It looks like that random cop who called in a couple days ago with inside information about the Freddie Gray arrest was actually right

6  2015-04-30 by [deleted]


Good thing the police were able to investigate themselves and clear this up for us!

Excuse me while I nearly snap my own neck and crush my own larynx.

HAIKU! d(⌒ー⌒)

No matter how much investigation is done people that are anti cop will just say "no the evidence is fake...this statement is a lie" hell people still believe the "hands up dont shoot"

could hear Gray “banging against the walls” of the vehicle

that is evidence

and believed that he “was intentionally trying to injure himself,”

that is not evidence. the witness cannot know the intentions.

I was using general terms. Not necessarily meaning in this exact statement made.

It's true. If the other prisoner couldn't see, it could have theoretically been someone throwing Gray around or him semi-consciously falling and crashing into the walls.

True, though you'd probably hear some shouting during that intense of an altercation between two people.

That said, we're still just talking about one anonymous witness.

It's true.

I wanna hear more about this info before I accept or disregard it. I honestly don't know either way right now, it could be made up, it could be legit.

But the fact is, they could put out video of him trying to hurt himself and a lot of people would ignore it.

Lead paint may have scrambled his brain.

*thermite paint

"Freddie Gray was put in leg irons for insisting 'jet fuel can't melt steel beams.'"

Yes, this random prisoner's word is what we should really be taking into consideration.

Case closed. Another prisoner says he heard banging, and this is conclusive proof that Freddie Gray was hurling himself around the wagon trying to intentionally severe his own spine.

Makes perfect sense.

There was an internet rumor that he actually had spinal surgery the week before his death. Is that true?

I saw that too. You just know, here come the conspiracy nuts now. Cops can never win, it's the current media narrative.

*White institutions can never win. De skool iz raycis, the bank iz raycis, the PO-lise is rayciz and the jobs are raycis. Everything on the planet is trying to keep the black man down.


Also, the Baltimore police commissioner just announced that the van made an additional stop that they only found out about after an exhaustive investigation (or they caught footage of the van on a private camera).

I'm more convinced that others severed his spine and crushed his larynx than believing that he could ever inflict those injuries on himself.

"Gray is not the first person to come out of a Baltimore police wagon with serious injuries." Baltimore tax payers have already paid out $47 million for injuries, including paralysis, from these 'rough rides.'

Prisoner heard sounds and speculated because he's also a good citizen as well as being a criminal, or, he was promised preferential treatment. Which is more likely? It's as valid as guessing and ascribing motivation to sounds.

Some people fear a tyrannical government but can't seem to wrap their heads around the fact that the police and a complicit legal system would be the instrument of that tyranny.

Riot photographs show no blacks destroying stores, beating white people or setting things on fire

Only photograph of an arrest is a white person

There is NOTHING anyone could possibly post on the internet that would trigger me as hard as this garbage does.

If it's true how the hell can they prove it? Would forensics evidence how not bruises or forced trauma from the police? This one will be hella hard to show even if it is right. These police vans should have cameras in them that would solve this in a second.

"According to his family, he lapsed into a coma after his spine was "80% severed" at his neck, he had three fractured vertebrae, and his larynx was injured"

could you do that to yourself, willingly at a whim on a stupid charge of having a switchblade??? I must be a pussy because I couldn't even break my pinkie on purpose.

on purpose I think it's impossible but on accident sure but if it was an accident they would have a hell of a job proving it because that would be a really implausible scenario. I mean, Charles Krauthammer bumped his head in a seemingly harmless swimming pool diving accident but he hit just the right spot to make him wheelchair bound for life.

while that's possible, and i'm not inclined to be on the side of the "protestors", we have to be real about testimony from other criminals. you can get them to say whatever you like if you offer leniency.

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 89%. (I'm a bot)

BALTIMORE - A prisoner sharing a police transport van with Freddie Gray told investigators that he could hear Gray "Banging against the walls" of the vehicle and believed that he "Was intentionally trying to injure himself," according to a police document obtained by The Washington Post.

"We question the accuracy of the police reports we've seen thus far, including the police report that says Mr. Gray was arrested without force or incident."

Batts said the officer driving the van described Gray as "Irate." The search warrant application says Gray "Continued to be combative in the police wagon."

Extended Summary | FAQ | Theory | Feedback | Top five keywords: Gray#1 police#2 office#3 van#4 BALTIMORE#5

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I had to scroll down pretty far to find a comment that actually made sense and didn't rely on a conspiracy.

Freddie was able to talk and ask for an inhaler. Therefore his larynx was not yet crushed before being put in van. He also is shown standing in the video.

Freddie was put in leg irons while "acting irate" therefore his spine was fine.

Pretty much every step of this story was released by the cops, so it's hard for me to understand why one part of the story is accepted while another part is not.

No amount of proof could ever be shown that would convince blacks of anything. They still think Michael Brown was murdered. Keep rallying behind scumbags, and wonder why no one takes your goofy race seriously.

it's really hard to injure yourself to that extent, on purpose that is, I am not buying this and it's little too late anyway.

Like crybaby Anthony knows, even just breaking your own arm is a very difficult thing to do.

HAIKU! d(⌒ー⌒)

on purpose I think it's impossible but on accident sure but if it was an accident they would have a hell of a job proving it because that would be a really implausible scenario. I mean, Charles Krauthammer bumped his head in a seemingly harmless swimming pool diving accident but he hit just the right spot to make him wheelchair bound for life.