Check out Rich Vos at McGuires in Bohemia NY on Friday April 24 and Saturday April 25

16  2015-04-20 by [deleted]


Lischen folks...

Fuck you

You're losing the crowd here.


Awesome, I'll take zero tickets please.

No thanks dumbass. Nobody cares. Go play golf in a lightning storm.

Fuck you

Ok, toilet teeth.


Rich, stop fucking plugging your gigs on here.

Fuck you




said the audience

Fuck you

Love ya miss ya Vos

Fuck you

Firscht of auwl...

Fuck you

He's afraid of misspelling something so he's going with the only two words he's comfortable with in the replies.

What's your reddit password Vos?

Comic630....I laughed and laughed.

"Rich... Vos... I want my tickets!"

He's dodgin' you.


Stage IV metastasized pancreatic cancer is opening for him.


Haha, Rich Vos is fucking funny.

Fuck you

Louie, Beancsh!

Isn't it McQuires?

This is even further in the toilet than Bananas

Who gives a fuck I still make more money than you fat truckers

Rich, this is Bonnie. Get off the internet.

Yeah, I bet you're just rolling in that sweet "Women Aren't Funny" cash. It must have grossed over $4.45, and that's without taking international box office into account.

Puhaps more than that, Jim!

If you make so much money, quit dodging me and pay me back my $20, LOUIE BEANsh.

go take another fake IQ test and tell people about your score, Vos.

password: comic630

hey it's Vos

Lol Rich is the best.

Rich when will you be back at rons pasta house?


So it really is Vos. Won't be long before stupid accidentally gives out his account password

guyshh.... hereshdeting

Fucking Vos going off in here...thats what I'm talking about. I much prefer that over just plugging gigs!

Hereshs da Shing..

Why would I want to waste my time and my money on such an unfunny piece of shit like Rich Vos "I'm a big act!" Are ya? Is that why you still play in shitty little clubs. No one gives a shit about your stupid movie. No one one bought your last DVD because your act stinks. Give up

tell us how you really feel

Are you the guy that he stole the crack from or somthinggg??

A successful comic doesn't need to plug on reddit.

lol is this serious? this faggot got all mad at me for asking if he got ENVELOPES from ppl watching his dumb movie on netflix. i was just curious.

he lost it. even though he BEGGED us to watch it so he could make money back.