Chip is Opie

9  2015-04-30 by LethalWillis

Has anyone here ever felt they share a certain affinity for timing and a general lack of comedic self awareness?

we come on de radio 'ere an make jokes


This observation has been made many times here and the crack team has determined Chip indeed is Opie.

Has anyone ever zeroed in on the first instance of Chip on air?

April 29, 2010 is the earliest Chip I know about. I believe this is when Colin Quinn was in studio and they were discussing Jimmy having done Chip in The Cellar.

But Chip is somewhat likeable.



just a little tsss

Never, not once.

It is my humble opinion that Chip was an inside joke between Ant and Jim, to make fun of Opie on air, without him knowing.

A hypothesis that many others have come up with in the past, and seeing as how everything Ant said in his rant on Opie is shit we been saying for months/years, proves we know what the fuck we are talking about.

Opie is a joke stopping cornball. Chip is funny because he mocks the attention needing, story topping cornball frat boy shit that Opie spews out his soon to be botoxed lips.

He shud bowtux hiz pekah!!

When Artie was repeating his jokes in a very Chip way. Now Ant had that crutch "repeat joke someone just said, laugh at it" but that wasn't him trying to be funny, that was essentially complementing the joke. This was Opie trying to tag the joke and it was brrrrrrutal.

Ope Operson.

Tss. Ya evah eat fawkin oreos? Ya get fawkin soft doodies or sumptin.

Hmm, OP I think you might be on to something.

Now we have to theorize that "go to break Chippah" is mocking Opie's "keep the show going" mentality.


Chip and Uncle Paul were commentaries on the hosts.

uncle paul is?

A pedophile and maybe a pock-faced kinda racist.


Jimmy was just on Rogan's podcast and said that he would basically just do the characters to his girlfriend, way before he ever brought them to the show.

Jim's own description of Chip is that he always dissapoints. If you expect him to roll with something he stops it dead. He's also a narcissist that makes everything about him and will pathologically lie if need be to do so. He also is stated to have been forced by his mudder to clean up Lamar's semen when he was done with her.

I don't know, it's tight, but everyone has to decide where they think the line between fantasy and reality is.

This is an original, never before heard comment. Thanks for the contribution, faggot.

Your comment is worthless and adds nothing but the sheer rudeness of it makes me laugh really hard.