OK, now that the whole "feud" is over.. I've completely stopped giving a shit about this entire show completely

55  2015-04-27 by [deleted]

So, this is my farewell as an O&A fan. The dust has settled, and it's a pitiful sight.


Now go home and get your fucking shine box



Show me how you suck a guys cock!

How'd your parents die?

That's terrible, I'm sorry.

What's MY problem?? You're on myYyYy fuckin radio show!


I don't shine shoes no more, you been gone a long time, mebbe you hadn't heard, they didn't go up there and tell you

His moms box


I'm leaving home, mommy. I swear. I'm moving out mommy. I'm so done with you daddy.

You're a grown ass man. Stop threatening to run away from your mommy's house like a fucking teenager.

But I'm sure your other account will still be completely active.

mine certainly are :^ )

I'm not a faggot like all of you. I just created this one to let you all know how shitty this show has become, sorry if that ruined your day!

You're not a faggot...but your name is The Cure? Do you powder your face and sing pop ballads while tucking your dick between your legs?

He may be a faggot but Disintigration is a great album

Looks like Opie should have taken a page out of Robert Smith's book


Really, dude? Like anyone gives a shit. You crave attention. The end.


Let's go to the phones..


Let's say hi to Footer. Linger longerrrrr



It didn't you mo. It just seems pointless to create an account just to come here and think anyone here gives a care that you are not listening ever again.

Don't sell yourself short, you're just as big of a faggot as any of us.

Mondays blue and Wednesday too I bet you original emo fag.

I knew he would read all the comments and then respond again! For fucks sake, How much attention does someone need?

Congrats never seen someone downvoted that much

What a coincidence. No one gives a shit about you either.

Thanks for the update.

Ok, bye.

Well that's just...


Piece a gahbige

Get fucked and killed

and then what happened?

No one gives of shit

You must be the biggest retard in the world if you think anyone buys that you found this subreddit and created an account expressly to tell people in this subreddit that you are leaving.

If you are serious, and that's what you did, you're still the biggest retard in the world. What kind of fucking troglodyte thinks that makes sense? Thanks for leaving.

OK. Terrific!

I really never understood the people who have to go out of there way and have a big farewell to let everyone know they're leaving. I recognize a handful of user names but I don't even know those people, so I wouldn't notice if they never logged in again. I tell you something though, The people who created a new topic just to say they're leaving, 99% of the time they read every reply and reply back to the people who replied to their original message.

So in short, what we have here is something we are all familiar with...ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!!!!

Kind of like all of your weird/obsessive hate towards Opie throughout this entire reddit, right? Lol you guys are priceless

You ever had road sodas brothaman?

Redditor for 17 hours

Sorry to hear that. Could I interest you in 50% off the remainder of your subscription to r/opieandanthony?

your moms fockin COOTAH

Go on

she said CHIPPAH that feels so good LET ME GET YOUR PECKAH ALL JUICY

The dust hasn't settled for me. A few days ago I found a file and downloaded it for my iPod. It's called "The Complete Jocktober! Every Jocktober from 2008-2014. I don't know why I thought it would be good. Hearing Opje make fun of over half of the featured jocks because they were a little to old to be try to sound young and edgy. And how some of the shows featured a couple of guys, and the one guy is so old that he doesn't even know that nobody likes him and that he should have retired years ago because even his partner hates him!(Scott & Todd).

The most enraging part of Jocktober was Sam tking shit and making fun of every show like his show was above all others and of course NOBody once called him out on that shit! I guess now we realize that that Ant & Jimmy were never allowed to put Sam in the barrel! God I fantasize about someone he's made fun of before just sucker punched him out of nowhere causing Sam to eat food through a straw and not be able to speak on radio again until they unwire his jaw.

Sam is awful he's still pulling Todd show clips, at least Todd puts effort into his shit show

You'd be better off just listening to the regular shows in that era. A segment making fun of other radio shows for being hacky run by Gregg "Spuds Buckley" Hughes was one of the most hypocritical things he ever did.

I have an announcement to make. I will be leaving this sub reddit forever and I won't look back! (Well, actually I'll log on to check all the comments to see who gave a shit that I'm leaving. Than I will reply to some of you after I say I'm done. Then I will check the new topics posted several times daily, and then I will comment on them but that's it! You know what, Fuck it! Forget I said anything. I changed my mind. I am officially back)!

The show is completely dead. Listened on my commute this morning from about 7:15-7:30. Wall to wall bruce jenner/ kardashian talk.

"This is the biggest story by far right now- it's really important and raises an important debate"

Nah, it isn't and no, it doesn't. Maybe amongst soccer moms and teen children, but certainly not with working males.

I listened to 1010 WINS instead. Unlistenable does not begin to describe this garbage

This is what left, when they removed Ant and the real world adult subjects he talks about. Its fucking entire shows dedicated to sharknato, bruce jenner...cotton candy, lets not take a chance of offending anyone "Morning Zoo" bullshit

20 comments in a listening thread. Show is completely done.

You're going to miss the inevitable Opie vs. Jim 2.

Love me daddy love me daddy hoo hoo

pretty much with OP, we knew the blow out would happen, it did, now it's officially over. Good thing all the good stuff they ever did is on youtube

Is it?


I wonder what his favorite band is.

say completely again


Exactly. The "Shock Jock" we all once knew promotes a March of Dimes walk this morning. (FROM PHILLY! YEAH PHILLY CREW ROCKS!)


The Phil to the Ly Crew 4 LYFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the update. Godspeed


Me too

Me too. :(

Come join the rest of us on the O&A classics channel

When Kramer hears THIS, the shit's gonna hit the fan.

I'm here now but... yeah, now that the feud is over, there really is just nothing left. Ant can't be successful due to how far to the right he is these days. Well, he could be if he just went full Rush Limbaugh, and maybe just became another retard spouting out nigger hate with no basis in reality, which is why I can't listen to his show. He made O&A unlistenable with his trayvon rants.

At least he'll have something to listen to sometimes. Opie makes O&J unlistenable by still being alive. He is just awful in so many ways, but y'all have pointed them out well enough.

The two have seperated to do their own thing, and both shows are fucking ass. Nothing is left of once was. It's like you got this nice looking apple and just left it on the sidewalk for 9 months and nobody ever touched it. Fucking disgusting.

pretty much, when they have a guest like arnold schwarzneggar in and i use that as a way to fall asleep on my 3 hour lunch break you know the show is fucking stinker

You've been a pleasure cupcake - now get the fuck out!

Good. Leave. Get out.

Go, go on, leave, I...pardon you.


I gave a shit about the show the day after the Gregg Shells video and human garbage tweet from Opie and that was it. Anytime something interesting happens, it will be here so no point in sifting through hours of an over the hill shockjock and C-level gross out comic commenting on celebrity gossip and politics. I legitimately think it makes you dumber to listen to them.

There's 20 years of shit to listen to, most of it you probably haven't actually heard.

I imagine all these camp flounces are written by the same person

O&J is an awesome show. Great guests, fun, funny, and Jim Norton is the funniest man alive. Fuck the haters

What a joke.

Hello there paid Opie supporter

I agree. Jim is one of the funniest people alive and they get great guests.

she said CHIPPAH that feels so good LET ME GET YOUR PECKAH ALL JUICY