Do you think there was ever a single legitimate WOW flashing?

13  2015-04-27 by [deleted]


Probably at events and stuff yeah.

Fat creep neckbeards who have it on their car? No


I did! I saw a trucker with a sticker and I went YEEHAAAA out my passenger window while my gay guy friend was driving and he thought I was crazy.

I'm on a throwaway because I don't want my students to know I spent a lot of my college years and twenties with my top off.

EDIT: Why did that get a downvote? I guess you don't want answers to the asked question.

So did you yell YEEHAAAA like you were wrangling cattle, or "wild" white chick that everyone hates?

I feel I just need more context

The latter.

Y dont u clime it or sumpthinnnn tsssss


I still can't believe they stuck with that for so long (years after it had become the hack's go-to reference for idiotic shock jock douchebaggery).

It was a good promotion. I saw those stickers everywhere back in the day before I knew who they were.

But isn't it basically brand awareness only for people already aware of the brand? Once WOW became the morning zoo cliche ("this is Frap and Bacon in the morning, it's Flop 'em out Friday here in the studio..."), I just don't think it helped the show.
(Guy sees bumper sticker) "WOW? What's WOW?" (Looks it up) "Oh, that must be the worst radio show in the world. They're resorting to that lame 'show us your boobs' marketing campaign that everyone's been making fun of for years."

I just don't think it helped the show.

(Guy sees bumper sticker) "WOW? What's WOW?" (Looks it up) > "Oh, that must be the worst radio show in the world. They're resorting to that lame 'show us your boobs' marketing campaign that everyone's been making fun of for years."

That's never been how brand recognition works. Sounds good on paper and if people were smart it would work that way, but we're not, we're stupid, especially when we're not playing close attention, which is when advertising always happens.

99% of every commercial ever made is absolutely fucking terrible. But all that matters is how many times you hear the word or words that is the brand name. It's mostly subliminal.

So, "O&A--the radio show I will never give a fair chance to, because they have the world's most hokey promotional campaign" is indelibly engrained in people's brains?

Lol why would you say indelibly? Of course not. Why does it always have to be some extreme or another.

Businesses scrap and scrape for every little bit of recognition they can get. And small bits do pay off.

As for hokey - again, it always works because the nature of advertising is that you're never paying close enough attention to be that critical when you're exposed to ads. You don't care enough to bother to decide whether it's hokey or whether it's anything. It's just some ad. Your brain is putting it in the background and that's where the name takes root in your memory. See: Seinfeld "Cooostanza" sung to the tune of "Byyyy Mennen". That's exactly how it works. (although obviously not with getting laid - that was the exaggeration).

I'm not disagreeing with you about how advertising works, I'm just saying that if "This Bud's For You" somehow became the satirist's shortcut to describe the mentally feeble, it would probably be time to move on to a new slogan.

maybe because this phenomenon of WOW and things like it becoming this ubiquitous pop-culture in-joke is in your imagination in the first place. I have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

They should have gone all in with Suck my cock dry Friday, where the goal is to suck my cock and rip the cum out of my bag. Anyone can participate

OK opiechip

I didn't even know what to make of that, but opiechip's not bad.

It was great brand recognition and promotion. I initially found out who O&A were through seeing the bumper stickers EVERYWHERE and asking my dad what it was (I was like 13 or 14 at the time).

I guess I'm just imagining two adults having a "Have you heard about WOW?" conversation in 2007. "But that's the radio promotion that sitcom writers use to indicate that a character is mildly retarded". It became a cliche, through no fault of their own.

The wow thing nyc/nj was huge. That's all you saw everyday, usually written in the dirt on the back of trailers everywhere.

I had 2 in 2002

I hope somebody with a WOW sticker died in a car accident.

In the early XM days, they were trying to work with the company to get WOW stickers made but it was taking forever. So there were a few times when some trucker would call in to let the audience know they were hosting a "WOW stop", and they'd let everyone know that they were parked in a truck "On exit 134 off of the I-10 in Arizona" or wherever the fuck handing out homemade WOW stickers to anyone who stopped by. Fucking insanity. Who would host that, and who would stop? Unless "WOW stop" is some code word for roadside trucker 69 sessions I seriously just do not understand it.

Hi Opie!

When I was 17 I had one of those tricked out cars with the rims and the spoiler and all that.

One time a girl saw me and flashed me.

it was glorious

I can recall the entire thing as if it was in Bullet Time, it might have been the greatest moment in my life

Happened to me once, when they were on Afternoons

i got one in orlando in probably 2005? it was late and i was on my way home from a bar and a car pulled up next to me. they were all from new york so knew the show. they did the roll your window down thing and asked me about my sticker and the chick in the passenger seat said "here you go" and the back seat window rolled down and it was a full ass/vag view. completely random, but hey, whatever, i'll take it.

Those were mailboxes, I didn't have the heart to tell you.


Not on the street. While some fat slob is driving to his job as a supermarket cashier.

A lot of the old school WOW sighting calls sounded like a bunch of over-enthusiastic Tucker Max types. I always had an inkling that the WOW and the Midget sightings was bullshit filler.

They certainly were bullshit filler, but I don't think it was necessarily something Opie and Ant tried to fake - I think it was just dumb lonely truckers who only force themselves out of bed in the morning so they could listen to the show calling in with a fake story to feel like they were part of something.

Back in the WNEW days I had a buddy who drove a tow truck that had a WOW sticker on it. He was constantly on the road in that thing and he claimed that he was occasionally flashed, though usually not by chicks who you'd want to have flash you.

It was a huge hit pre sex for Sam and a colossal flop afterwards


My brother had the "Flash Friday" sticker from Tom Leykis. He claimed it happened all the time. The only person I know who did it was his girlfriend at the time. That's all I know about that.

I saw one on a truck about a year ago. Thought about flashing but who wants to see this 36-year-old's body? I don't even want to.

Not a thing wrong with that age. Excuses excuses.

Did you send my friend Tossy what was coming to him?

I had an O&A sticker for ten years. You know when I finally put it on my car? Last fucking May. Wonderful.

No. Well, okay there were probably a few I guess but it was hack. In any event, we all make mistakes.

No no no, I showed my bubs!

Maybe in like New York? I dunno. I had one on my car for a year. It never happened to me. I never expected it to at all, I just had it because I liked the show. Literally nobody I knew even knew what it was. Maybe that's because I live in Kentucky, but I dunno. If not for deciding to bring on great comedians who would later ascend on their own, O&A would be totally irrelevant.

Not a one

Happened to me circa 2000. Myself, my friend and my friends mother who was driving us around (we were 14 at the time and my friends Mother had a WoW sticker on her car) got flashed right in our town. To two 14 year old's, it was awesome. This was also on Long Island, where AnO was pretty huge at the time.

Can I even get a WOW sticker for a reasonable price anymore? Are people making repros?



I always assumed there wasn't.


I guess I'm just imagining two adults having a "Have you heard about WOW?" conversation in 2007. "But that's the radio promotion that sitcom writers use to indicate that a character is mildly retarded". It became a cliche, through no fault of their own.

So, "O&A--the radio show I will never give a fair chance to, because they have the world's most hokey promotional campaign" is indelibly engrained in people's brains?