18" porn girls who're more attractive. She mainly just looks really young. I'm a good 20 years younger than Ant, and I'd feel incredibly creepy dating a girl like that.

I liked it a lot better when Anthony's pedophilia was just a bit.

I liked it a lot better when Anthony's pedophilia was just a bit.

Just like with his racism, you're supposed to totally excuse Ant's borderline pedophilia because he's made you laugh before.

Or at least, I think that's how it's supposed to work.

No, that about sums it up for me. I'd sort of assumed he was playing it up for the show. But actually seeing it is just....oof. Somewhat disconcerting.

What, are we supposed to judge him over it? Is that better?

Most celebrities are creeps and pieces of shit because most people are creeps and pieces of shit. Who are you to take the moral high-ground?

And I do think Ant is a fucking ghoul, but I guess you're sort of right. He's funny so I don't give a fuck. It's not like he's Ian Watkins.

Meh, I'm pretty comfortable judging a guy who (allegedly) preps pre-teens for when "they come of age" by buying them shit on their Amazon wish list. Call me naive, but I don't think most of civilized humanity does stuff like that.

You probably have a point though. Roman Polanski is wanted for drugging/sodomizing a fucking 13-year-old, and his movies still win Oscars. It's a hypocritical world, I guess.

My whole thing is like I get wanting to bang 20 year-olds, I mean more power to him, but it's when he's in a relationship with them that it gets weird.

It looked absurd when he would post pictures of him and that 17yo chick like at a party dressed up.

What annoys me even more is how he can't admit any woman over 30 is attractive. The best he'll do when pushed by someone else is say "yeah, I'd giver her a fucking" as if he'd really be doing her a favor.

If he didn't have money, he'd be fucking women his own age or he'd be a drug dealer and taking advantage of young girls.

Whenever the guys would have a girl in studio it really makes you realise just how important the money and (minor) fame is in getting them laid. There's nothing that makes my skin crawl more than Jim putting on his lofty "I'm somewhat of a sexual lothario" voice and asking women about their sexual history.

Ant tends to go for a more desperate, wheedling type of game. It's less outwardly disturbing and instead it's just kind of weird and pathetic for a guy of his age and wit. "I have a pool, and a bar, and a jacuzzi..." but no fucking dignity in sight.

Opie is the worst though. He only really flirts (or attempts to) with Bonnie, which you can tell makes people slightly uncomfortable but hey, these guys are seasoned greggshell walkers. The only thing worse is when the guys are riffing and being genuinely funny and he'll lumber in with some unfunny, crude jock shit like calling the girls from the Hard Rock "Cleavage Girls" repeatedly despite nobody laughing the first 4 times. I don't think it's born of any real malice, like much of what Opie does it just comes across much worse because he's a dull-witted douchebag who is chronically incapable of being funny.

Yea I used to think it was part of his on-air character to be attracted to almost legal girls, but now I realize this is who he really is and it's uncomfortable as shit.

Mistah Imus does characata's.

Looks like the model was right, he likes vetting little girls for future fucking.

I'm pretty sure he's talked about having a "farm team" on air before.

listening to that old interview with Vinny and his daughter is rather creepy, I can picture creepy ass Anthony with his pervy creeper face just staring at Vinnys young daughter. He probably took photos of her that day.

Has Vinnie Brand ever commented? I remember him once on the air swinging his dick about what a tough & strict parent he is. Well guess what? You raised a daughter that fucks 55 year old men. haw-haw!

that is the least of her issues

It's funny up until it's your daughter he ends up inside

Well, considering Anthony is a guy who told his cousin he straight-up wanted to fuck her, yeah he might have some odd sexual proclivities.

Oh, please. Everyone I KNOW (including me) had a hot cousin they wanted to fuck. Stop the madness.

But did you tell her you wanted to fuck her?

Not that I recall. I'll give you a half-point for your observation.

You're a gentleman and a scholar.

I remember there was some thread on AskReddit that was like, "What's one secret that would ruin your life if it was ever found out?" and I swear that at least half of the responses were "I've been fucking my <family member> for years". Weird place, this world.

This world is wild at heart and wicked on top!

He's into everything a guy 35 years younger than him is into. His hobbies are booze, video games, remote control toys, shooting guns, and watching youtube videos. Of course he's gonna also be into young girls. No woman his age would be into that shit and the young girls are way the fuck hotter anyway. You can look at it as sorta sad and creepy. These girls are old enough to make their own choices and they decide it's fun to party with the rich old guy who has fun stuff. Everybody wins.

I saw that clip on youtube the other day, how creepy is that, them talking about her as a 14 year old and now a few years later Ant is banging her.

Vinnie is a guy he's known for years, probably since that girl was still single Ant is fucking her and it's not like she's 30, if she was 14 in 2009 then she's 20 now..that has to cross some kind of line right? I mean the age thing is weird enough, but a 55 yr old guy banging a guy he's known's daughter. I wonder how Vinnie feels about it.

You got the two mixed up. The girl who was 14 in 2009 was Keith's daughter who Ant said he wants to see her tits. Vinnie's daughter is in her early 20s now. It's actually worse because Keith is a close friend to Ant and Vinnie was just on their show a handful of times and bought commercial time.

15-50 i'd say

but yeah, your tastes are SUPPOSED to change as you grow up. it's bullshit to say there aren't hot 40 year olds out there, stop. or hot black chicks. patrice was right in a few ways about your dick not being racist.

shit, my taste in women changes from month to month. i don't get how ant can stay so consistent.


Anthony and Keith keep downvoting the comments in here

I just wonder how many of you go to porn sites daily and look at girls that you think are 18 when in reality...

Looking at girls that look young and prepping actual young girls for fucking are two different things.

tell that to the cops when they look at your hard drive.

tss yeh rite or maybe he shud try tellin the fukin mechanic, cuz hes been for a hard drive so the car prolly needs work or sumthin i dunno im just riffin here.

I'll have you know Little Lupe was eighteen at the time of filming.


What was that? Your phone cut out.

I'd like to see Keith's daughters tits too. And Opie's pink nippled tranny bossom as well.

edit: i'm not sure if vinnie brand's daughter is at young as she seems, I think she's in her mid-late twenties

Yeah, Ant's a creep. I can only hope that catfishing incident taught him a lesson. Right now, being with a girl in her mid-20's isn't all that odd. I'd probably be doing the same thing if I were a single millionaire in my 50's. Doesn't take back all the weird shit he said in the past, though.

Ant's bitch is in her mid 20s. But yeah he's said and done some creepy things in the past.

He has a very 19th century mindset that he's applying to 2015. Fucking acquaintance's daughters, he was gonna hook up with his first cousin, etc. He has a lot of very circumstantial fucks. He fucks whatever is in front of him. He was gonna fuck Vinnie's daughter no matter who she was.

I see the AIDF have arrived.

He doesn't rape girls or fuck actual underage girls. Yeah he's pretty creepy. I don't care.

When did this dub decide it hated anthony? Ugh...

Thats the bit

I'm not trying to defend Ant, but there is a lot of unsubstantiated speculation going on in this mothafucka

Unsubstantiated speculation is what this place loves. Also, it's not entirely unsubstantiated considering a lot of this is stuff that's been on the show or has actually happened.

Oh. Ant rocks and so does TACS (except for The Cuck and Twat).

Why do you give a shit who anyone fucks? And perhaps Anthony doesn't care for Vinnie Brand the same way you do? Or maybe getting laid by a girl 30 years younger then him is more important then some not-that-funny comedy club owner?

Yeah, because all that matters when you fuck the daughter of a guy you've had a working relationship with for years is whether or not he's funny.

Has Anthony really had a working relationship with him? What connection does he have to Vinnie Brand? Just the fact that Anthony is friends with comedians that get gigs at his comedy club? What does that matter?

He's made a few appearances over the years on show. So what?

Just because Opie calls people "our good friend" doesn't mean it's real.

Any city you go to the comedy clubs have relationships with the local radio stations. The comedians provide the radio shows with content, the radio shows provide the club with promotion. Opie and Anthony and Jimmy have been working with the Stress Factory for years. It's generally good practice to not fuck your colleague's offspring.