Was that the second worst interview Tits has contributed to.

14  2015-04-30 by snoopkhat

You have to listen to the whole thing to get an idea of how bad Tits is at conversing with someone let alone interviewing them.

The first thing Tits says to Morgen was "you must be sick of talking about your movie."WTF!. A-listers get tired of promoting movies,doco makers like this guy do not.Then it goes downhill.

Still in first place is when Tits had his favorite old retired basketball player in studio,can't remember his name. He went on to ask him..

How much money did you make? Have you any money left? You must wish you were playing now and getting the money todays players are making! Do you think players are making too much money?etc



Norton raises his hand

Norton peaks out of his apple

He does always do the "how sick of you of the promotional tour" question. Like "we're different, we aren't like the others, right? Our show is special"

exactly. Then the cunt hits them with "hey ,we're on air right now"


It's like the cheesy "you must get tired of these OTHER guys hitting on you, huh?" He's such an in confident ass


I found it hilarious when opie said to the director you must regret not putting Ghrol in the movie. The doc maker then said something like everyone asks me that and I ask them what would you have asked him. Doc maker then asks Opie what he would have asked and Opie just stammered about how it would have been better with Ghrol.

How can you stand to listen

Wait, who was the basketball player? I haven't heard that one

Think it was Kareem


The fucking shitty bit about only letting guests come in on the air is so lame.

ME:We take it as a compliment!

Poor Jim even tried to call for a break and Opie steamrolled right through to bring him in live.