Is 'Opie and Anthony' slowly dying out of your life?

109  2015-05-03 by [deleted]

Has an era finally ended for some of you? Not the show per se, but personally?

Even with Ant being fired, I still listened to OandJ a bit. I signed onto TACS, and of course had the days and days of previous shows on youtube.

Though OandJ is a bust. After 6 months of TACS, I'm over it. I rarely watch, only when Jim/Bob/Colin/Rich come on. The previous episodes of OandA have started to die out and get stale, too.

Greggshells brought some excitement back. But now, I'm coming on the forum less and less. Listening to any content involving any of them, less and less.

Anyone else having it really die out on them?


Agreed. I need a new hobby, maybe I'll finally start doing heroin.

Maybe just a tasssstttteeee

I'm All IN with heroin.

it's pretty sick

Heroin.. Heroin's got fuckin great personality.


Put up some numbersssssss

magic the gathering



Are you from the Hobby Police? Can i see your badge number?

Hey hey hey... take it easy...

You're on third street.

Wait... I just realized that Dave's friend was named Chip.



I used to subscribe to Sirius

Then I listened on YouTube

Then I only listened to select segments on YouTube

Now, the last couple of times I tried to listen to a segment, I've paused it and just forgot about it. Never even bothering to listen to the rest

Come join us at the O&A Live Channel

Agreed. Gave up on O&J within the first week & never really got into TACs. I'll listen to some shows that have something interesting going on but otherwise its meh.

Legion of Skanks has replaced all those bums in my world.

Gomites! Fly!

it was all worth it for sport

Its almost sad to think that I listened to almost every epidode for years. Often days later, but I'd almost always catch up or skim through.

Then Ant gets fired. I listened to everything for a week. Then a few days. And within the month it was all over.

Just strange to have such a habit die so hard and so fast.

I finished louie, and patrice collections. Last one is burr.

There used to be a Jim Jefferies' collection too. Personally liked it more than Burr.

The one where Jefferies is drunk (When isn't he?) starting fighting with some hooker was fucking gold

Justine Jolie


What about CQ?!?!?

Ive a hard time finding a good organized collection of cq. I would prob listen to most vos collections if i could find them

Ron B is the only thing that makes me not stop. Bennington in 2 weeks has done more than O&J & TACS. The crazy part I can't explain what there doing it's not amazing but the flow is just natural & real.Chris Pepper & Ron B are the new kings of radio & Gail is good to. Ron B destroyed TACS when made Keith look like a fan boy cop radio fan & pointed out the flaws of Ant.


I get that feeling now too. It became apparent when he was discussing how ant went from the funniest guy on radio, to an angry shouting man.

Ron doesn't want another one-issue ranting co-host.

He was trying to help Anthony

I love the old shows with Patrice, Bobby, and Jimmy in any combination. Other than that, it's slowly fading :(

I listened to a Nopie show the other day with DeRosa and Patrice. They were talking about Blackberry phones how it's the shit with the keyboard and how touch smartphones are for kids. This was back in 2010 haha.

Listened to that yesterday. It's kind of dated itself, still funny though, Derosa is such a fucking cuck

Slowly lol

I don't really listen to much either have done since Ant's firing. Ant is an incredible broadcaster but to be honest does kinda need everything that came with Opie (not Opie himself, just the staff that looked up the stories and found the clips and so on) he also does need a decent cohost. Opie and Jim....I think it goes without saying why I don't listen to that.

Still, I have to admit what a great show it was overall when it was still great. I work a job that requires me to sneakily distract myself with hours of audio content a day so as not to kill myself. I'm still using old O&A shows to do that (and am currently working through Nopie shows which are a beautiful beautiful thing). I've seen the many recommendations of podcasts to replace the show but none have done a thing for me as they're usually run by guys that say 'bro' a lot, which I refuse to support.

I could bitch and moan for days about the issues I've always had with O&A, how it's probably not a healthy show to listen to and how I've always been on record as seeing the huge drag factor that idiotic titted jock douche had on the show but all in all, the show provided a type of entertainment that I've never been able to find anywhere else, and I have tried.

I gave that legion of skanks thing a try, I am 28 years old and even then it was just too much college feeling to it.

Thats a fair assessment and to each there own. I find that its got that same vibe of funny guys making each other laugh. Big J is also a solid comic and mot of the shit he comes up with is comic gold.

I suppose that they are only 150 or so (2 hour long) episodes in total, they have grown allot but can only see it getting better.

Legion of skanks was a mistake. It's nothing but trash.

Yeah O&A is more or less dead to me.

#Bennington is going strong though, so that's good. But the reality of present Opie has destroyed anything from his past because it's like an overlaid filter of shittiness I can't remove.

Love ya miss ya Fez

I'm in the same boat. When I listen to old shows I hear the funniest people of the last decade constantly interrupted by an egotistical cretin.

Incredibly accurate. Incredibly sad.

Bennington is fucking great! I had the first weeks shows downloaded for a while and gave them a listen over the past couple days. Ron had great taste in movies and music and The Poof is doing a great job.


Yea. The Poofster

Just listen to the old shows until they return in a couple years.

until they return in a couple years.

Bless your heart.

Ha, you're a fool to think these two will pass up a final big pay day.

I'm one of the obsessive OCD guys that must listen to each episode in full... hadn't missed an episode of O&A since 99. I also used to listen to Ron and Fez on WNEW and WJFK and never missed an episode of that, even if I had to download it days later to "catch up." I barely listened to Ron and Fez after they joined XM because it just wasn't the same show. I like #Bennington a lot, and my OCD tells me to download and listen to everything... but... I just can't. I don't have the time and I don't have the energy or desire like I used to.

After the firing, I immediately signed up for TACS and listened to O&J for the first few weeks. Then I lost interest in O&J and only catch the "Accelerated" or if I hear an episode is good. I just don't have the time or desire anymore to listen daily, even though my past habit of listening daily nags me saying I MUST listen.

What worries me is that I have recently been skipping TACS episodes too. Just too busy lately and it's scary how it doesn't worry me that I'm missing TACS and O&J.

I was so into this show, felt these guys were like friends (I'm not delusional... they don't give a shit about me) that I hung out with every day. I used to sit in my car for hours in college listening to WNEW because I couldn't get reception in my dorm room and I couldn't get enough talk radio.

Now? Meh.

TL:DR: I stopped listening to O&J shortly after the firing and only catch "Best Ofs" and "Accelerated." I still watch TACS but don't worry that I missed anything if I skip an episode. I loved talk radio once, now I'm too busy and not much to keep my interest lately.

I'm more of a Bennington fan now. They seem like they're actually enjoying having a real conversation. Jimmy is the only thing "Opie Radio" has going for it and he seems hindered by Opie. Jimmy and Anthony used to laugh their asses off all the time and it was great. There's nothing like that at all between Opie and Jim.

"It's still real to me, dammit!"

I've been archiving and listening a bit each day since 10-4-2004. I'm so far behind that I won't get to Ant's firing for at least another 2 years; as of today I'm up to 1-9-2012. Based on what the O&J show has become, I'll probably find something else to listen to when I get to July 2014.

You should post all the hypocritical stuff they say as you hear it. There's a whole shitload but no one is motivated enough to index it.

Are you listening to full shows?

Yes. I'm an obsessive completionist with regards to O&A. :)


pretty much. i will keep an eye on TACS though. it's only certain notable guests or shows that really get me excited to hear it. and there's the possibility that TACS will begin ramping up at some point. i wouldn't be shocked if you fast forward a couple years and TACS is unrecognizable from what it is today. or that anthony will be broadcasting somewhere else. radio careers are that way.

but OJ doesn't excite me at all regardless of the guests they've had on. and there have been a few since i stopped listening that i would have loved before. but now..... pass. just bennington lately.

I still listen to Anthony's show, but I'm hopeful that the magic will return when Jimmy starts doing the show more after Ant gets a studio in the city.

Can you get podcasting equipment into the city?

He's a fucking podcaster, for crying out fucking loud. What does a podcaster need a studio for? Rent an apartment, invite your friends over, press record.

I was wondering that too. Couldn't he just set something simple up at the Compound West?

I would love that, but I don't see him doing the show a lot, when Ant's in the city. Firstly, Jim would know that would piss opie off if he's in there a few days per week, secondly, there is no way ant is getting up early enough to get into the city more than once a week. Plus, Jimmy has to get home and edge for 14 hours, so he's not gonna want to do a show with ant after OnJ and his comedy shit. I can see Keith posting on here in 6 months and apologizing for the absence of Norton and saying that he hoped that the NYC studio would ENTICE Jimmy to be there more, but it didn't.

You are probably right, but Jimmy did say he would be doing the show "all the time" if Ant is in the city:

Ok, cool. I hope "all the time" means more than once per month.

I dont expect much, Jimmy is not getting a paycheck to go on TACS (I dont think he is allowed to by SiruisXM contract). He has his own life and problems. Anthony would not lift his finger to help out or bother with anyone, he was spolied rotten by SXM (just like opie).

i agree

Edge for 14 hours made me chuckle

Nah. I'm just relistening to the entire show in order.

Show died for me when Anthony was fired. I'll tune in to O&J when something interesting happens. But I'm super happy with my Anthony Cumia Show sub. Never miss a show. Even the race ones.

Other than that, I mostly listen to science-type podcasts. StarTalk, Skeptics Guide to the Universe, Science Friday, Singularity 101 and a the Joe Rogan shows that have scientists in them.

very much so, new content is completely out of my life and has been since they split, occasional clip you guys post is something I might listen to but I unsub'd from the podcast too (both of them). Even old clips on youtube I've been weening myself off from, down to maybe 3-5 clips per week and they are starting to get repetitive so yeah.... O&WHO? fuck 'em for being spoiled children who couldn't get along, I'm at a point that I find their feud and decade long faking it despicable and pathetic.

Same boat here. Too many good podcasts out there with younger and hungrier people. I turn on OandJ more often, just because I am lying in bed when they are on. Everyone in the world is generally busy when Ant's pod comes on.


I agree. I know one in particular, DM me for details.

May 2014 after the 8th apology conversation.

The Youtube and Race Rant Show

Old Patrice clips and old Bobo clips are the only remnants I occasionally listen to

Every single Bobo clip on youtube is lightning in a bottle. Opie lacks talent, but for some reason when it comes to that dolt from Queens being in studio, Opie seemed to hold his own... I've listened to every bobo clip online multiple times, and I still die laughing.

Yes. Tacs is stagnant and overall become boring without a guest. And conversations between Opie/Jim/Sam are absolutely unlistenable, almost indistinguishable from any random morning zoo show. Only listen if there are multiple comics I like at this point.

I will keep listening to Bennington though. It's like a better version of Ron and Fez (at least the R&F from the last 5 years that is).

I still listen to old O&A clips on youtube probably every day.

Me too. That, and this podcast Lookin GOOD Radio, it's fucking great. It's free on itunes, or streaming at (And cue the upvotes! Here they come!)

I turn my Xm to 103 every morning out of habit when I get in the car. It usually 5-10 minutes before Opie's voice makes me go look for something else.

Even in the last weeks of O&A it was going downhill, and I started listening to more Ron & Fez. Definitely check out Bennington if you haven't already.

I realized a week or so ago I've stopped listening to both separate programs, however Bennington has filled much of the void

Died after the first few months of TACS. Never listened to O&J other than their first episode when they got back on the air.

I got back into them briefly during the Gregshells stuff and listened back through some older episodes.

Yeah. I don't even know why I paid for TACS, I don't listen to it. I just put on old shows with patrice or nopie in the background occasionally.

I was still all-in (sniff) with my hate listening of O+J but the new app is so awful navigation wise skipping around and coming back to the same point (used to be five hours now it's...something less) is almost impossible and the on-demand is spotty and has a shit response time and the navigation sucks. So now I basically listen in the car from 8:00-8:30 and that's it.

Still subscribe to Ant but listen maybe once a month. It's more ambivalence there but if the app makes it easier to listen (I hate having my safari browser taken over by it) I may seek it out more despite finding the show rather uninteresting most times I listen.

I use to come here several times a day now it's maybe once every few days. Just to see if anything cool happened. It doesnt. Ever.

I'm pretty much done, I still listen to classic clips and such but the ride is pretty much over for me. I'll still check in sometimes tho.

I haven't listened to anything but 10 minutes of it in the past 2 weeks. It wasn't enough to be totally turned off by it, but it wasn't anything spectacular. I just can't give a shit anymore. Sometimes I come on here just to see what's going on because most of you are still funny fuckers worthy of my time.



We all realized we were listening to children gossiping in the sandbox.

Nah, I listened to O&A while being annoyed by Opie for years. Seems like a lot of people just realized they hated Opie once Ant was fired, which was probably a shock to their senses. I still enjoy O&J on a daily basis. There are definitely plenty of rough patches, but there were plenty of rough patches when Ant was around too.

I notice it more now, I think I just pushed him away mentally before

I listen to old shows as if they're music tracks in my playlist that I wouldn't mind listening to more than once, or a movie you won't mind seeing again in the future.

Feel the same. I still check in here daily to have a laugh, and shit on Opie, but I feel that slipping away too. If I hear Jimmy, Bobby, or Vos will be on TACS I might re-up my subscription, otherwise I'm pretty much over it.

Your mom's box.

I listen to music again

I haven't listened to a single episode since they got rid of Ant. No plans to ever listen again. Love TACS and listen every day.

My only question is why is it "slowly" dying rather than just dead? The show we all remember hasn't been around for a long time now. Even when Ant was still aboard, the show hadn't been what it was, for a while. And there are a lot of options for decent audio now.

And honestly it had to end at some point. Especially for a radio show. Certain TV shows refuse to die, though, even they obviously get new casts over the years. I started listening in early 2000. And sometimes I wonder why I lasted as long as I did. That's a lot of hours in one's life. Granted, it was usually on while I did something productive. But still.

Yeah, I feel about the same. I still have a TACS sub, never really listen to O&J unless it's a clip on youtube that is talked about here. Thinking about cancelling my TACS sub. KTC is helping me make that decision. I can't stand him. I wish ANT would have waited and hired somebody who knew what the fuck they were doing. TACS is pretty boring unless he has a decent guest on. The way it is now, TACS needs to change, pretty much everything. It's gone from HA HA .. to sad. He's just a grumpy old man, bitching about the world and rarely saying anything funny or entertaining.

The urge for O&A to reunite died months ago purely because Opie has reached epic levels of self grandiose delusion and Ant's show is just more of the same from him (race this, race that, I've given up on the race stuff but race race race). I want the Ant and Jim Show.. fuck Opie in every possible way.

Even old clips where Opie interjects with his dumb shit have grown old. Except the classic clips, they'll always be fantastic.

I agree with you there. I rarely go on O or A's twitter or facebook anymore because its so fucking infuriating that no matter what Opie or Ant are talking about, you Still have those annpying fucks whose only response to their comments is "Dude, you guys need to just talk and work it out so you can get back together again." Or "You guys should do a reunion show." And last but not least, my personal favorite is the guy who is the only REAL fan! abd his usual statement is "All the Real fans love both of you guys & want to see a Reunion between you two because neither one of you are as funny as when youre together!"

Those fucking failed abortions are basically saying Youre not a true fan unless your opinion of thr show is exactly like mine.

I think it's over. I just don't care anymore, both Opie and Anthony have proven themselves incapable of adapting to this situation in any kind of professional manner so fuck 'em. I always listened for the comedy, and now all that exists is race talk and 3 hour conversations about the Housewives of Orange County or whatever vaginal trash the opester has watched through the week.

I'm listening to Legion of Skanks now, it's like prime O&A and their hole (Dave Smith) is still leagues funnier than the Opester.

It died for me the day O&J started. Haven't listened to a single show.

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

It does seem that way. Things have been fading since probably October for me, the past few months has pretty much just been me checking here and if anything interesting pops up I'll check it out on youtube.


I, too, have been going through "Nopie" files on Youtube. I think Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn is a great companion to my favorite aspect of classic O & A shows. Dozens of those shows can be found on Youtube.

O&A hasn't been apart of my life on a daily basis since 2009. I'd catch the occasional YouTube (anything Chip, Denny, Lady Di, Bobo related) and that was good enough.

Bennington is the first daily show I've been excited for in a long time.

[Also people looking for humor should check out the podcast We Hate Movies. They are fantastic]

I just want them to do one mega show with all the guests of past and present shows. Make it like 6 hours straight. First three hours will be the Bobo, Ira, Intern David, Lady Di, Colin Quinn and Dave Attell Show.(I'm just riffing here).

There's always YouTube vids.

My enjoyment of past shows on youtube hasn't really been affected. Knowing what I now know about Opie's behavior does highlight his douchiness in retrospect, but I pretty much took him for a mean-spirited, corny fratboy after my first few hours of listening. Before finding this sub, I was under the impression that everyone just sort of recognized his shittiness came with the territory.

I'm still subscribing to TACS but I'm not listening to many episodes. Haven't really been keeping up on O&J either. Still listen to many of the classic shows, but I'm sure I've heard them all multiple times by now. It's kind of a bummer but there's a lot of good podcasts out there.

I listen to it more than ever because of this sub, but older stuff. Whenever people link to some classic clip I'm reminded of the better times.

I listen to the preshow Mon-Thurs, and I listen to O&J through the first break. After that, I usually switch unless it's been funny. Most have not been funny. Usually only when Soder is in.

I subscribed to Cumia's show for a little while just to be nice, but they are so slow to fix problems and Keith was a dick when addressing some problems I was having... so I let my renewal lapse, and I will be torrenting until the Android app comes out. I'm not fucking subsidizing the IOS app. I watch most of these all the way through, but they are NOT rewatchable.

I also listen to Sam's Friday show, and Bennington when I'm around in the afternoons.

I find myself looking up very old shows on YouTube now. Have about 13 episodes of TACs to catch up on, if I even do.

Yes dying out. Which fucking sucks.

I used to listen to them religiously when mowing my lawn and walking my dog and traveling. Now, I fill that void with podcasts. I subscribe to to TACS but the website/missing android app sucks balls. I dont really give a fuck about the video aspect while I drive to NYC and back up to New England. I just want to hear these fuckers like I used to. Now, I get neither team participating in podcasts and because they are technologically deficient they do not make my playlist.

If you guys are reading this. Do pod-a-casts daily and have a weekly BONANZA of fuckery and include video.

you just said you don't care about video. Make up your mind you silly billy!

This is the most perfect way to describe it. My husband and i listened every day...talked about the show frequently. Now? Just cancelled xm. The show is honestly just unlistenable. I hate opie so much after this whole mess...O and A is dead :(

Haven't listened to tits and paycheck since October, I still listen to TACS

Haven't listened to O&J since the about a week or 2 after Ant was gone. I was listening to every show from 2004-2009 so I could get caught up on everything satellite I had missed and 4 years later I'm only on 2008. That's a shitload of listening when you cram in the daily show then the old shows after. Now I'm lucky to get one in every couple weeks. TACS is great too and all but I'm just not feeling the shows like I used to. I'm not gonna not listen but I'm definately laying off it.

Bennington is great. So happy they've dropped the Fez bits.

Davey Mac Sports Program is consistently great too.

Opie and Jimmy are for sure facing out in my life

The show died with Patrice

Besides stuff on youtube it's not apart of my life as much; i don't do the O&J show as i find it lacking "the funny" and TACS is just ok. I think because i like Ant i got a sub and tried to tell myself it was just as entertaning (it isn't) as his work was on O&A but there are far too many times when he is just rambling to himself while video plays. He does still make me laugh but it's almost impossible to sit through a 2 hour show unless the guest is really good. Maybe things will change once he gets the studio in the city.

100% agree with you. I still listen to live Bennington, but no more live O+J or TACS. Using various podcasts to fill up my day at work.

The shitbox of a Sirius app has helped me not listen to the show for the past two weeks.

It's been out of my life since Ant got fired.. Still bums me out when I think of the good ol' days though. When something used to take up four hours of your day for many years, and then it's just suddenly not there, it kinda sucks.

There have been a handful of O&J shows that were funny and listenable, even though Opie still makes me grind my teeth during those. Same goes for TACS, there has been maybe a handful of shows where he has good guests on that are funny, other than that it's fucking bland.

Leagion of Skanks is actually the closest thing to O&A that I've found.

O&J is pointless morning zoo crap. That, as da' opster boost "management is very happy with"... I'm still all in w TAC, its interesting to watch Ant, suddenly be invigorated after years of racing to the O&A show, seconds before the mics go live and then running out of the studio at 10 on the dot with a half ass effort in between. I'm interested and hopeful what will happen in his new format.

Good point about being reinvigorated. I bet Ant is looking back on old OnA show and thinking about how much of an ass he looked like when he rushed home to watch Seinfeld instead of interviewing Gervais, now that most of his comedian guests are mike bochetti-level.


Well no because now I have two shows to listen to. Damn you Norton...

I need Anthony and Jimmy back together again.


I can't listen to O and J, it's awful. I like TACS but it's much more hit and miss than O and A used go be and doesn't have the same energy.

Yup, I was bummed at first but then I found Legion of skanks. I just wish L.O.S put out more than one show a week.

thats we need to pray for soder and big jay show, that matched with bennington could make SXM great again like when OnA and RnF was at its peak.

luis j gomez as producer

I think the Ant's racial hatred persona is a bit overstated. Sure with the riots, he is in full race war mode, but overall his show isn't that. The only TACS shows I skip are those where some no personality twat is hawking shit for an hour. Other than that the show is pretty great, and will only improve as he expands. O&J will never ever work and will die out in the next year or so.

Your show, is...dying...Imgur

I'm currently listening to Logans best of Joe Rogan he put up. I'm not even half way done with the first. I'm looking forward to the rest of it/them.

I used to listen to O&A almost exclusively while driving- I've gone back to the comedy and music channels over the past 6 months unless there's a classic replay or a friend of the show on.



I went from checking multiple youtube channels for new shit everyday, to only caring when someone like Swarzenegger comes on, I miss having new content so fucking much

I used to listen to full shows on YouTube every day, but stopped doing that around November last year. If I listen to anything about o&a now it's just short 10-20 min clips of some of the funny shit, but my enthusiasm to keep watching old shows has died off since last year.

Now that I know that the two assholes were lying about hating each other for fifteen years, their interactions sound totally different. Now that I see the shit show that Opie has done, his idiocy is apparent in old shows. So yeah, it's all tainted.

Seeing that it is 90 minutes in today and no one posted a new topic about the new studio project or the absence of Opie says a lot.

The only reason I still think about the show is because I subscribe to this sub. Once I unsub I'll rarely if ever even think about the show.




I gave O&J a chance after Ant's firing but it just got to campy. It was almost like listening to Scott & Todd back when the guys made fun of it. Personally, Greggies idea of the new format sounds a lot like Stern's show with nothing but guests. After a month I just gave up on because it just sounds boring and predictable now. TACS is okay for now I prefer Ant talking about news rather than guests but its fine for what it is. I just think Ant would benefit more if he had a co-host on screen rather than speak to Keith all the time. I always thought Big Jay Oakerson would be a great co-host.

It feels like a bygone era at this point.

It was fine, you all spoiled out. Guess it was worth an upvote for your snide puns. But fuck it, why not just burn it all down right? Cumfart

Yes. After Ant got fired, I continued to listen to o&j and also listened to tacs. I finally stopped listening to both those shows last Monday. I just got bored of them.

I started listening to o&a around February 2010 so I listen to classic bits that I find on YouTube instead.

Then there's Legion of Skanks, The Nerdist, Joe Rogan, Race Wars, etc.

Haven't really given a shit about the show for years. Anthony's firing brought me here, and this sub was fun for a while. But I don't even care about this place much anymore. I guess after the explosion between Ant and Opie, there really wasn't anything left to say or laugh at.

When I do come here and see post after post about how Opie sucks, it just feels like people trying too hard. I don't give a shit that Opie sucks, because I wouldn't bother listening. I don't really care about TACS either because the bit of it that I have seen wasn't that impressive either.

The only big news that could possibly generate any interest for me now is IF they ever got back together, and even then I probably wouldn't care after a month or so.

The whole thing/style just feels very dated to me these days.

I'm rapidly losing interest! I've been trying to listen to old shows that I know were hilarious but I keep running into the same exact problem. And the problem is now that I know Opie's true colors, it makes his voice so hard to listen to. and Even though I don't try to, I easily pick up on perfect examples of him bombing so horribly I have to fast forward through the awkwardness because it gets really quiet because everyone's walking on Greggshells.

For example, I was listening to a show over the weekend from 2011. I know I'm butchering the joke but the boys were making fun of a woman from a news clip and the woman said someone fired pepper spray at her and Jimmy said "I wish someone would have fired a gun at her!" His joke killed. Everyone was laughing hysterically. So Opie tried to steal the laughter. After Jimmy said I wish a gun was fired at her. Opie added "Or C-4" Ha! Ha! And you could Hear the silence. How the fuck do you fire C-4 at someone?

yeah im done. still subscribe to TACS but really just listen to Bennington.

Fawk yeah, we need the Chip Chipperson show, er somethin'.

Yes. I don't listen to any O&J, I haven't for months and only in clips. I listen to the TACS podcast show every once in a while, it's okay as a podcast, wouldn't pay for it.

I don't even listen to much old O&A anymore. Right now I'm listening through Nopie shows and it's really just to find a clip of Jimmy's De Niro impression. The shows that do have Opie have been retroactively ruined by Opie's recent behavior that sheds a lot of light onto how he's made the show worse throughout the years.

Yup! I haven't listened to Greggshells and worm in 3 months, and I really don't have the time for TACS since I listened to O&A and Ron & Fez at work. I still listen to Ron and Gail in the afternoon, but as for O&A that era has past. I really like High Society Radio, and the Legion of Skanks which I now listen to in the AM. Fuck you Gregg as soon as you lose that cake job at SXM your bitch will have you in divorce court in 2 seconds!

After everything blew up with Greggshells a few weeks ago, yeah.

Thank fuck for the comedians. Without them the show would be nothing but a memory to me at this point. Mostly been listneing to Nopie shows though.

O&A certainly has become less a part of my life though. After the firing it felt like the show was still going on in a weird kind of way. Now it's all over though. TACS is shit, O&J is a holocaust against humor, Patrice is dead, old greats like Burr and Louis are too good for O&J (as they should be, fuck that show.), it's just finished.


Ant was somehow funnier when we knew he was on a bigger stage, a larger format...does that sound right?

BTW keep tuning in for some of thatgoooodnesssssssssssssssssss

Yep. I don't listen to O&J at all and I'll tune into TACS based on the guests.


i listened for 1 day after ant was fired, then switched to TACS.

Kind've, but not really because of the state of either show.

I just listen to it when I am on long drives by myself in the day time when it's on, and I have not had to do that much lately and the few times I have had to, my son was with me and I am too responsible to expose him to such garbage so we usually just listen to Slayer.

They've always been hacks to me. Hacks with some cool friends. Nothing has really changed, the shit is just smeared a bit thinner between two shows now.

My enjoyment level remains the same. This is post-Patrice, it is what it is.

I'll listen to the O&J replay if they have a good guest in.

I listen to TACS religiiously, but OJ is pretty much dead to me. When I bother to even listen, it is truly background noise.

As much as I'm digging what Ant is doing, and I think he is one of very few people on this planet that can carry a radio show solo talking to himself, I do feel he's wasting his talent a bit. He doesn't NEED Jimmy, Rich, Colin, etc etc on there twice a week to be great, but it would be nice if the main crew was around more. I'm hoping the NYC studio gets those guys in on more of a regular basis. Especially multiple guys at once. I miss the old school hang. Opie's just not the same.

It has been dying for many years now. I loved their daily shows a few years ago but now it just comes off as dry and frankly not that funny. I would still see Jim Norton at a comedy special but I would not pay for the radio show anymore.

O&A died out out of my life a long time ago.

The Anthony Cumia Show is still prevalent for me.

O&J was dead before it was born.

You Hens will be O.K., -Just focus on the sort of entertainment that appeals to you; Whoopi Goldberg, Ellen, Rosie O'Donnell etc. This pining for Opie and Anthony will pass in no time.


Goldberg is pretty badass, she even had the balls to defend Mel Gibson

Are you from the Hobby Police? Can i see your badge number?

You're on third street.
