Here Goes Nothing...

0  2015-04-29 by [deleted]

Like most of us, im obsessed with Opie. I pretend not to listen to the show, but then comment in the listening thread. I listen to you tube clips, specifically for anti opie stuff, post them, and rejoice when this sub circle jerks around it. I say i hate him, but i never said anything like that before anthony got fired, in fact i made a new account because if anyone searched my comment history they would see how much of a bandwagon fag i am. Then i started telling myself "i come here to laugh about anti opie stuff", but i know im just feeding my head. We are all obsessed with opie, none of us besides opiesucks said anything bad about him before, thats why most of us have accounts that are less than a year old. We are hypocrites and pathetic idiots guys. You dont have to admit this to anyone but yourself and you can keep your online persona. I hoped this helped.


Go ahead and check my account history, I won't bite! I've been accused of being 'opie_sucks' alternate account more than once. And lets at least be honest with ourselves, if anyone is pretending, it's the people who say they still enjoy the show.


Don't be a pussy and use your main account next time, come on, OP.


Redditor for a year...

Oh right, forgot about the ban. Oh well! You can just keep pretending like Wackbag hasn't been shitting on Opie since 2005.

Sure, it was a "ban". Fucking delusional..

Holy shit...I'm not even kidding, are you Opie??

You really are serious, arent you? Fucking shit you are unbelievable...

A name similar to yours? Why do i care? And do you still think im opie? What a fucking dumbass.

Yep. Similar name. Same subreddit. A youtube account affiliated with both usernames. God I really hope you're just pretending to be this stupid. It's been more than half an hour, isn't it time for you to make another fake account, pussy? :D

Nice smiley face you faggot. And that account is deleted and proves that you didnt want your opie loving ways to be found out. When will you make another account?

Ooh, someone sounds angry! :D

When I get banned again, we've been over this dude.

More happy faces from faggot!


Good one.

Thanks, I try.


Good one

Bullshit. I've been on the Opie Hate Train since at least 2009. Wackbag almost universally loathed and still loathes him, they just keep quiet about. A clarion call to get people to stop ragging on Opie here used to be, "You're turning this place into wackbag." Now its said more harsh and accurate criticism and just general mean mockery than Wackbag has in the past decade. Many people here were wise to him. OpieSucks is our prophet. You ought to listen to him.


Redditor for 11 months....

Anthony was fired 9 months ago you horse's ass. Many people have accounts on here older than 9 months. Furthermore, correlation is not equivalent to causation, just because someone has an account less than 9 months old doesn't mean they made it to shit on Opie, you have nothing substantial to make that connection other than a personal bias. Your whole argument is based on a fallacy you rube. Way to go against the grain though, you truly are an original thinker and an internet warrior.

LOL "redditor for 7 months" HA! So thats why this post bothers you, you are EXACTLY the kind of hypocrite im talking about.

What else can you extrapolate aside from the fact that I've been a redditor for 7 months? Nothing? Thought so, your argument is purely an assumption and not grounded in truth.

You made an opie and anthony related username right after anthony got fired. You are too stupid to understand how dumb you are.

You're too stupid to understand how to argue probably, correlation isn't equivalent to causation. You have nothing to get from point A to point B. You can't prove anything from your premise.

Of course you dont agree with me calling you out. You made an account right after anthony got fired, and that account is a anthony catch phrase and you make almost exclusively pro anthony anti opie posts from the start. I take from that what i want, and if you dont like it then get off my thread. And its argue "properly" you dumbass, not "probably".

How are you calling me out? You haven't proven anything. Go through my posts and determine the ratio of my Opie hate to the rest of my posts if you are truly committed to your cause. You're making an assumption that is not grounded in anything tangible. You're clearly a mouth breather that does not know how to structure your ideas in a coherent fashion.

Ive said it like 3 times already you idiot. You are the dullest moron i have ever come across.

Hey, listen PAL. Correlation does not equal causation, you are making a correlation that isn't necessarily true. You have nothing tangible that supports your argument. You're essentially making the "vaccination causes autism argument". Just because autism becomes more apparent in some children around the same time they get their vaccinations does not mean that the vaccinations are the root cause of the autism. You are making an embarrassingly flawed argument.

I get it, you dont like being called out. I gave you my reasoning several times, you dont like that either. You are clearly bothered by YOUR OWN actions/hypocrisy. I get it, stop repeating yourself.

No you don't, but that's because you're stupid. You have no supportive arguments, you are saying because the accounts were made shortly after Anthony's firing they are clearly Opie hate accounts. This is purely a correlation that is not equivalent to causation. The same way Anti vaccers argue that because children start displaying symptoms of autism around the same time they have their vaccinations the vaccinations are clearly the cause of the autism. Both of these are arguments are invalid and equally retarded. You have not proved my hypocrisy, repeating yourself doesn't change anything. You have an argument founded on nothing but a baseless claim. Meaning, you don't actually have an argument. Sorry, you're wrong.

Opie hater since 2009. When they lost the FreeFM gig Opie went from annoying and useless to a completely intolerable asshole. I don't know when i discovered this sub but I didn't care to post until all the Opie hate started.

Redditor for 10 months, right after ant got fired. EXACTLY the kind of account im talking about.

Here's a post of mine from wackbag in 2012. The Opster does nothing for the show. Thus then he just needs to be removed, not replaced. I'm sure the dummy signed whatever they put in front of him. What other option does the Opster have?

59Palaver, Sep 30, 2012

I don't listen to O&J and hated Opie for a long time don't know what else to tell you.

Yeah sure, every palaver name is you...

lol. ok you're just being an ass to be an ass. have fun.

Whatever you say "every palaver name ever guy"

Dude... i don't know if you were on here before he got fired..people still pointed out opie sucking, it just amplified after Ant left.

on a whole it was more that both of them suck and some people were fed up with Ranting Ant


I once huffed so much dustoff I pissed my pants. Phew, feels so much better to get that out.

Sigh, redditor for (insert months)

Bitch, I've been approving opiesucks posts since the beginning.

What exactly is your point? Of course you should approve them. Why would you censor anything on this sub in the first place? Think before you type.

You have no idea how many people were reporting his posts and calling for his banning.

Also, fuck yourself.

I dont give a shit how many complained, it only shows how this sub is full of bandwagon faggots who changed their story once ant was fired. Can you make a point or get the fuck off my thread.

Sigh. Redditor for 0 days

You realize this point has been made dozens of times, right?

Can you make a point

You're trying too hard

or get the fuck off my thread.

You're not my supervisor.

Excuse me sir, but you have not made a point.

....and there it is. Hi, Ben!

Excuse me sir, but the tide is turning against craterface. And i have been leading the charge for months. What say you sir?


I admire your dedication. I can't really watch anything Ant is doing these days, because oh god it stinks. I heard he did a 5 hour commentary on the riots the other night. What kind of a loser would sit and watch a black man looking at black men on TV for 5 hours?

I plan to download it and enjoy. I imagine he was very funny.

"I, I'm sorry I did that"

Op what are you getting at though? People can't change their minds about a performer? People can't decide they hate an on air douchey persona? Perhaps it's the fact the funny person has left a show and now the current host is utter shit. You can make all the posts you want but people will have their opinions.


The part about people making new accounts because they sucked opies dick before anthony got fired is spot on. On another note, it isnt the opie obsession that is the problem, it the refusal of cumia sycophants to accept the facts.

redditor as of 2 hours ago


Redditor for a year. Exactly my point.

this is my main account

Yep, the account that you beg for money because you are a broke loser drug addict. L O Fuckin L.

still a whole lot cooler than you, nerd.

checked your post history. He is right, you are a drug addict beggar, dont judge ANYBODY you loser.

nice try on the hate, tho.

It isnt hate man, its truth. You are in no place to judge anybody else. We all are adults who have self control and dont have to beg for money. Grow up dude.

i dont really give a fuck what you think, dork. if i did, i would have deleted those posts.

edit: i definitely wouldnt make a new account. im man enough to take whatever shit that comes at me for what ive said in the past.

I dont want you to care about me, i want you to realize that you are in no position to judge others considering your place in life at this time. Stick to getting in a position where you dont have to ask for money like a loser.

youre just jealous of my awesome drug tolerance

It will only get better if you WORK towards it getting better. Dont kid yourself buddy.


it the refusal of cumia sycophants to accept the facts.

Which facts are those?

That he sucks, his endless impressions suck, his racial ranting sucks, his youtube video commentary sucks, his whole crew lack charisma, and in general, his show fucking stinks?

People are slowly coming around

His Ronald Reagan impression is one of my favorites.

yep, pretty much.

How are you calling me out? You haven't proven anything. Go through my posts and determine the ratio of my Opie hate to the rest of my posts if you are truly committed to your cause. You're making an assumption that is not grounded in anything tangible. You're clearly a mouth breather that does not know how to structure your ideas in a coherent fashion.

Ive said it like 3 times already you idiot. You are the dullest moron i have ever come across.

....and there it is. Hi, Ben!