Does anyone know when Opie and Jim's new contracts are up?

2  2015-04-24 by [deleted]

I'm thinking with Ant getting a NYC studio, the obvious move will be for Jimmy to join him, as that was the major hold out for lil Jimmy. not having an easy commute to and from the compound.


Why would you think that? Seems very unlikely because:

  • Ant probably can't/won't match Jimmy's Sirius pay. As Ron pointed out, how many additional fans are floating out there that would sign up? The deal would probably be largely tied to the # of subscribers to limit Ant's financial risk and that's a level of risk that Jim probably wouldn't want to assume.
  • Even if Ant came to the table w/ the right deal, we saw how wonderful the communication was between those two sides last time around. Jimmy says he only called Ant to tell him that he was signing with Sirius and didn't ask him to match the number. That would be logical step to take between two men who supposedly want to do business together.
  • By joining up with Ant, Jimmy would no longer get to rub elbows with celebrities. That means no more photo ops but, more importantly, he loses out on networking opportunities. Hasn't worked for him yet, but I'm sure that's important to him.
  • I had more but I feel like a complete queen typing all this out. I need to leave this place, stat.


I think there is huge room for growth with subs for tacs. They have probably around 10k signed up now but I think they could get closer to 20k if jim was there full time. And maybe increase the rate a little if they went to 3 hour shows. I'd pay 10 bucks a month for 60 hours of Ant and Jim.


Opie and Jimmy will be working for Sirius as long as humanly possible.

Nobody quits a radio gig. NOBODY.


Well said, agreed 100%.

They signed for two years so I would assume October of 2016.

I think they renewed for another 2 years, so around October 2016.

Money talks. Bullshit walks. These dreamy, corny sappy reunion dreams are so fucking childish. If Anthony ends up living in a cardboad box under an overpass, well, goshdarnit, Jimmy should go live with him there because they're friends and in my dumb fucking 8 year old mind when you pinky swear your everlasting friendship, you are BFF forever, forever. Yeah, I wish they were all together, but have you seen Opie's apartment? anthony's house. You don't quit the radio gig that pays for shit like that. You laugh at any sweet sentimental sappy half-retarded putz who thinks you should.

hahahhaa, i love how shit AWFUL this sub is.

I think Jimmy would like to do his show more, but I don't think he actually wants to enter into a business arrangement with him.

Anthony becomes Jimmy's boss? I can't see that happening.

Anthony and Jimmy becoming equal partners. I can't see that happening either the way Anthony just throws money at stupid purchases (electricity generator).

He owns a life size velociraptor and you picked generator?

Yeah you laugh now but when the rapture comes youre gonna wish YOU had a velociRAPTURE to ride into the afterlife.... Lol pleb

I wouldn't call a backup generator a stupid purchase.....he did it because he went several days( over a week?) with no power in a storm a couple years ago.

And the power went out a couple months ago during the show. Except he didn't have it setup yet. You can't call that a stupid purchase.

Has it occurred to your stupid fuck ass that there are other reasons why it is not set up yet? He has repeatedly said government bullshit is holding it up.

Yes I know. I added another example for the generator being a good purchase. I was agreeing with you. Calm down dude.

Haha...sorry, thought you were the person I had originally replied to. That and I was still half drunk when I woke up.

Ant is floundering and jim would have to take a major pay cut. It's not happening. Then again you probably believe bennington is coming

Yes, location was the only factor. Had nothing to do with the money Sirius pays him, the much larger audience or the fact that Jimmy loves taking pictures with celebrities. I'm sure taking pictures with Bobo and Ant's 14 year old cum dumpsters doesn't excite him.

Yes I know. I added another example for the generator being a good purchase. I was agreeing with you. Calm down dude.