Do you know who's worse at their job than Opie is at his?

8  2015-04-30 by arobben

No, you


I'm sure there are plenty of people, but I can't think of people who have consistently pulled off high-6, low-7 figures in a job that is international. The man cannot read copy at a middle school level and he just bought a 7 million dollar piece of property. Opie has a deeply unpleasant and phony voice but he's been involved with talk radio for 35 years. The man is not funny at all but he's been on an internationally broadcast comedy program for about 10 years. Greggshells is thoroughly unlikeable and an utter terror to work with. Not one person he's ever worked with had anything good to say about him after they left and yet he's never been fired or forced out.

He's safe till renewal but I can imagine all those eying that gig for themselves ,especially those who know they can do it better. I think he knows this ,he owns the show's outcome100% & the pressure is getting to him. Constantly off balance & awkward mixed with condescending fake radio voice . Himbo semi stoner shitty millionaire dad whining about reality tv & proclaiming "I dunno" prior to giving his uninformed take on everything. Beware the Ides of March milkmellons.

I was about to blow off this thread as more incessant Opie hatred, but you make a good goddamn point. I tried to think of some horrible reality star like one of the Real Housewives, but in the context of their "jobs'" duties and their target-audience (ie being self-involved cunts who idiots are inexplicably entertained by), they do what's required of them. Opie's paid a massive amount of money to oversee a radio show for a multi-billion-dollar broadcasting corporation. Given all that, you'd think he'd...y'know...put more effort into broadcasting competently.

It bugs me when he painfully reads something like a 4th grader and when he finally makes it through he takes a breath and crumples up the paper. It fucking pisses me off, let someone else read it! Also that breathless clicking throat laugh makes my ears bleed.




my god, i must be psychic

That was the first name I thought of.

The captain of the Costa Concordia. They have similar ship steering skills.

Mayor of Baltimore (its topicalll!)

jimmy might visit that issue in his upcoming 2016 special on epix.

Yes, but they don't get seven figures for it

Opie being the host of a comedy show is like a lawyer that doesn't provide legal help.

The photoshop guy that's responsible for the 7 necks and baby arm photo.

The night shift at Chernobyl. With similar effects.


Sexy Fez would not appreciate this...


That's a tough one. Maybe this guy?

WAIT wait I got it!!! I got it!!!!!!



Honestly, Doug Benson. Opie is awful, but at least his retardedness can be entertaining occasionally. Benson just seems like a genuine asshole, never laughs with his guests, always interrupts people and overall just hosts the show in a very awkward, serious way. How the fuck can you host a pot show in a serious manner? It seems like smoking weed all the time in his 50's might've lead to a sense of bitterness about his wasted life.



Edit: Oh shit.. that's right. He doesn't have a job.