The day has finally come.

0  2015-05-03 by Mister_Christer

I've tried. I've tried HARD to make any sense of what direction the show was headed for almost a year. At times I found myself laughing, though usually at cringe-worthy moments and uncomfortable silences. The only good radio we've seen in almost a year was the fight, and that was short-lived and ended with Opie crying. Then it was back to pretending it never happened. I tried to stay as unbiased as possible even though it's clear Ant was the glue the show needed. Sure, Opie had his place in the threesome, but in no way was he capable of handling either Jim or Ant on his own. Called Sirius and cancelled my sub, cited this as the sole reason. I was given a number of "new" promotional offers based on my years of service and told them it just wasn't worth it. It was all I had. So long b-b-b-b-boys. I'll reconsider if they ever get the shit show back together. I know I'm not saying anything new here, but figured I'd at least put up another tally for those who've tapped out. PECKAHS.


Why do people post these ridiculous farewell addresses?

They think we give a fuck.

We have more respect for people who listen just to trash the show, than some jerk off who feels the need to write a fucking Unabomber manifesto to explain why they quit on a show.

Here here ants camera here here!

First thing that popped into my head was that.

Why do you post here at all? Is it to defend o & j, defend talentless Opie or attack Ant? And why would you do that?

because the show sucks.

I know that; and I stopped listening to it last fall . . but I didn't announce it here as if anyone but me would give a shit. That's the difference.

I'd be suprised if more than 50% of the subreddit still listen live.

I'm still here for the hate and clips from old shows.

well thats just like, your opinion man.

They're hilarious in many ways, intended or not, so I appreciate them. Farewell address lol, they definitely have a ridiculous gravity to them.

I actually think it's gotten a lot better as time has gone on. In the past couple of months Opie and Jim have developed a nice rhythm.

You should have tapped out months ago.

I'll listen when Florentine or Bawby is in because they can maintain a conversation even when Opie throws a stick into the spokes. Florentine's stories are fairly entertaining to listen to, and Bob knows how to direct a room like on YKWD.

I'll give you Bobby - seems like a genuinely nice/funny dude. A year ago I would've given you Florentine too but he's just diluted the water. I can only listen to a guy pretend he's cooler than everyone else for so long. Esp when you realize he's not actually cooler than anyone, other than MAYBE Opie. Bigger scheme of things he just seems like a bitter guy who never really made it as far as any of his buddies and has to maintain this tough-guy attitude to keep up. Soder was great too, btw. Other than that none of the new "regulars" were of any real interest.

Soder is good, he's not in enough. Florentine fell off and lost focus even with his podcast understandably because of his divorce. That was probably going on for a good few months at the least.

Your initial view is correct though. The show as a whole has become bland. Jimmy complained about being stuck in the mud before, but now they're just sinking in quicksand.


yea yea i get it trust me. i know it was kind of a douchy thing to post but i guess for me it was the actual act of canceling that made me realize its just gone now

The funny part is you're probably one of those guys who have been paying full price for the service since day 1 when all you needed to do is get on the phone and cancel


well no. but good assumption and EXCELLENT contribution tho.

put up another tally for those who've tapped out


really no one. I'm more just bummed out than anything. used to be the highlight of my day driving to and from work. can't imagine i'm the only one out there who felt like they lost a solid part of their day last year.

well done, sooner that show ends the better

I'm amazed you were able to make it this long.

What do you expect?? We'll miss you!! Come back and visit! Don't let the door hit you in the vagina on the way out.

They just need to say fuck it and hire a third mic. Judging by his continued race rants, Ant seems hellbent on never returning. If he wanted to return to the mainstream, Ant should have emphasized the funny and minimized the race shit over the last year. But instead he went further out on the fringe and has created a situation in which no publicly traded corporation is gonna hire him for at least another year. So Opie and Jimmy need to stop pretending it's gonna work with just the two of them and get out of this limbo phase in which they don't want to just completely move on without Ant. move the fuck on. Otherwise, the show is gonna continue to sound like Jimmy stuck with a burnout in quasi-retirement.

Seems like Ant has chosen to retire to a bunker with Adolf while Opie is gonna steal money at the end of his career by mailing it in, treating his contracts like golden parachutes. Meanwhile Jimmy's just gonna continue to cash checks because he needs to cash in while he's still in the prime of his comedy career.

In the last year how many shows have Opie and Jim done on their own?

There's almost always someone sitting in...

I'll give you Bobby - seems like a genuinely nice/funny dude. A year ago I would've given you Florentine too but he's just diluted the water. I can only listen to a guy pretend he's cooler than everyone else for so long. Esp when you realize he's not actually cooler than anyone, other than MAYBE Opie. Bigger scheme of things he just seems like a bitter guy who never really made it as far as any of his buddies and has to maintain this tough-guy attitude to keep up. Soder was great too, btw. Other than that none of the new "regulars" were of any real interest.

First thing that popped into my head was that.
