Ants fans...

0  2015-04-27 by maynardsabeast

We are all obviously fans of Anthony but his new core of fans are generally pretty god damn insufferable. It's not a core of comedy fans anymore, Ants hardcore fans are a group of hardcore neo cons and racists. Maybe not full on racists, but people that care way too much about race. Basically the types that own "don't tread on Me" stickers and flags. Arguing with them is terrible, within 2 exchanges you will be called some kind of "liberal", and they will start spitting these pre packaged statistics at you. It's a shame, Ant has turned into a 100% Fox News rhetoric spewing curmudgeon. His fans have generally lost a lot of either respect or just interest in him, which leaves him with his bread and butter demographic of 40+year old, angry white guys the types that tell you how Obama is a Muslim that is only concerned about taking away your guns, and minorities and immigrants are responsible for all their problems. These fans are 10x worse than their God Anthony is, and that says a lot cuz almost every single day Anthony becomes worse and worse. I don't understand how a man (a succesful wealthy man) can spend so much of his time thinking about and discussing black people. I'll be the first person to admit to you the problems in that community but the only time I think about it is when I see it. Anthony seems to be dwelling on it every minute. It used to be cute and funny, now it's angry and overwhelming.


I'm not reading a single word of this shit

Rebel without a cause over here. Bawitdaba bruh!


You're not really wrong. The bigger these yokels become as a percentage of the TACS fanbase, the less likely we'll ever see Ant at SXM again. The majority broadcasters aren't trying to cater to the Stormfront demographic. Fox News/Breitbart/Blaze-type conservatives -- sure. But actual fucking white supremacists (or "white nationalists," or "European-American rights advocates" or whatever the fuck you want to call it)? Forget about it. Red Eye would have a hard time touching him. The "Nazi" or "racist" labels that liberals arbitrarily throw at conservatives would literally apply.

Yes, it's his show and all his equipment and he's got the freedom to say whatever he wants, but this monotonous "Racial Justice Warrior" Anthony is going to keep him relegated to a public-access-level subscription service (yeah yeah, Manhattan studio coming, whatever). I guess that's great for the niche of people who love getting into white-man-persecution-complex circlejerks, but it sucks for those of us who may have entertained some far off hope of SXM letting him back on one day. Oh well.

ricardo_von_nicht, comment?


You left a comment under mine that's only an underline. Seemed odd.

Lol. What triggered all this?

Possibly people suckling at ants pecker on twitter. almost as bad as people begging for a retweet. "Hey ant...this black guy in australia fought this white guy....i mean am i right they just dont know any better...right right??? Validate me please"

Well nigs gonna nigs we know you and the mainstream wanna insist everyone is the same. They are not.


You know he's right.

You don't have to admit it, but you know it all the same.

Why wouldnt I admit anything? I have always been open with what I think. I agree with some of what he wrote, disagree with other things, but in totality I think he is viewing everything from the wrong lens.

Your posts are getting better

Just an observation


Try observing the end of a shotgun barrel. Meathead.

Every time I read one of your posts I can't help but picture a 14 year old kid with wrestling posters on his wall and soda cans all over the floor. I don't know what it is, but something about the way you write makes you seem very immature and a bit stupid.

Oh, also your opinion is dumb.

Hahahahahaha nailed it. He's an angry baby boy.

The only reason I recognize your name is cuz whenever someone replies to me in a really cunty way I check his name and think to myself "that damn slippery slope guy, always fucking with me!"....not really sure how to reply to this, I don't drink soda and I have no "posters" on my wall. As far as my opinion being dumb, I think your view on that is strictly coming from a place where you are dying to know what Anthony's cock feels like inside your mouth so wheneber someone says something bad about him you think it's "dumb". Your reply right here blows cuz in this particular thread I'm only really spitting facts. Anthony's demeanor and style have certainly drastically changed in the past few years and his politics and racism have definitely taken the front seat over his comedy. His demographic is absolutely old white dudes that spend their TV time watching History channel marathons and live by the motto "don't tread on me". The type of guys that love nothing more than a free t shirt from Budweiser or their local unions and police. A bunch of regular Joes that can't stand the persecution of the white man these days and aren't gonna stand for it! (Except they totally are)

whoaaaa there cowboy, you are making a lot of assumptions in the second part your post.

Assumptions based on experiences talking to, meeting, and observing my subjects. Kind of how Ant does every day with black people. And just like Ant I shouldn't have to clarify that I don't mean "every single one", just a large, majority portion

lol, who have you met in real life that is an Anthony supporter?

You have no idea what the large majority of his demographic is like, especially in such detail. The only thing I will give is that they are more libertarian oriented. But, that does not equate to being that vivid caricature of a "redneck" that you described.

Not to mention Anthony ALWAYS finds facts to back up whatever he is saying. Whether they fit with the argument or not is yours to decide. But your "facts" are nothing more than baseless accusations.

But your "facts" are nothing more than baseless accusations.

are you talking to me?

On a side note, I agree about facts in general. But facts can always be manipulated in certain ways to support a given point. However, I havent seen him do that.

No sir. Refering to OP. I daisy-chained under your comment because you brought up a thorough response that should be read before mine.

eye sea

I didn't say redneck. And I've met plenty, been a fan for 15 years, I've been to Jims shows, events, and frequented O&A related message boards for years. I've also noticed the extreme shift in fans in the past 2 years

been a fan for 15 years, I've been to Jims shows, events, and frequented O&A related message boards for years.

Oh god, you are one of those losers. No offense man.

I'm a loser cuz I've seen Jimmys stand up a few times live and frequent the same message board as you? I honestly shouldn't of said events, I actually went to a Stern event when I was in high school, but besides Jimmys shows (where o&a were, which are essentially events for the show) I've never been to one. But I've seen the pictures. Just check out the pictures of Anthony's poker event and tell me I'm wrong

Thats not what you said. You essentially said that you have been an "active fan" for 15 years. Believe me, if I still have this mild interest in this non productive "hobby" in that long, please pm me and call me an idiot.

But I shouldnt call you out on that though, to each his own.

As far as the other thing is concerned, "events" by their very nature bring out the minority of the group known as "super fans". Im sure its not an active indication. Even if it was, dont forget where you started this whole diatribe, talking about Anthonys supporters. Thats a different animal from the tangent you went on.

Yes I'm from NY and have been listening on and off for 15 years. Basically any of the times I was in a car or work vehicle during the times O&a were on, and i had the channel, I would listen. Some years it was a lot, some not at all.

Thats fair enough man, certainly not trying to call you out for taking an interest in passive entertainment.

Way to characterize others.

Your reply right here blows cuz in this particular thread I'm only really spitting facts.

Excuse me? Do you know what a fact is?

Yes, it's the undisputable truth. Like how Anthony's show has become a breeding ground for racist, wing nut idealology



well whatever you think anthony killed it the other day with dicis

Dicis was absolutely great, but it's not at all representative of what his show's like. If anything, Dicis can be used as an example of why Ant's show is not good - he almost never does shit like this.

Anthony is still funny, he just spends less and less time focusing on it. This clip is pretty funny, even though If Opie had a famous dice impression he'd be getting beat up for constantly leaning on a 30 year old irrelevant crutch

im liking his shows so far for the most part i do think he needs a cohost though

Yeah he desperately needs a co host. The show is alright. Ant used to be the only conservative voice that I enjoyed listening to and respected his opinions. He even convinced and swayed me on certain issues. I feel like in the past year or 2 though he's gotten worse and over the top. He basically takes the shitty Fox News stance on everything and doesn't really come at the stories and issues in a funny way anymore. Don't get me wrong I still love the dude but his show kinda sucks. I don't understand how people give him such a pass and hate on O&J so passionately when that show is way funner, funnier, and more entertaining than TACS is. The people who truly love TACS are exactly how I explained them above. Thick headed, and hateful people generally love to hear their beliefs and opinions validated. It's just an echochamber where they get to hear their shit get repeated or their opinions literally get formed for them by someone smarter than themselves and go out and repeat it

Personally i always liked Ant because he presents his views in a fact-based, funny amd generally entertaining way. I don't agree with most of what he says at all.

Does this make me a thick-headed, rascist buffoon?

You generalize even more than Anthony does.

Lol I said the same thing, I too have always enjoyed Ant for those reasons, but recently it's become unbearable. It's also pretty fucking obvious I don't mean all of ants fans. LOL it's AMAZING how butt hurt people are getting for being generalized (over something that is true), but when they're talking about black people's behavior they will tell them to "suck it up, I only mean the bad ones"

Opie doesn't because he has zero talent.

I don't know man, according to Opie he was quite the basketball player

And a mathematician.

Don't forget underwater fighter.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.


Why does a millionaire who lives in a mansion give a shit about black issues. He can try and spin it however he wants, but he purely and simply doesnt like black people

Here's the real question: so what?

Who cares? Does everyone like everyone?

Thats a very narrow opinion

I don't know man, the guys raises a fair point. Ants obsession with minorities is pretty weird and over the top

Ill tell you why I think what he wrote is a narrow opinion:

Despite anybodys political leanings, it cannot be plausibly said by anyone that a person of a certain status, low or high, is not affected in some way by problems or actions of others in a society. A person cannot isolate themselves and shield themselves from a societys issues. Wealthy people are impacted, as are the others. There is always a domino effect. If the issue is degrees, the guy above could make an argument (a white guy living in Ferguson is impacted more than a white family in the suburbs of Seattle, but everyone is impacted in some way) but thats not what he did.

Why does a millionaire who lives in a mansion give a shit about black issues

That line was just retarded. Why does Bill gates care about mosquitos in Africa, why does Michael Moore care about the pay for prisons etc etc?

simply doesnt like black people

If anyone really believes this, then they are just simply retarded. You can have an opinion about the general characteristics of a segment of a specific group, without wishing the entire group ill will.

Ants obsession with minorities is pretty weird and over the top

Thats the topic he chose to focus on, and he has the right to. Just like Michelle Obama focuses on school lunches. Their voices are just louder because they have some level of "fame"(?)

This is like saying that the owners of the establishments in Baltimore being looted and destroyed shouldn't give a shit because they are in a higher societal status. It makes no sense.

No matter your status, ALL issues affect you either directly or indirectly and everyone has the right to form whatever opinion they feel.

Correction-it's believed that President Obama is a Muslin.*

(I live in the South).

One of them told me last week that I shouldn't judge David Duke based on what I know from the jew media.

You're getting killed for this but there's some truth to it.

Proud of you.

Lol, you mean this creep? He told me the same thing, then asked if I'd rather be led by Hitler (who was actually "fairly awesome") or Rahm Emmanuel. Fuckin guy sounds like a real knee-slapper at parties.

That's the one. Ugh

So you think Rahm Emmanuel is a good guy. Your more lost then I thought.

When the fuck did I say this? No, I think RE is a grade-A scumbag. However, I do not think he's worse than Hitler. That's quite a childish thought process you've got there.

What's wrong with Dr. Duke?

He taught me Israel did 9/11. Not sure I should trust that.

I'll give him a pass for defrauding his supporters to fund his gambling habit, simply because I do not like his supporters.

My awakening is a pretty solid audio book.


For one thing, anyone who refers to themselves as "doctor" based on:

In September 2005, Duke received a Candidate of Sciences degree in history from the Ukrainian Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (MAUP)

...has got to be a cunt, racial views notwithstanding.

"Dr" Martin Luther King

And he didn't even move to an Eastern European shithole to get it. What a slacker.

He plagiarized his speeches and was propped up to agitate.

Of course he did, why wouldn't he? (/Jimmy voice) Better dead than red, that's what I always say.


Dear God, JFK's wife didn't like MLK's predilection for side pussy (EDIT: if only she knew...). That settles it, the Civil Rights Movement was illegitimate and segregation should be reinforced immediately.


I'm sure it is legit. It's an interesting historical tidbit, I'm just not sure why that gets held up like it's supposed to discredit his entire existence. It's not like he was a marital fidelity activist or something.



I meant that more in application to the "propped up to agitate" remark, just because it struck me as an old-timey Cold War Era thing to say. I know the plagiarism thing is pretty well established. Still...meh.



He has a phd. He should be allowed to refer to himself as Dr.

Sure, and Saul Goodman can become an attorney with a JD from the University of Granada.

Don't believe anything the kikes at splc tell you. They are notorious for exaggerating and fabricating their claims.

White Reference is designed for the dissemination of news of interest to the White Nationalist community as well as others interested in such information. This includes reports of crime and oppression against White people worldwide, as well as accounts of White resistance.

Sounds objective.

Ya and I'm sure your Jew funded sources are completely unbiased.

Virtually all news is biased to one degree or another. But that truism doesn't make a blatantly biased source (in this case, some dipshit's blogspot) credible somehow.

Right, other than the verifiable sources.

Sure thing, chief. Just for the heck of it, here are some select comments from that link you posted, all of which seem to be from people sympathetic to the "cause" (WARNING: for the vast majority of society, this is TL;DR):

Sorry, but as someone who EARNED a doctorate, I went to school for multiple years, post-grad, full-time, every day, Bachelors, Masters, then Doctorate. Hey, if you happen to like Duke or his book or whatever, fine, but please don't suggest that the man earned a "doctorate." We don't need to be on the side of quackery, please. I don't care for Potok, because he is a fake and a fraud. Same about Duke. At least Dr. William L. Pierce, Dr. William Henry Garrett and Dr. Revilo Oliver had legit doctorates (no, not from giving some lecture or hanging out at some foreign diploma mill, but by studying their a** off). Don't cheapen them, please.


Duke represents the old, rotten, festering wing of white nationalism. The sooner he dies (naturally, I mean . . . I wish the man no harm) or retires, the better off whites will be. He appeals ONLY to the ignorant or stupid. Otherwise, he has no credibility. In fact, his “work” causes us to lose credibility. First, if he wanted a TRUE PhD, he would have studied in the US and gotten a legitimate degree, subject to legitimate, AMERICAN standards of scholarship. Maybe his Ukrainian school is not a diploma mill . . . but it doesn't have the same rigid standards of scholarship as American universities. Thus, I agree with those who say that Duke is no "doctor" of anything . . . Second, he asserts myths and non-truths that are ridiculously untrue. For example, his ridiculous claim that "Bolshevism is Jewish." This was good propaganda in the 1920s when the Russian Reds were fighting the Russian Whites. (Which is where the idea came from.) But no scholar today believes that. Anyone with any understanding of communism, history or even Judaism . . . or anyone with common sense . . . can see how ridiculous a claim this is. Yet Duke claims this nonsense. His only evidence? Innuendo. "Look at what so-and-so said in the 1920s!" "Look at this jew or that jew who was involved in Bolshevism!" But a TRUE scholar considers ALL the facts, not just cherry pick the handful that support his claim. (Which is why Duke had to go overseas to find anyone to support this BS.)


Add to all this the fact that he stole money from supporters (he admitted his guilt and served time in prison) . . . and I say that this person is no good to us. Like other so-called leaders today, Duke is all about money. For him, white nationalism appears to be an entrepreneurial activity and Stormfront nothing but a giant marketing tool for his book.

An O&A feud is nothing compared to this Stormfront infighting, huh?

Most NS don't actually take stormfront seriously at all. Also people just bring up things about Dukes past and hold it against him, but he has admitted his mistakes and served his time. I'm not saying the guy is perfect but you candy delegitimize his degree based on your interpretation of his character.

Most black supremacists don't actually take the Nation of Islam seriously at all. Also people just bring up things about Elijah Muhammad's past and hold it against him, but he has admitted his mistakes and served his time. I'm not saying the guy is perfect but you candy delegitimize his status as a prophet based on your interpretation of his character.

See what I did there? You're merely opposite sides of the same coin.

Prophet and phd are a completely different ballpark. Good effort though.

Maybe a different ballpark, but the same athletics complex. One guy had to develop cult of personality to be a "prophet". The other had to do that, then throw money at the white supremacist Ukrainian version of the University of Phoenix online to be a "Doctor." Neither grants them legitimacy, except for the sheep who're predisposed to swallow whatever they say anyway.

David duke does tend to back his claims with sources. A prophet doesn't have that ability since his claims are based in faith.

Dude, I'm not defending the legitimacy of fucking Elijah Muhammad. The NOI have a bunch of batshit insane "sources" that they tell their people "backs up their claims" too. That's how propaganda works.




Haha that guy is obsessed with David Duke and the former white supremacist party then. He said the same thing to me about a different "former" KKK guy and when I told him that being a klansman at any point during your adult years is unforgivable I got the same thing. I was told I'm an idiot, and the Jews were mentioned, and I actually recieved significantly more downvotes than up. Perfect example of how Ants show has become a breeding ground for racist fucks

Get out of your moms basement. This is why you think all races are the same / blacks are harmless.

You are so fucking stupid it's unbelievable, I work in the city every day, never been fucked with once. Is there a problem with crime? Yes of course. Anytime I hear about a shooting or robbery do I immediately guess it's a black guy and am correct 99% of the time? Yes! But you sound like the basement dweller, wasn't it you who kept telling me to go to the Bronx? I've been there stupid, have you? You talk about "the blacks" the way CNN talked about Ebola, you're a fucking joke. You racist, scummy piece of shit. You are the poster child for a TACS fan. You're a David Duke supporter, you are absolutely obsessed with black people even though you never have to interact with them. You suck

You're just as bad as the other side that doesn't believe in Any personal responsibility and pretends criminals are 100% victims. Anyone who can't see both sides of an argument is just a dumb fuck. Especially someone like you with absolutely no life experience

Fbi crime stats say otherwise to your harmless blacks theory. I live in the north east and work with muds they are trouble. White countries for everyone...

So they are so bad yet they were able to get the same job as you? Sounds like you're doing really well for yourself

No genie they are the low level workers in my company. Affirmative action and all that dipshit.

I don't even follow Duke he is like nationalist, white pride light I'm sure he's very shocking to you kids. Go watch the clip of him destroying wolf blitzer.

You're a faggot, go make some mud children.


The fanboys and sycophants on both sides are both comedically insufferable and embarrassing. One side is idiot, backward stormfront racists that hyperventilate about black folk; while the other is Opie's gang of soccer moms and the lovable, but insane, "Hi Opie" guy.

I'm sure many will disagree, but Jim is and always has been my favorite person on the show. There's plenty to hate about him if you're trying, and there are plenty of things I dislike about him myself. But Ant's obsession with this shit has absolutely ruined his ability to be funny and my ability to enjoy his show.

I don't fucking care at all that he's so obsessed with this shit in his personal life. My biggest problem is that it has completely overtaken his show, turning it into something that seems almost completely self-serving. He knows most fans want less talk about the black community that he's so focused on. Ronnie B told him straight to his face that he needed to stop and start being more funny. But he ignores it, because talking about it is what he wants.

That's something I hated most about Opie. His Stern rants and rants about management or equipment fucking up existed entirely for his own catharsis. He ranted about it because he wanted to, with no regard for his audience. Ant even talked about some of that as something Opie did that he didn't understand. But here he is, doing a show in his basement for his fans who were loyal enough to subscribe to his 1-man show, who put up with the shitty technical issues, Rat's fuck-ups, KtC's "boy pussy" videos, claims of the Ron and Ant show, Artie as co-host, and never coming back to reddit - who have been overwhelmingly supportive of Ant considering how negative we all are otherwise, and yet Ant's focus for the show continues to be not on what his audience wants to hear, but on what he wants to say.

Just today on twitter, he went from:

RT @CQSbobelly:u said u were giving this up! Remember? For pure entertainment only.. Wha happened?!

-Not on Twitter! And, it’s my BIRTHDAY!


RT @Fartjello:i for one hope u ignore ronnies advice tomorrow and speak the truth about this bull shit..I’ve had it with this shit.

-I will

I'm sure some people enjoy this kind of stuff on TACS. Good, I'm glad some people enjoy it. But it is so far removed from what the core of his audience enjoyed about his presence on O&A.

I never thought I'd say this, because I think O&J stinks and I've always fucking hated Opie and continue to do so, but I'd much rather listen to O&J tomorrow than TACS. Of course, like everyone here should, I will be doing neither and instead listening to #BENNINGTON, because Ron continues to put forth a great effort to deliver a show that's entertaining to his audience. And yes, I know my phone crapped out in the middle of that rant.


Joe " Make Lampshades Out of Kikes" DeRosa agrees

Oh yeah they're also a group of butt hurt pussies. Opies been taking a brutal beating in here for almost a year now and whenever the hate gets turned to Anthony these people start whining and asking for it to be censored or taken down, and they start complaining about fake troll accounts. Either that or they will call you a "libtard" even when you aren't speaking about politics. It's sad

Yeah he desperately needs a co host. The show is alright. Ant used to be the only conservative voice that I enjoyed listening to and respected his opinions. He even convinced and swayed me on certain issues. I feel like in the past year or 2 though he's gotten worse and over the top. He basically takes the shitty Fox News stance on everything and doesn't really come at the stories and issues in a funny way anymore. Don't get me wrong I still love the dude but his show kinda sucks. I don't understand how people give him such a pass and hate on O&J so passionately when that show is way funner, funnier, and more entertaining than TACS is. The people who truly love TACS are exactly how I explained them above. Thick headed, and hateful people generally love to hear their beliefs and opinions validated. It's just an echochamber where they get to hear their shit get repeated or their opinions literally get formed for them by someone smarter than themselves and go out and repeat it

Assumptions based on experiences talking to, meeting, and observing my subjects. Kind of how Ant does every day with black people. And just like Ant I shouldn't have to clarify that I don't mean "every single one", just a large, majority portion


Well nigs gonna nigs we know you and the mainstream wanna insist everyone is the same. They are not.


Of course he did, why wouldn't he? (/Jimmy voice) Better dead than red, that's what I always say.

Fbi crime stats say otherwise to your harmless blacks theory. I live in the north east and work with muds they are trouble. White countries for everyone...

No genie they are the low level workers in my company. Affirmative action and all that dipshit.

Dude, I'm not defending the legitimacy of fucking Elijah Muhammad. The NOI have a bunch of batshit insane "sources" that they tell their people "backs up their claims" too. That's how propaganda works.