Why won't Ant admit that Louie is a terrible show?

0  2015-05-01 by Ant_Sucks

We know he loves sniggering at jokes about Opie, but what does he think of Louis CK? These are important questions, and I won't rest until he admits that Louie is an unfunny hack.


define hack for us, because louie is a lot of things, but hack is not one of them.

A self indulgent comedian who panders to his audience

yeah, thats totally not what hack means.

Hacks are incapable of bringing anything new to the table, they go for boring old played out jokes (some of which may be out and out stolen from another comic) where you can see the punchline coming from a mile off. Hack comedy lacks depth and originality.

Say what you will about Louie, he has ALWAYS been original. It might seem less and less like it now because people are biting his style. Its like Attell. They were the kings of east coast comedy.

In most cases, (strangely not louies though, but that's for another conversation...) those two things you listed as being "hack" are actually mutually exclusive.

Isn't correcting people on what hack means kinda hack?

yeah, thats totally not what hack means.

Go stand in front of a mirror and say that out loud. Is that a sentence that comes naturally to you? Do you like actually like totally talk like that?

Louie is an unfunny hack. He's aping the style of other directors like Woody Allen or David Lynch. Calling him a comedian at this point is a stretch, because he doesn't even go for jokes anymore. His style is unoriginal. He's a hack.

Firstly, in what world does a person need a mirror to hear themselves talk aloud?

Second: I didnt say "like, totally" like some airhead valley girl. Learn to read, go look into conversational grammar and oxymora and stop acting like you are fucking Noam Chomsky when you "like, totally" understood the point of what i was trying to say, and "like, totally" misread the sentence to include a colloquialism that wasn't even there in the first place.

And i doubt you have ever actually seen a David lynch or a woody Allen film if you think they are similar in style enough that they could be coherently aped into one project.

You are an empty shell of a human. A parrot of other people's opinions

That's not what hack means.

Hack is a comedian or entertainer who is either very unfunny or outright steals material.

Louis was funny for a while, but his show sucks now. Victim of his own fame. He needs shame to succeed. Pootie Tang was a nuclear reactor of self hatred for him, but I guess he used it all up.

Hack is a comedian or entertainer who is either very unfunny

So now he's a hack.

Look, I don't like the direction Louis is going, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that. He's done a lot of funny shit on the show, his own show started out very promising, and he has a lot of standup material I like.

Louie isn't hack. Hack comedy is lazy, stock material that people do because it gets easy laughs. Now, Louie might be a directorial hack (acting like a first year art student ripping off Woody Allen, David Lynch and Wes Anderson) or a hack writer (everybody sounds like him, monologues where people speak profundity to Louis CK the way he would say it like in the Fat Girl episode) but I don't think he's a hack comic.

Anthony was laughing hard at Louis' cringy SJW SNL monologue a year back.

Isn't correcting people on what hack means kinda hack?

yeah, thats totally not what hack means.

Go stand in front of a mirror and say that out loud. Is that a sentence that comes naturally to you? Do you like actually like totally talk like that?

Louie is an unfunny hack. He's aping the style of other directors like Woody Allen or David Lynch. Calling him a comedian at this point is a stretch, because he doesn't even go for jokes anymore. His style is unoriginal. He's a hack.

Firstly, in what world does a person need a mirror to hear themselves talk aloud?

Second: I didnt say "like, totally" like some airhead valley girl. Learn to read, go look into conversational grammar and oxymora and stop acting like you are fucking Noam Chomsky when you "like, totally" understood the point of what i was trying to say, and "like, totally" misread the sentence to include a colloquialism that wasn't even there in the first place.

And i doubt you have ever actually seen a David lynch or a woody Allen film if you think they are similar in style enough that they could be coherently aped into one project.

You are an empty shell of a human. A parrot of other people's opinions