Lionel is becoming Ant's Snowy from Michigan....

1  2015-04-28 by JohnnyCashFan69

I can't be the only one who just walked away from the stream yesterday until that stammering guy was off. Textbook example of a guy who uses many words to say very little.


Lionel kind of blows and Ant gives him a lot of fake laughter, but let's not go nuts here.

No one is snowy from Michigan, ok maybe Chuck. Lionel's voice is a tad annoying though.

Lionel is one of the few exceptions where I prefer him on O and J.

Hear me out before you click the down arrow, my friends.

Opie and Jim were actually sarcastic and snarky with him, and mocked him, but kept him focused enough to feed into it. They made his lunacy entertaining, a rare compliment for the show.

Ant buys into it somewhat.

This guy is like Alex Jones, or Jesse Ventura. When they start out with their ideas, they come with facts and logic that makes sense initially, then it down-spirals into pure loonyness and paranoia.

Opie also stopped Lionel from talking when the caller was bringing up interesting points the first time he was on.

You're right. When Lionel was on Live From The Compound I kept wishing Opie or Jim was there to trash him. Ant treated Lionel like radio royalty.

I agree. On O&A they had Alex Jones on with a healthy dose of skepticism and mockery which made him funny. Now, Ant just fawns over Alex which is kinda sad considering this man 2 weeks ago was ranting about how the terminator and skynet is happening for real.

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