Why didn't Opie stick with the originals?

2  2015-04-27 by StopApologizingUSA

Any hangers on to the O&J show have certainly noticed that the staples, as far as 3rd mic guests, have been Dan Soder, Sherrod Small, and Jim Florentine more than anyone else. You've also gotten a lot of Doug Benson, Ester Ku and some others. Unlike many hard core O&A fans, I actually enjoy most of them, especially Soder. But I find it extremely odd that Opie didn't stick with the core group of comics on a more regular basis. This obviously being Rich Vos, Bobby Kelly, CQ, and to an extent, Nick DiPaolo. Some of that core have fallen off for various reasons. Patrice died, Derosa might as well have, and Louie and Burr are too big to do morning radio on a regular basis. But why aren't Bobby, Vos and Colin the regular rotation? Is it lack of loyalty or something else?


Colin is busy and the other two have families and live far away.

The old rotation had been coming in less even when Anthony was there. They're either busy, having families or are too lazy to get out of bed.

i said this in another thread but Opie told Vos his new show is something more than trashing each other and all the old original names you listed were the best at that. Imagine that self rightous douche talking about Transparent with Nick Dipaolo in studio, if Nick, Vos and Birbiglia was a "bloodbath" that interview would have been the big bang. Management loves the direction of the show period.

where did opie tell vos that? nick dipaolo in that tambor interview would have been great

It was at the start of one of Vos' appearances, Vos mocked something he said or did and Opie said that's not the show they are doing anymore and that they're doing something more now. Yeah Nick would have buried him in a second and it would have been great fot us but lost all future bookings from whoever his publicist was.

Well, Colin said he hasn't been on as much because he feels like the regulars you named have been displaced for people like Florentine and Soder, which he feels are on too much. He also stated to Opie and Jim while in studio that he dislikes the direction the show is headed in. I don't think its a coincidence that a guy who used to do at least one appearance or phoner a month for years has done the show about 5 times since Ant got fired.

I did not know that he actually told them that. I'm gonna find some CQ O&Js to listen to then.

He said on Ant's show that Opie prefers Florentine and Dan Soder types haha