So Jim is anti-cop because some of his black comic friends have told them about their harassment?

0  2015-04-29 by Lilcumia

C'mon Jim


What I'm getting from all this is that people are still listening to O&J. Bless you masochists.

We few, we happy few, we band of brother-mans.

We continue to listen so we may all report back to base and allow you, and others, your freedom.


What would be even worse is coming to a board for a show you dont even listen to and posting on it. Could you imagine what sort of absolute loser would do that...thats creepy.

Opie and Anthony? I just listened earlier today!

Between the Esther Ku and Dan Soder visits the show still has its moments.

Yep. 21 hours of peace, followed by 3 hours of misery. Rinse, lather, repeat.

I'm not trying to say that it isn't mostly bad. It is. But if you're driving around, sometimes if you flip over there, it's not that bad.

Sidenote: Bennington is killing it.

True Story



Did you hear him speak about the NSA? Jimmy is a fucking dunderhead when it comes to basic civil rights. He should stick to talkin about peckas and Gene Simmons' cock.

gene simmons' cock is a peckah, yo

His opinion on the NSA was so goddam dumb. People use social media too much and are too celebrity obsessed so they deserve whatever the NSA does.

It really was. Because some people like celebrity gossip, that means the whole country deserves to be spied on by the government. Very logical.

He kinda retracted that (or contextualized it if you will), in the Andy Greenwald thing.

Remember he wanted Zimmerman to be charged with "something" even though there was nothing there?

Yeah, that was so embarrassing, but unfortunately that's what a lot of people were thinking and feeling at that time though.

I just want awful things to happen to that fat piece of shit. Never really have a fuck about the case. The dudes a racist piece of shit that waves his gun around in every dispute. As a supporter of the 2nd amendment (which I know most of you are) you should fucking hate that douche

there's a lot of people that need a lot of come uppins, for a lot of reasons. he's just one of many. who cares who or what he is, who would care enough to follow him after the trial? i certainly don't.

focusing on him well after he's done anything, because i really haven't heard anything noteworthy of him, just kind of points to how people love to focus in on negativity in a destructive way.

as things are happening, you can point at a person and critique them. but he's free to live whatever life he chooses now, to succeed or fail. either way it would be irrelevant to the rest of the world.

you gotta let that shit go.

I just want awful things to happen to that fat piece of shit.

Most of you bleeding hearts do.

Never really have a fuck about the case.

Of course you did.

The dudes a racist piece of shit that waves his gun around in every dispute.

Yeah, remember when he said "fucking coons?" Oh, wait....

As a supporter of the 2nd amendment (which I know most of you are) you should fucking hate that douche

Why? The Second Amendment worked perfectly in the TM situation.

It worked perfectly? By that racist cunt unnecessarily fucking with and murdering that kid he set the cause back big time. But I guess for people like you a black dead kid is the one thing that can trump any concerns about your 2nd amendment rights

Sure, it did. A man was being beaten and he defended himself. Again, where's the proof that he's a racist? Am I glad a kid lost his life? No, but that's what happens when you pummel someone.


He followed the kid around cuz he's black, he also initiated hostile contact cuz he knew he was strapped. The dude is a scum bag murderer. And when the fuck did it become So glorified to be a gigantic pussy. Dude started beef with a 17 year old and got his ass kicked, and then when he started getting beat up, instead of taking his ass beating like a man, he shot him. What a pussy

He followed the kid around because the neighborhood had a recent rash of break ins committed by black males, and TM was wondering around looking at houses.

Where am I glorifying anything? You're just projecting your own bias towards Zimmerman. Guess what? TM learned a lesson that night, and that lesson is- you don't flim flam the zim zam.

I don't know who I'm talking to anymore cuz there's been such a recent influx of racists and unoriginal and obsessed losers with "opie" in there username. It's Overwhelming and impossible to tell anyone apart. You all parrot Ants opinions on race and dislike opie to creepy levels

If you're going to accuse me of being a parrot, perhaps you should look at my comments to see if it's true or not (hint, it's not). If anyone's been rehashing old ideas here, it's you. Hell, even the DOJ couldn't make a case against Zimmerman, and you know they were out for blood.

I never gave a fuck about the Zimmerman case. I just said that Zimmerman is a fat cunty racist murderer. Everytime I say it, I have to argue like I'm a fucking lawyer prosecuting the man. I don't need to win in a court of law to know that he's a cunt that deserves a bullet in him

Obviously you did give a fuck if you've commented on it numerous times. When you make statements without evidence to support said statements, people are going to challenge you. You're perfectly entitled to feel however you wish about him, and I'm perfectly entitled to tell you it's without merit.

He absolutely did follow him cuz he's black, engage him knowing he was strapped, get out of his car, and then shoot him cuz he was losing a street fight. We know all of these things based on the facts that were presented to us. Now as far as what we don't know and what I am assuming, I don't think it's very far fetched. All we know is what GZ told us, a man that has to construct a perfect and favorable story to get himself off the hook for murder.

So just what we know is bad enough to make me despise him, and then when you add that it's pretty obvious we aren't getting the full story and more shit certainly went down but the other side never had a chance to present his case, it's even worse. You guys act like Gz story is "facts" it's really not though. It's a desperate man telling a perfect story to save his own ass

it sucks ant did that one podcast, all of a sudden the whole storefront message board is now here

I kind of agree with you about there being a weird stormfront-ish influx around here, but your post about George Zimmerman is profoundly dumb.

How? All I'm basically saying is the guy is a hatable racist pussy

I mean, someone did die, that is kind of something

and a packet of skittles went unconsumed

Most people know he's a piece of shit, but the evidence shows that he was technically justified in that incident. He really is an embarrassment and a plague on the 2nd amendment supporters.

Lol you get downvoted for this. These people are such scummy losers

Jim is a hardcore lib.

Listen to his argument with Anthony about the polling intimidation and you will hear it. Anthony even says it and Jim gets offended because he knows it.

I don't care what he is but the whole "I hate both sides but the liberals disappointment me more because they're supposed to know better" thing stinks. Apparently he dropped out before they got to the Progressive Era. That's the point Jim, they have zero history of knowing better.

Paycheck hates Libs because they want to give every kid in the race a trophy,cunts.

What polling intimidation story?

IIRC He said that militant black panther guys with weapons stoping white people from entering a polling place wasn't racial and that the "white pussy" talking about being denied entry should have just pushed thru/fought them

Here it is -

Intimidation isn't about if you personally would be intimidated, its if it is reasonable to think that other people could have their voting rights infringed. I don't know why the reverse scenario of White nationalist skinheads standing in front of a polling place dressed like SS soldiers or something, dressed to the nines like the stereotypical boot party goon, wasn't persuasive to Jimmy. Ant wouldn't be intimidated, he'd go "White Pride World Wide" and compliment them on their quality posts at Stormfront before voting for Mitt Romney. But a typical person would be fucking intimidated, especially a non-White. I couldn't believe that Jimmy tried to argue that "suited and booted" Blank Panthers visibly brandishing clubs couldn't be intimidating.

This looks like some Fox News pissy pants stuff


There's video


Sorry I ruined your black Panther party



Wasn't Jimmy intentionally egging Anthony on that day because they were monitoring Anthony's blood pressure at the time?

Did you little to the audio? This was Jimmy being real.

I did and at 7:44 they chime in with Anthony's blood pressure. Jimmy conveniently ignores it and goes back to saying things that would clearly piss Anthony off. Is it a coincidence that the one time Jimmy is completely against everything Anthony is saying is the one time Anthony's blood pressure is being monitored?

while that sounds plausible, a year later a follow up on the story came out and jimmy admitted he was wrong. implying that he believed it the whole time.

If that's the case, I'm not sure what to think. I'd have to hear what he actually said because I can't believe Jimmy would be that naive.

Jimmy is always pro-comic, and pro-pornstar. They can do no wrong in his eyes and everything they say is completely valid.

Argue with him about this, and you will be hit with the "baby boyyyy!" hammer.

this subreddit is filled with black and white idiots

fuck you all

Why'd you have to go and make this a racial thing?

I apologize. I thought this was a subreddit against oreos and they have been really skimping on the white creme filling so I got a little mad and decided to riot of a lil bit in Baltimore.

I'm a Hydrox man, myself.

I agree.

Who the hell could be against dipping Hydrox in milk!?

Jimmy has sucked cops dicks for years and now you can't deal with some criticism.

By not excepting some legitimate critism you cause this type of shit to happen.

And unless you hiroshima them this won't end until you except some responsibility for your coverups undertheguise of the law while committing illegal acts and getting away with them.


When Illegitimate acts are allowed to take place and covered up by those in power then don't be mad when irrational anger starts to take place by those below

Very well said

I actually stole the latter part of it from a TYT guy and I hate that guy but he had a point.

Opie and Jim always sound uninformed when it comes to this type of shit. They make a couple of dumb fuck who gives a shit comments and then go to calls for an hour. Do 10 min of research on a topic and learn some facts before replying like a fucking girl with nothing but emotions. They have no chemistry b/c they are both lazy complacent twats

He never once said he was anti-cop. Sometimes I wonder how socially awkward most of must be. You take the smallest things and blow them far out of proportion. Jimmy employs a retired police officer Club Soda Kenny. He's not anti-cop and if Jimmy was I don't think Kenny would be willing to work for Jimmy.

Also what Jimmy was saying is he acknowledges there might be issues with the police as well because he knows enough black comics who are regular , law-abiding citizens like anyone else and even they've had issues with racial profiling. How did you turn that into an anti-cop comment and why can't there be any ambiguity or gray areas when discussing these things?

Ever wonder why there is so much vagueness to all these stories? Jims 'maybe I don't see it cause I'm white.' See what? Sherrod Small walking minding his own business when a nasty cop pulls up and starts 'harassing' him? Bullshit. And if it does happen its cause your suspicious, not cause your black. Comply like the rest of us. Or if you are being 'harassed' complain about said officer. Don't leave out the details though. Harder to convince people of your bullshit that way.

Your name should be unoriginal asshole that regurgitates whatever Anthony says.

When did he ever say he was anti-cop. You fucking morons read into every little thing and yet still get it wrong. Don't be butt hurt because he didn't sign on to the basement show.

Anti-cop as in he believes cops are going around harassing black people for no reason and not because they've committed a crime. His evidence? Black comics' stories. Jim was wording it sounded like the same 'handsupdontshoot' rhetoric we've been hearing. It was on yesterdays show.

Jimmy really is an impressionable piece of tofu. He usually succumbs to the thoughts of those around him, or the thoughts of his idols.

He thinks that the NFL Red Skins should change their name, because some cunt told him its offensive, he doesn't hate Gene Simmons, not because he's amazing, but because he got a picture with him and was able to dick ride, and now Jim sees the justice system for what it is because Derosa's black comic friends have been whispering in his ear. Good job Jim.

Off topic, but I wish when Jimmy is arguing with someone, or going back and forth with somebody, someone keeps going ohhh and ehhh to everything he says.

I hate hoe Jimmy does that to show he is bored with the interaction, basically because it doesn't involve him.

Jim actually said that voting for Obama had nothing to do with white guilt. He's a fame whore.

yuo don't have to be a guitly white person to realize Obama is better than McCain or Romney. And yes Obama sucks balls.

in what way exactly was obama better than mccain?

i'm not particularly up on politics, or give a shit about the game at all, but everything i've heard about him in passing over the years led me to believe he was a pretty stand up guy. in comparison to a guy you never really heard of before.

i've never heard anybody give a solid reason not to like mccain other than age, and i think that is pretty much a non-issue.

there was a time where McCain was decent but he basically sold his soul to play ball with the other republicans

McCain literally wanted to stay in Iraq for 100 years, and Sarah Palin was his VP.

seems to me logically you can't pull out of a war prematurely once you're committed to it. once that happens, you have to see it through to the bitter end. including the occupation. the philippines kind of shows that.

and vice presidents aren't all that important, clearly. so i'm still left to wonder.

That's my opinion. And yes, while VP's aren't that important in theory I still don't want that dumb cunt in the highest office of the country and the next person inline to the presidency.

fair enough, your opinion is fine. it's yours. but i still have no reason to think better or worse of mccain as a candidate.

the best thing was when he flubbed in western pennsylvania and the boys really ridiculed him for it. that was HILARIOUS. god, i was just listening to that clip the other week too. he couldn't have fucked up speaking more.

yes you do.

Jim did it for white guilt reasons, because I've heard what he said for years, and he wouldn't support Obama if he wasn't feeling guilty. Obama is not better than McCain or Romney.

That's stupid. Jim's friends should be anti-black because it is them who act the way they do, causing police to be suspicious.

I could see Sherrod Small gettin in his ear. He probably gets shit from police for attacking other comics and not his skin colour. Jim also did the very vague "all the cases" shit and for some reason suggested they riot other neighbourhoods. Never seen Jim as a white-guilt type after all his hatred for when the media do it.

just cause i am black i cant punch other ppl???

I get all my US Police info from Cops....Aggressive, violent, condescending and arrogant....I watched an episode where a clearly weak beta husband was taken to Jail for literally hugging his wife asking her not to leave, even she didn't want him arrested, absolutely no common sense used. I guess that's better then having knees in your neck and 2 cops on each arm still telling you not to resist (as if its possible to resist). Then again they have to deal with you maniacs and your love of guns so they are all probably suffering PTSD... my conclusion...America was born on violence, you fucks love it.

I'm against most cops and most street thugs, so I'll just grab my popcorn and enjoy. I know you guys mostly all hate black people, but why are you so willing to praise cops. Surely you Realize how many of them are just hipocritical douche bags. They themselves above the law and picking and choosing who gets fucked and who gets a pass as they drunk drive their way through life. Lots of you are also so anti government but so quick to support the governments jack booted thugs. Basically going Around and extorting the american people so states can waste the money on bullshit

I remember when I was 17.

Oh you're that guy? Made a new username on reddit I guess? Needed it to be more Opie related so you can get online props in the form Of upvotes? Cool stuff man! By the way it's pretty hilarious that the guy who joined reddit as "opieopieopie" is saying I'm 17. By you saying that I must assume that you are significantly older than 17 which makes your username extremely sad and pathetic

Yes, look at my post history and see all the upvotes I get being an Anthony sycophant.

So you don't like opie or Anthony? Wtf are you doing here then?

Whatever I like, pretty much. There's no need to worry about me, fella.

Ooh big boy watched V for vendetta and now fancies himself an anarchist.

from the cops i've seen and known, i don't see too much difference between them and plumbers or cable technicians. they're just guys that are doing a mostly physical job, a fairly dangerous one, that i wouldn't want to do.

they do an exceptional or poor job with the same consistency as any other profession as well. which is to say, there are a few shining moments but most of their time is spent just trying to do as little work as possible to make it through the day. i totally understand that.

Sounds like you just watched it and just couldn't wait to use that cool line, cuz I haven't thought of that movie in years. But lol when you said big boy! Maybe one day you can be just like Jim Norton

Between the Esther Ku and Dan Soder visits the show still has its moments.

We few, we happy few, we band of brother-mans.

We continue to listen so we may all report back to base and allow you, and others, your freedom.

and a packet of skittles went unconsumed


Lol you get downvoted for this. These people are such scummy losers

Most people know he's a piece of shit, but the evidence shows that he was technically justified in that incident. He really is an embarrassment and a plague on the 2nd amendment supporters.

What would be even worse is coming to a board for a show you dont even listen to and posting on it. Could you imagine what sort of absolute loser would do that...thats creepy.

It really was. Because some people like celebrity gossip, that means the whole country deserves to be spied on by the government. Very logical.

How? All I'm basically saying is the guy is a hatable racist pussy

There's video

Sure, it did. A man was being beaten and he defended himself. Again, where's the proof that he's a racist? Am I glad a kid lost his life? No, but that's what happens when you pummel someone.

Whatever I like, pretty much. There's no need to worry about me, fella.