Does anybody else think Opie planned to push Anthony out all along?

4  2015-04-30 by sorendjierkinhaard


Just listen to this:

then realize he's been harping on Anthony's missed days ever since. Too much stuff is coming together. It turns out Opie was basically management's voice on the show. He'd been waiting for the right time to boot Anthony, and ever since the show has been supported by management. Never be friends with the bosses, even when they're pretending to be talent.


Control freaks have no use for those they can no longer control.

The whole splitting into 2 shows lie, Ant calls him out & Opie with the waterworks. What a manipulative coward.

"Control freak" = narcissist. The tears were fake, and for manipulation only. Gregg is a fraud. He's always been a fraud.

Even if Anthony returned to the show, I wouldn't listen. After Gregg's little display, I have lost all interest in anything he's involved in. That goes for Jim or anyone else involved - I just don't care anymore. I come by to amuse myself for a few minutes watching the slow motion sinking of the S.S. Bitchtits, and that's all.

Yup, a complete narcissist. My asshole family is loaded with the toxic fucks, they are easy to spot.

I cannot even listen to old shows, let alone them getting back together. Seeing Opie for what he really is, and has always been, makes it near impossible to listen to anything. While it is not as bad on older shows, his cunt personality is still there.

My strong fan-love for Jim is even fading after all this. No spine. You can tell there is resentment brewing in the studio though, between tits and sam especially but tits and worm also. I loved the looks on Ant and Jim's faces during that smug kikes stupid movie while tits is talking over them both.

This is very true, the "rift" in 1999 probably started from Ant not taking Opie's shit anymore.

Just look at who he's closest to on the show, Erock and Sam. One guy is his sociopathic punching bag and the other one licks his cunt.

Yeah, even Jim said that someone motherfucking your girlfriend is humiliating. Also, it's such a bitch move to hold it against Ant when Opie knew how miserable Anthony's marriage was. Opie shares the majority of responsibility in them not getting along for all these years.

that's a really good point...opie knew what ant was going through better than anyone.

I don't know if it was a full well thought out plan but I think he loves that it happened


I think he's delusional enough to convince himself that the "haters" are the crazy ones. He still have people sucking his dick on Twitter & YouTube constantly

He is a narcissist. Once you know one of these sick asshole people, you will realize that int their minds they are gods. They can do no wrong.

Opie said it best during his sobbing - "Anthony being fired was an opportunity for me."

I believe he always resented Anthony for being the more popular of the two. But, Opie couldn't leave the show because O&A had made him millions.

When Anthony got fired, Opie played the victim card. Remember his Twitter bio shortly after the news? "Totally Screwed Radio Host of Opie and Anthony."

He did zero to save Anthony's job, told the audience he "did everything he could" and then told us during cry-fest that he didn't try his hardest.

He was playing the victim by sobbing like a bitch into that mic. poor me!!!! All I wanted was friendship!

Compare that to that vicious meaning Anthony, who only lightly touched on what every single employee has said about Opie. That he is a cunt.


You could hear it in 2009 during the Grape Fight when he said the partnership was through, that they're different people and should do different things.

The obvious thing is him admitting he saw Ant's tweet fiasco as an opportunity. Don't defend him but don't bash him either, when management cans him, take over. After the dust settles, claim that Ant losing something he has consistently referred to as his dream job via holiday weekend is what he really wanted.

During the taped break about Ant's firing, Opie claimed Ant wanted to leave. He said he was "devastated" but he had a smile on his face. During the Greggshells thing, he verbatim said he saw Ant's firing as an get name of the show and full reign.

He has resented Ant being more popular than him probably since 1999.

During that show, he claimed that the "opportunity" was to escape the daily heartbreak of his unrequited bromance with Anthony. He said that sitting in the studio with someone who wasn't his friend anymore "ate away at me", that he felt relieved after the firing because "the frustration has left my life".

I can't tell which potential Opie is more obnoxious: the seething, jealous control freak or the clingy basket case who can't exist in the same workplace with someone who doesn't like him without sobbing to a therapist.

To a therapist for 7 years, no less. The heartache from losing his bro-love gave him "irritable depression" which is better now because the irritant, his estranged fag-love, is gone.

People say Opie is Chip but all this time he really was Fez!

well, it might sound very queer. but it's kinda just sad if what it comes down to was that opie thought he had found a best friend when he met ant and it just kind of dissolved over the years until he's just someone you know.

but this happens all the time. a friendship starts strong and dissolves. i don't know how he couldn't get his head around that and not let it get to him.

it's easy enough to work through that when you have two people on the same page and don't let anything get personal. but when one person is very clingy and needs validation all the time, it's a fucking disaster that is waiting to blow up.

Losing a friend is a bummer, sure. It's just not an "agonize over it for 15 years and try to quit your seven-figure dream job multiple times because you're too sad" bummer.

It was Barzini.

Opie's a pimp.


It's more than likely he snitched on Ant to management anytime he was late

This times a hundred.

He placed himself as the go-between to management and blocked out everyone else. Anthony didn't do himself any favors by not building more bridges with them I guess, but it is clear that Opie had to make himself useful by being the management guy. It just further cements the fact that there are these sociopathic manager types who can justify anything.

You think he wouldn't pull the same shit on Erock or Sam if he needed to? Or Jimmy?

This is the problem with sticking with a shithead like that. He'll dump you like he dumped Anthony.

No, but I believe he thanked his lucky stars when he was kicked out.


but he was only sorta in for years being a rat with management... he was "all-in" the second ant started tweeting... because he saw an opportunity.


I think Opie desperately wanted to be the successor to Howard. He couldn't do that with Anthony attached to him. That's not a statement on any controversies either. He just couldn't be the main guy with a cohost sharing the name of the show.

Opie wanted him and Ant to have the Howard/Robin relationship and instead he got the Howard/Artie relationship.

Yes. When Ant was tooling Nicollini he missed a few days. During those days Opie would say 'She'll ruin him' ie make him miss work, leaving the show for Opie alone. He'd also say during that period "Welcome to the Opie & Jimmy show- I'm not kidding'. It was always on his mind

That's a crock mister, you think we're all zombie killers!

You’re the killers! Your whole sick so ciety!

He's the wannabe puppet master..

It's a conspiracy, maaaaahhhhhhn

No. With Ant there the show is great and no Opie hate.

Nope. The show felt like it was already in decline before Anthony was fired.

Opie hired a black hooker to assault Ant in time square and that evening it just happened to work out as planned. Ant even fulfilled Opies master plan by ranting about it on twitter

I generally enjoy this sub and the "haters" but some of you are fucking psychotic too.

If you worked with a paranoid schizophrenic white supremacist, wouldn't you do the same thing?

Anthony is a funny dude, but he's also clinically insane.

Opie is a torpid sloth but he knows how to keep a job.

All Anthony had to do is STFU but he couldn't do it.

If he STFU, you god damned idiot, we would have a fraction of the humor. "keeping a job" does not equal entertaining radio, as is shown by the abortion of a show we have heard for nearly a year. You call Anthony clinically insane....what of the pathological, narcissistic liar you listen to now?

Jim, Opie and Anthony all battle their own devils.

Paranoid schizophrenia is a tough one though. For instance, "Introversion may also accompany psychosis, and it too may be inexorably intertwined with alienation and psychosis. Divergent thinking has been noted to be descriptive of individuals that may be more self-involved, at least in terms of their thinking processes. Jung noted that introverts solve their problems in their own minds, as opposed to extroverts who rely on the external world and interaction with other people in solving problems."

You can see this reflected in Opie and Jim's personal life. Opie in particular is desperately sensitive to how he's perceived by guests and listeners. Ant isn't concerned whatsoever - and this is typical of a paranoid schizophrenic.

TLDR : when you think that you're life is in danger, to a point that you must carry a firearm in your own home, you may need to seek medical attention.

citation -

Sorry, have you ever been around a paranoid schizophrenic? Those that I have seen do not resemble Anthony in the least... Please give your armchair diagnoses a rest.


I agree, Opie is pathetic.

Typical Opie ass sucking cunt.

that's a really good point...opie knew what ant was going through better than anyone.

Losing a friend is a bummer, sure. It's just not an "agonize over it for 15 years and try to quit your seven-figure dream job multiple times because you're too sad" bummer.