I live for uncomfortable fucking moments (period) fucking!

12  2015-04-22 by melexmaster

I literally screamed "Uhhh!" in my car today because of Opie. I understand he is not a comedian or have that quick wit comedians are born with, but YEARS of hanging out with THE BEST comic minds on Earth, you HAVE to somehow get it. He still doesn't to the degree a 20 year vet should. AND when you have to say "Fucking" in every sentence of a "bold" statement...you just don't believe what you are saying.


Opie lives for uncomfortable moments! Unless they have to do with him, then he cries.

He lives for other people's uncomfortable moments to take the attention off his own uncomfortability.

How many times has this happened on O&A

ME: I just start laughing. You know? I just started laughing. When everyone else is uncomfortable, I don't know what it is but I just start laughing loudly. Everyone else always tries to avoid uncomfortable situations but for some reason it really makes me laugh. So anyway go ahead.

Ant: Heheh.. Yeah...

it's a complete lie. he might have a high tolerance of being uncomfortable and can wade through things that other people would be too embarrassed by.

but what he's really communicating is how BAD ASS he is. how different and cool. whether he likes uncomfortable moments or not is irrelevant to him. he just wants to get across that he's a rebel.

There is a show from 2004 I listened to recently where they are discussing 'About Schmidt' in depth. Opie repeats endlessly that he thought the movie was hilarious even though it was a drama, and that he got stared at in the theater for laughing multiple times because he just 'knew things were going to keep getting worse' for Jack Nicholson's character. It was infuriating to listen to him crow over and over how edgy he is and how much he loves laughing at uncomfortable things and how it makes him look CRAZY to other people.

The movie was billed as a goddamned comedy. And no one called him on it once.

Opie doesn't watch these movies


I'm amazed people still listen to Opie Radio.

This has got to be the true test of patience. I lost it 3 days in.

Haven't listened to literally more than 3 min of a show since Ant got fired.

Pete Rose day was my last. Haven't listened to anything but clips posted here since. One of my better decisions as of late

I have tried many times since the firing, and even though they may have some good guests on and Bawby, Vos, etc.. Opie being a total asshat still always ruins it for me and I have to turn it off.

I seriously tried giving it a shot several times and it was awful every time with the lack of humor and just terrible topics they talked about. I can't even get through the first 10 minutes without wanting to listen to something else.

Unless Fez does a funny impression of him taking light jabs. Then he responds by "ignoring " it and broods like a toddler and takes his "revenge" by playing laugh tracks over a man who tearfully announces his retirement due to mental illness(a bit to close to home huh Shelly?). The same man demolishes him with one quick witty line the next day during the last Ron&Fez show, if I remember correctly.

tl;dr: opie is a petty cunt.

Fez threw a knife right into his achilles from half a mile away, then he skipped happily away into the Florida sunlight. God bless that man.

I miss Avalanche Fez.

That comment was fucking creeepy. Period.

Opie's been studying human behaviour since he was 18 you know.

When you have autism you better start finally learning basic human interaction.

Opie is a cunt

period fucking?

Fawkin bloody pekkas. Dvv dvv dvv!

I have always noticed that during those special moments when Jimmy & Ant are going back & fourth line for line and it keeps getting funnier & funnier, the only thing Opie says is in a deep voice he keeps repeating Fuuuuck! That when I usually scream at my radio WOW OPIE, YOU'RE SO FUCKING EDGY!




close, it's: period. sniff burp

The wanting to read the bad reviews to Kroll was the most opetistic thing ever.

you're definitely on to something with opetistic.

Opetism is a combination of autism and gynecomastia.

don't forget male pattern baldness.

IBS too




His whole life is an uncomfortable moment, for us all..

I thought todays show was great! Anyone else? Comments?

He lives for other people's uncomfortable moments to take the attention off his own uncomfortability.
