I captured this screen from Misery Loves Comedy in case anyone's looking for a new desktop background of their favorite handsome boy

6  2015-04-29 by iam_colinwood


And here's one of Ant.

level's jerry... LEVELS

Stop. My dick is sore.

Just bought new shea butter lotion so this is perfect

Looks like he sees a big peckah.

Jimmy mistakenly sat on the Dildo seat. Poor lad!

I saw this at the IFC Theater on Saturday and Kevin Pollack did an Q&A afterwards. It was pretty good.

Jim Jefferies was great throughout the entire film.

The part that tickled me the most was that every person that was interviewed, just had their names underneath them but when both Opie and Anthony spoke, it would say "Anthony Cumia - Opie & Anthony radio show" "Gregg Hughes - Opie & Anthony radio show".

Jimmy was supposed to do the Q&A with Kevin Pollack but didn't show up.

Four-Sides-White Jimmy! A new moniker!

jim norton facial expressions always look like they're being controlled by an amateur puppeteer. when he's in the media anyway.