Meta post, have you noticed recently

0  2015-04-28 by JohKhur

how racist reddit can be? shit i've seen so many posts of clear racism upvoted to 1k-2k+, one post in r/pics that was at 200-300 upvotes till it was taken down showed a white person's hand holding a monkey's hand, titled ' let's all just get along'

i found that one funny, but shit imagine if Ant's incident happened right about now, i bet he wouldnt be fired, nor his comments be seen as outrageous


Every time I spout outright racism without any context to the thread, or any hint of joke, I get downvoted, at least here.

That means we may be one of the most toxic subs, a title I am proud of, but when we get racist there is a purpose, or a joke in it. Not just outright niggermania shit.

We are better than any other sub.

An entire city burning is going to ruffle more feathers than a 67 year old drunk taking pictures in Times Square at 2 am.

This is why this sub exists. We know Ant got fucked over. If it happened now he would still get fired. It wasnt what he said it was what he....fuck it, it's clearly all Opies fault.

It was a psy-op!! Alex Jones was involved.


I always assumed racism was to mistreat someone of another race than you. I didn't realized TYPING WORDS IN AN ONLINE FORUM was racism

No, racism is a set of beliefs in which race is relevant. A racist believes that race alone can be a predictor of a person's behavior or beliefs.

I'm pretty sure reddit has always been a racist shithole, though.