Is there a tl;dr of the O&A drama?

0  2015-05-01 by [deleted]

I'm 22. O&A came out 3 years after I was born. Obviously I can't "catch up" but lately what has happened?

So far I know O&A is done with everyone hates Opie super hard.


this is a show for lonely aging men. A young man like yourself should stay away from this kind of trash least it ruin everything you love and care for.

This guy is right, learn a language or teach yourself piano... Don't waste thousands of hours like I did catching up


i am 22 as well, is O&A really an older man's game?


What happened was you tried way too hard to use buzz words while referencing the good old "laughed so hard I drove into a ditch!"


TL: DR everyone is a faggot

There's a stickied thread /u/kristal010 put together at the top of the subreddit. Look up, dummy.

Edit to add link:


I had to google what TL: DR is. Damn kids any your netspeek.'s called a summary. and it's only three more letters to type and you don't have to get a punctuation mark involved.

well since it's easy to figure out how things transpired how about i offer how i wish it ended. gregg hughes being chased through manhattan by a bunch of machete and bat wielding gooks like the yellow sea or old boy minus the ability to fend them off.
