Jim Norton Rips Our Culture of Outrage and Defends Phil Robertson: ‘We’re a Nation of Snitches’

0  2015-04-24 by [deleted]


It seems exhausting for all these web sites to preface Norton's act with corny adjectives to prepare readers for the "far out" opinions when it's really the closest to actual everyday thoughts. Yuck.

Jimmy should have retitled this special:

Jim Norton: Covering The News From The Last Year Or So

His pontificating on culture and politics are the worst thing about him. Save it for your Fox buddies, Jimmy.

Jimmy thinks he's George Carlin. "We're a Nation.." Are we?

Love the guy but yeah, neither he or Ant have much to add in any relevant or intelligent way when it comes to politics, culture, etc. He's not Carlin, tell dick jokes man, I'll read the NYTimes, WSJ, watch PBS or listen to NPR when I want something deeper.

We're also a nation of people that complain about unjust firings and urge boycotts of programs that do that, then continue to work for a company after they do it to a 15 year coworker and friend.

We're a nation of worms and paycheck kids.

The Daily Beast?
