Does Jimmy not like Bert

8  2015-05-02 by beholdthewang

was listening to the show where Bert Krischer was on and I kept getting a weird vibe from Jimmy. Almost as if Jimmy despises Bert. Anyone else notice this or am I alone?


I honestly think Jim looks down on him for being a big drinker/drug user, and Bert's not funny enough for Jim to overlook that.

I think he feels that exact same way about Big Jay Oakerson too .

Jim is a straight edge faggot because he got drunk for two days when he was 17

I think this is the answer. I got the same feeling with Stanhope and Jim Jefferies.

I don't know how anyone likes him. I've heard the same god damn Russian train story 20 god damn times.

That story is so tired.

I saw him live, it's clear he's only telling the story because a bunch of drunks will be upset if he doesn't. You can hear on his podcast even he's sick of telling it.


Huh? Anthony is a fucking alcoholic and they love eachother. Jimmy certainly doesn't look down on him, and he knows Rogan smokes a lot of weed and has even told him he's jealous of him that he can get high all the time like it's no big deal and still get all sorts of shit done.


So if Joe wasn't buff Jimmy would let him have it for smoking weed, gotcha .


You're just speaking in hypotheticals and conveniently using cop out excuses as to why Jim isn't going full on AA Nazi to anyone who isn't sober. Jim fully admits he has a sex addiction and spends tens of thousands of dollars per year feeding said addiction, I don't see him getting preachy to his comic buddies for smoking or drinking. The only reason he called Bert an alcoholic was because burt was taking about pounding beers on the way to the airport and having several more on the plane. It was a joke, the same way he would call Anthony an alcoholic almost daily. He didn't have ill intent behind it, I think you just want shit on Jimmy.


Jesus, did you ever even listen to the show? It was for a joke, one that would usually get a laugh from everyone. He would also usually make a petophile joke in there too, as well as a fox news one. I guess it was always just jimmy furthering his liberal, sober, anti-jail bait agenda huh?


That's kind of a stretch. He's in comedy; he's constantly around people who drink. Not even counting other comedians, he does 100s of gigs a year in clubs that rely on alcohol sales. If he really did this, wouldn't it alienate him from about 90% of his chosen industry?

The George Wendt interview was definitely an abortion, but his beer-drinking was only one of many, many cringey reasons for that.

Jimmy just did his podcast recently. They're friends.

Jim was on his podcast, but he was also promoting his special, so he may have been doing it JUST for that. Jim doesn't like any comedian who is more successful than he is. When he feels threatened, he puts on that blasé voice and will say that he's tired (because he was up all night edging). Bert is a storyteller, not a comedian. He's the perfect guy to play the dumb husband in a shitty CBS sitcom.

I also found it funny that Jim seemingly didn't even know Bert had a TV show with the travel channel.. Bert was telling the story about doing whatever in Vietnam and Jimmy asked him if he was doing stand up there, and Bert was like "No.. my travel channel show" and Jimmy was like "oh..". Seemed surprised or something.

Jimmy's full of shit, he knows what other comedians are doing even though he pretends that he's too busy crafting his comedy to pay attention to anyone else.

He's never seen bill hicks



They got along fine, the fuck are you talking about?



He's hardly alpha, he spent most of his podcast blowing Jimmy a few weeks ago.

To call Bert alpha is very surface and incorrect, when he arrived in NY Norton, Bobby, Vos, Colin and Patrice were established and he idolized them and openly talks about how he feels like he comes up short by comparison. He most represents the fan and is a sweet boy in general.

Bert Kreischer didn't alpha Jimmy at all WTF. Jesse Ventura alpha'd Jimmy, Bert Kreischer certainly did not. Jimmy was most likely just tired and cranky.

Jimmy just sounded like he was tired and cranky, he just got done doing Rogan's and was probably just sick of doing podcasts/radio in general. We all know how moody little Yimmy can get over nothing. He also probably hadn't jerked off yet that day and was jonesing.

So if Joe wasn't buff Jimmy would let him have it for smoking weed, gotcha .