Bonnie's funniest moments in studio - YouTube compilation

0  2015-04-19 by [deleted]


I actually think Bonnie's hilarious. Guess I'm in the minority.

Guess I'm in the minority.

Get the fuck out.

I think she's great too. It's just another one of those two week old accounts that continuously bash the show and its guests.

Nah. I've been here a long time. I don't get how a joke busting balls about Bonnie on O&A is "bashing the show."

Of course you've been here a long time. You cancelled your subscription in mid-July.


Yet here you still are making new accounts to bash the show and its guests

This is my only account and I listen to both shows almost every day in addition to the archives. I have no idea what you think we're arguing.

I didn't even talk to you. You started by arguing with me. I correctly pointed out that you were one of those two week old accounts that bash the show continuously, which is obviously true.


I really liked that one time when she made fun of her husband

That was one of those rare sparks of genius. Like the time Florentine talked about things he doesn't like because he's not 12.

I'm pretty sure she's never been on the show without Vos, so it's not really her fault if it seems like she's only got on schtick. I think she's really quick and funny.

Did you also hated when Anthony/jimmy called erock fat? what does it matter what the subject is as long as it's a good line?

Did you also hated when Anthony/jimmy called erock fat? what does it matter what the subject is as long as it's a good line?

The worst part is when Opie always had a boner for her and was complimenting her jokes way too much. Or whenever they bashed Vos with her present, and Opie would say stuff like "We feel sorry for you Bonnie, you look you need a hug ahhahah" yuck

what? ant always had the hots for her more than opie.

I guess I'm more forgiving as Ant would still be able to entertain while throbbing. Opie was literally just "You're hot man you're being funny ahahah oh man you deserve a better man lol you're beautiful fuck man hheheheheaha!!"

I liked when she piled on during the Kevin Pollak brew-haha, and called Sam "a little shit".

She has such a fresh take on being a mother and wife. You never see the punchlines coming from a mile away. Or that time she went on stage with the most obviously fake beard in history...she couldn't do her usual mother/wife jokes, bombed horribly and cried afterwards while kissing her dumb husband in a beard.

I guess you could say women ARE funny! Who agrees?

Right gang?


Can't stand her. I'd love to be a good guy and just say she's great, but let's be honest - few women are funny. Very few. VERY few.

I'd be surprised if an actual compilation video is longer than ten seconds.

If she had her own podcast. I definitely wouldn't listen to it.

This video nailed the exact list I had in my mind.


I actually really like when Bonnie and Rich are in studio. It's fun to see her berate him.

The "quick fade to black after punchline" is very ZAZ but also quite dated, you'll never see that kind of editing in comedy movies anymore.

This is Bonnie's best moment:
