Alternative Listening Options in a Post-Opie & Anthony era

16  2015-05-03 by dehydrationstation

I have never listened to Ant because I don't believe a podcaster should charge a fee AND have advertising. Also, I don't share his casual racism, I think Dice Clay imitations are a little dated, and Keith the Cop is only good for finding homeless people.

I can no longer listen to Opie and Jim. I just fucking can't.

The way that Opie repeatedly fucked up the Johnny Rotten interview was the final straw for me. But other recent bullshit radio (like the horrendous hour-long spitballing session about the possible 'Full House' reunion) contributed to this decision.

Also, Jim is funny guy, but I can no longer wade through the requisite hours of teenager-level ignorance he is capable of when he attempts to talk seriously about a topic.

I wouldn't listen to Joe Derosa if he were giving instructions on how to cure cancer, and I tried Vos and Bonnie, but once you realize that Vos is just a hugely insecure narcissist and compulsive liar, he is unlistenable.

My question is, what radio shows or podcasts do you listen to in a post Opie & Anthony era?


LOS..GOMITES Assemble!!


I just listened to the Legion of Skanks episode they recorded at the Compound, figuring it would be one of their best. After ten excruciating minutes of the hosts begging some Asian chick to show them her ass, I punched out. BE MORE FUNNY.


Skeptic Tank, Race Wars, Joe Rogan Experience, Legion of Skanks and YKWD. Lots of back episodes to listen too.

Cool. Thanks. I'm also trying Last Podcast on the Left and Caustic Soda. I'm not a big fan of the whole celebrity interview thing.

If you like Last Podcast check out the original: Coast to Coast AM

George Noory the regular host stinks. The guests hosts are much better like George Knapp. This was a recent good one with him about Prohibition gangsters and mob weed smuggling in NYC:

Art Bell is literally one of the best broadcasters ever and will be back in the summer with a new show.

Dark Matter was great. But it's infuriating when Art will have someone like Seth Shostak on from SETI and grill him relentlessly, but then invite a fraud on like Richard Hoagland and not say shit.

Yeah Dark Matter was really good. Sucks SXM dropped the ball on that one but what do you expect, they are a terrible company. Yeah Seth was good, so was Michio on DM.

Fucking Richard Hoagland stinks. I think Art has known him for so long that he gives him a pass which sucks.

Also I should mention Steve Warner's Dark City which is really good and along the paranormal lines if anyone is interested:

If you like Art Bell check out Darkness Radio, it's a podcast that is a rebroadcast of a late night radio show that talks about the paranormal. The hosts are pretty good and they joke about a lot of the stories.

I don't know who was hosting, but I caught the recent Coast to Coast AM episode in which Chris Taylor, author of 'How Star Wars Conquered the Universe', was interviewed. It was nearly as bad as Opie's interview with Johnny Rotten. No prior research, infantile questions, and I was left believing that the interviewer hadn't even seen 'Star Wars'.

Coast to Coast AM might be okay on an episode-to-episode basis.

Weird Medicine is great.

Yeah I listened to a few in a row on my last road trip. Good stuff.

I respect your opinion, but I think they kind of fucked up Weird Medicine, too.

If Dr. Steve had teamed up with Jimmy and/or Patrice, and tried to combine credible medical advice with relationship and sex advice, it would have been unstoppable. A shitload of people have subscribed to the incredibly mediocre 'Adam and Dr. Drew Show' simply because they miss Loveline.

I think you have a valid point, but to me there's just something about WM and it being home-grown and still going strong after so many years without a whole ton of intervention by "special guest stars" that's really appealing to me.

Plus, I don't know if Dr. Steve would be as accessible as he is now if he had someone like Jimmy/Patrice/etc on. Right now you can e-mail him or tweet him and he'll respond to you damn near 100% of the time.

But, that said I definitely see your point and wonder how that would've turned out.

Good call! Yes, Dr. Steve's disgusting wine-drinking weirdo podcast is a natural OJ replacement. Occasionally learning about important stuff too.


Norm Macdonald Podcast. New ones coming this month.

That's great news.

I think this guy's full of beans. I've been looking for updates all year and not once have I seen anything that suggested he's coming back.

That's bad news.

Where'd you hear that?

Nice! I love Norm.

Wtf are you serious

seems like norm did that podcast as an audition tape to replace letterman. once colbert got it, norm quit podcasting. such a shame

His Youtube channel says he is coming back sometime this month.

Listen to every Radiolab episode if you're even remotely interested in science and technology. Listen to the chronological Patrice appearances on O&A on YouTube. JRE, as everyone has suggested. Dan Carlin's hardcore history. Louie CK appearances on YouTube. There are a lot of brilliant things to listen to on YouTube.

Recently downloaded every Patrice show. Opie is still fucking terrible.

Dan Carlin's hardcore history

Dan Carlin's Hardcore History is perhaps the best podcast I have ever listened to, but they just don't come out often enough.

Yeah dan carlin does one like every five months ita hard to remember the narrative of the series sometimes.

I always relisten to the previous episode before I listen to the new ones.

Yeah only problem is some of them are five hours long haha.

True. I drive a lot for work, so I have the time to re-listen.

I agree, but if he rushed them, they would blow.

I just listened to the Radiolab episode "In The Dust Of This Planet," and was pleasantly surprised.

They go a little overboard on the sound effects, but otherwise very professional, very thoughtful, and very good.

Thanks for that recommendation, it's right up my nerd alley.

Right on. My personal favorites are the Blood episode and the Falling episode.

I just listened to both. Wow. I am not ashamed to admit that the Facial Blindness story in the 'Falling' episode made the room I was sitting in very dusty and full of people peeling onions.

You'r Mom's house with Tom Segura and Christina Pazsitzky. It's like Rich and Bonnie's podcast with a funnier and more likable married couple.


Old O&A and R&F clips.

would it be possible for someone to make their own "old o and a clips" podcast? downloadable podcasts are the only thing I can listen to while driving, and if you aren't profiting of it would it be that illegal?

How did this get made? Good podcast. Jason mantzouka, paul scheer and June Diane Raphael watch a "bad" movie then talk about it. Different guest everytime. Do a good amount of live episodes recorded in front of audiences. Pick a movie you like that they've done and give it a listen. Bet you're hooked.

Comedy bang bang is great. Though not for everyone. But pick a guest you like and give it a shot.

Brody stevens podcast I enjoy. Particularly the 3 or so episodes he did that were him recording as he goes to the comedy store, chats with famous comedians, then does a set, then chats again. If his whole podcast was always that it'd be huge

I have started with Doug loves movies a bit lately. It's good depending on guests.

You made it weird with Pete holmes is surprisingly great. Look at the giant guest list knowing they almost always talk about "comedy, love, and religion" and know that the amazing guests always talk about that as well as being funny.

Call Chelsea peretti is good. It's like jims advice shown only without a stringent format and more silly. Jims ex, I think this inspired the advice show.

I also listen to race wars and legion of skanks, but who doesn't.

I also listen to race wars and legion of skanks, but who doesn't.

I hadn't heard of either prior to starting this thread, but I'll definitely give each a shot.

You'll probably be disappointed. I honestly can still not believe people like legion of skanks. They beat jokes to death, and make a lot of clangers. That and there is virtually nothing comprehensible that they're talking about. Their audience are annoying as fuck and are constantly "wheeheyyy hahahahahah...woooooahhhhh" when really mediocre jokes are made. Race wars isn't horrific, but it's not that good either. It' more comprehensible than LOS though. It's a shame because I like Big Jay, but the show fucking blows imo.

How did this get made is hillarious i agree.

You lost me at casual racism

You're a fan of Anthony Cumia and you're going to defend him from an accusation of casual racism?

I don't think there is anything casual about it, but still a fan.

Discussing issues of race doesn't necessarily make you racist. Casual or not

Nobody's saying that discussing racism makes you a racist.

Posting "They're not people" to Twitter might, however.

Legion of Skanks - GOMITES UNITE!

How Did This Get Made? - Discussion of awful movies, although the last few (Con Air, Deep Blue Sea, Face Off) have been about AWESOME movies.

Stuff You Should Know - what the title says.

Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast

James Bonding - James Bond film discussion. Did a crossover with How Did This Get Made which was pretty entertaining.

Henry and Heidi - Henry Rollins, jawing about the old days. Weekly? Biweekly? I think they finally decided on a schedule, but I'll be damned if I can remember it.

Mohr Stories - Jay Mohrs.

Chewin' It - Kevin Heffernan and Steve Lemme from Broken Lizard. Weekly

The Detroit Cast - A former producer from The Drew & Mike show, a lawyer, and a closeted wookie put on a show 5 times a week.

Kevin Pollak's Chat Show

Norm MacDonald Live - If he ever starts a new "season"...

Holy shit, some solid recommendations there. Thanks.

Gonna check out Detroit Cast. I stopped listening to it when Drew got the new gig.

Well, if you're familiar with the cast, it's Mike Wolters, Eric F, and Jay...last-name-withheld.

Mainly it's Jay and Mike bagging on Eric, which gets old (even though he REALLY deserves it), but there is some funny content.

You told me I should come in here and mention my podcast, Lookin GOOD Radio, so I am. It's free on itunes, and at

You said if I didn't mention it, you'd pour hot tea all over my genitals.

I've been enjoying Adam Carolla's podcast lately.

After years of listening to Adam & drew show I had to punch out after I realized Adam is just gonna bitch and complained about something new every week.

norm doing the best carolla impression

Haha that was great, from what show was that?

The Worst Idea Of All Time podcast is pretty good. Two guys watch Grown Ups 2 once a week for a year and talk about how awful the movie is.

Hugely agree with OP (tho I like My Wife Hates Me) but bang-on on every point.

-Old Clips of Patrice O'Neal O&A, Bobo era. youtube works.

  • Adam Carolla's Podcast

  • Mohr Stories (Jay Mohr)

  • The Dana Gould Hour (radical Hollywood leftist warning tho)

  • 'How Did This Get Made' (HDTGM) is effing GOLD

  • Who Charted/Two Charted (gets quirky weird unlike OA but I love Howard Kremer).

  • BTW with Jeff Garlin (hollywood liberal warnings tho not often) Garlin can be overbearing BUT is blatant about stories, insider jokes, Larry David interview is awesome.

  • The Fogelnest Files for riffing on ridiculous video clips (watch YT playlists along with audio pocast).

  • Norm MacDonald Live on Youtube (no new seasons so far - holy shit its awesome)

  • WTF with Marc Maron: Lately its nothing but cool music people I don't give a shlt about BUT man is that ever worth a subscription for the archive. One of Patrice O'Neals last interviews, Dane Cook and Mencia.. basically stand-up gold, old school legends and just EVERYONE except Opie or Jimmy.

  • Sometimes I love Nick DiPaulo podcast (right-wingish libertarian warnings).

  • One of my all-time favorites is "Live From the Table" at the Comedy Cellar pocasts. Which was basically just a microphone at the famous headliner comic table at the Comedy Cellar. Some great fights. (Jim Norton warning).

Didn't mean to make such a long list and some of those are hit&miss depending on guests and episodes but basically those would replace Opie&FactSmasher's mediocre go-nowhere timewaster.

Also when all else fails if I have to listen to terrestrial radio in the morning, I'll listen to Toucher and Rich in Boston. They were so much better on WBCN but they're still pretty fucking funny for sports talk radio.

Man I miss wbcn. Remember the last broadcast where they played "shine on you crazy diamond" I literally cried over losing the patriots rock radio network.

Yep, with Bradley Jay at the helm. Hearing it switch over to WBMX was fucking depressing.

My mom listens to wbmx and hearing that garbage switch over onto my favorite station really wrecked me

I grew up listening to WBCN. My dad was a friend of Laquidera and I got to sit in studio for the big mattress once when I was about 12.

Still can't believe it's gone.

Charles laquidara is a frequent customer at the engraving company I work for. He is a super nice guy and very willing to talk about radio.

I remember him being very cool. Billy West was there too, this was before he left for Stern and in the days before any show was syndicated, those guys OWNED Boston.

Is he still holed up in his Hawaiian bunker? It's good he was at the top of his game when radio still paid.

He seems retired. I didn't want to seem like too much of a fanboy so I didn't ask too much.

Ultimately, this is the problem when it comes to the post-Opie & Anthony Era — we have all been ruined when it comes to putting up with shit radio. Could you honestly listen to a radio show with a hole at this point in time? Every time I turn on FM radio, I feel like I'm listening to Jocktober.

Right, once you've been shown the formula, the appeal (if there was ever any appeal) is gone.

We should make a new thread: Things Which Have Been Utterly Ruined By Listening to Opie & Anthony.

  • Holes
  • Radio Voices
  • Prank Phone Calls
  • etc.

I prescribe Tell 'em Steve-Dave. Absolutely hilarious. Smashings between longtime friends that will make you laugh until you cry.

For me right now, it's LoS, Bennington, High Society Radio, and Davey Mac Sports Podcast. Used to listen to My Wife Hates Me and the Monday Morning Podcast in the past too.

I generally like MWHM. A few weeks ago it was Vos and Judy Gold. Holy shit I made it about 20 minutes. I was begging for Bonnie to come back.

I do not understand how Judy Gold is making he way into the Vos/Jimmy scene. Does she have no where else to go?

Star talk is a good one.......with NDT. High society radio....w/ pepper hicks and Bronx johnny is pretty good.

Hooray Show

Radio Show - Bennington. Podcasts - Legion of Skanks, Real Ass Podcast, Tuesdays with Stories, YKWD.

bennington is the best thing on radio right now and those podcasts are the best east coast podcasts, LOS and YKWD have some of the best east coast comics on all the time.

Legion of Skanks podcast ALL DAY ALL DAY

I know I'm going to get downvoted here, but the Stern show has surprisingly been pretty good the last few months. The Ronnie Sex Tips make me crack up.

here's the podcasts i listen to , not just comedy: Things that will blow your mind! Joe Rogan, Mohr Stories, Philosophy Bites, gilbert gottfried's amazing podcast

Gilbert gotfried? How can you tolleratw listening to that voice.

hes great! especially llike when he gets locked into an obssesive near retarded joke mode he just keeps saying something absurd or riffing on the same idea over and over, hes got a good laugh

The biggest problem in the universe. With maddox and dick masterson. IMo the best one out there at the moment.



I'm just glad it could be redeemed after those few weeks of awful live shows.



Please check out nyc crime report is hilarious

If you like silly and funny. I'd recommend Ten Minute Podcast, The Crabfeast, The fighter and the Kid, Your Mom's house. Other ones I'd recommend are already in this thread.

The Doug Stanhope Podcast is so so great.

the Stone Cold Steve Austin podcast!!!

OHHH Hell Yeah!!!!

(Clears throat) WELL...there is ONE podcast I can think of...

I listen to Monday Morning Podcast, Joe Rogan Experience, Crabfeast, Your Mom's House, Nick DiPaolo, Hardcore History, Legion of Skanks, YKWD, Tuesdays With Stories, Star Wars Minute, Davey Mac Sports Program, Florentine, Mohr Stories, Alphabeatical, I Was There Too, Welcome to Nightvale.

Find the right podcasts and you'll never even miss Titsy an co.

The Howard Stern Show

There's always the O&A Classics channel

Man I miss wbcn. Remember the last broadcast where they played "shine on you crazy diamond" I literally cried over losing the patriots rock radio network.

Ultimately, this is the problem when it comes to the post-Opie & Anthony Era — we have all been ruined when it comes to putting up with shit radio. Could you honestly listen to a radio show with a hole at this point in time? Every time I turn on FM radio, I feel like I'm listening to Jocktober.