Jim Norton blends truth with perversion in Contextually Inadequate - AV Club review - A-

12  2015-04-24 by [deleted]


*Jim Norton blends old self-deprecating jokes with soon-to-be irrelevant pop culture jokes in Contextually Inadequate.

Yeah, but he's skinny this time. It's groundbreaking.

If he was fat it would be groundbreaking.



from the comment section: "One of the things I always loved about Norton is he admits that he often will say the wrong thing or make a mistake when commenting on culture"

its like lolz every time a caller told him hes wrong or misinformed on any subject he would yell at the caller and tell him to eat aids shotgun, if ppl call him out on twitter he would just block them

Champion of freedom of speech.

That was a very good review. Good for Jim.

I'm guessing this corner of the internet will not be as kind.

I'm sure every comment on the Anthony firing will be picked apart/misconstrued in order to criticize Jimmy/Opie/Bill Burr/everyone who isn't Messiah Cumia.

Louie Seakay, as well

They're right, Jimmy is a minus.

Comment of the month. Definitely line of the day.

I'm listening to Please Be Offended. He is that rare precious flower, a right-wing comic I can laugh with. He may not identify himself as such, but he's got a lot of "silent majority" bullshit talking points in his set. I don't agree with much of what he says, but credit where it's due. How many people say something funny after uttering the words "politically correct?" I wouldn't be surprised if a big section of his fans are "Tell it like it is" douchebros.


Yeah, meathead bigots who get huffy when someone tries to call them on their meatheaded bigotry are a "type of comedian who’s seen less and less." In what world are you living, and how much do the plane tickets cost?


Man AV Club's audience is shit.

That second guy also claims that he's a stand-up comic. What a colossal douche.

Edit: He's actually Garrett from Community if his screen name is his real name.

Good for Jim, especially compared to their other reviews, he has quite a high rating from them

almost forgot
AIDS kike
shit, fuck, fart

From the comments section, kinda liked this:

"O&A are - were - the typical voice of the oppressed straight white male lamenting social change you'll find on talk radio but they seemed to be conscious of that, ironic and self deprecating at times. It was part of their charm."

They are just jealous we were voted second best subreddit in the world.

Leave it to the AV Club to write the faggiest positive review possible.

And get a load of the cucks in the comments section.

AV club has always been a white knight haven. Good for Jim for getting the good review, but the readers there are sjw fags, and probably won't watch it.

Do not hand her cash. Do not hand her cash.

They should tell more of his jokes in the review. Cunts.

It just sounds like someone is afraid of OA fan backlash. But hey, Norton is a seasoned standup. Let's just give him an A.