So that one guy who tried to pass of Patrice's material as his own has a viral video about what's going down in Baltimore. Hmmmm

4  2015-04-28 by crookedmile


Listen to his bullshit reasoning of why he ripped off Patrice.

He uses Patrice's words and passes them off on his own... because Dante Nero wouldn't read his email?

"I just wanted to get his attention" the scary thing is look at the comments and how everybody falls for his obvious bullshit. We live in a world of fuckn idiots.

My god the editing, he makes cut mid sentence ffs

The reddit equivalent is

...talking... this. It's fucking...


Breaking into someone's home and stealing their stuff is criminal. Breaking into a legendary soul and stealing their essence is sacrilege. Despicable.

This video is enraging. Forget about the Patrice stuff, I hate that jump editing thing and the smug tone - 'I'm all about protesting if it's gonna get shit done.' Are ya?

I had to tap out because of his inflated shiny bottom lip.

Stop licking your donkey lips, LL.

He makes sense on the issue of Baltimore, I will give him that. Over 500K views is respectable too. He's doing something right.

the guy makes sense about baltimore, his patrice ripping off was stupid, but he seems genuine, who fucking cares