What's with all the jews?

0  2015-04-22 by snoopkhat

I just had a quick look back at the guests Tits and Jim have had on this year ,it's been a kikefest. And they're not even quality jew,they've been the dregs.


Did someone mention Jews? Here's a random fact!

I hate them.

Go to bed Ant - you're drunk

I don't think he's as passionate about his number 3 least favorite people.

Hard to interview people in show business and not get any jews.

Good thing they're not a science show or a finance show or a technology show or a legal show cause then there'd be even more Jews. Right guys??!!

what? Dont be butthurt.

A comedy show that has Jewish guests. Who would have thought?

Management likes the direction of the new show (their mainly Jews)