Joe and Ari question Ants honesty.

11  2015-04-18 by fyisah

They said they wanted to ask Ant if he really didnt know he went on a stormfront podcast. And laughing about it. It was kind off funny and i also have some doubts if he really didnt know :) And if he knew i see it was dumb but i see nothing wrong with it :)


When people do these publicity tours on podcasts/radio, they literally have a long list of every number they're calling in. Politcal Cesspool itself sounds like a generic AM radio station, and you can tell by Ant's reactions in the interview he is surprised by the viewpoints of the host (although he did agree with them). Pat Buchanan made the same mistake of going on that show while promoting a book, because again, they all just fucking sit in a chair while doing one show after another for an hour.

But even if he was fully aware of what the show was, who gives a fuck? Penn Jillette made the point before when given shit for doing Beck's program, that if given the opportunity, he'd have gone on a show hosted by Hitler himself.

This would be the excuse if any had pros around him.

Ant get's his entertainment advice from a retired cop and his "flavor of the month" pussy. Point being, Ant(h) is the sultan of poor decision making.

Yes but he's funny

Well his poor decisions have made him a millionaire. So what are you the sultan of?

The Sultan of Swing!


Everyone is rich on the internet!


You sound like Opie.

in some truck cab*

A Hitler show would be awesome you know you'd watch.

With Joe "it didn't happen, but if it did they deserved it" DeRosa as co-host.

It didnt happen.


I'm right there with ya, Jim.

Weekday mornings at NIEN.

well, if Ant has no problem with the guys over at cesspool i'm sure he could go on again,i bet they would love to have him on again..maybe weekly.

You can make fun of anything here except Ant's racism. Too many sensitive neo-Nazis, which is the definition of irony.

No it's not, this is the definition of irony: the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.

Or this definition: a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result.

Sensitive neo-Nazis. Get it yet?

I was being literal, get it yet?

Yay for being ambiguous, you can take it in any direction after that. You can pretend everyone else got your dead-on Literal Jim impression. It just looked like you were trying to correct me. People are known to do that on the Internet.

I've noticed a lot of OnA fans have trouble understanding sarcasm. Autistic people have the same problem. Just saying,.

That comment didn't leave even a tinge of sarcasm. What's more autistic than assuming everyone else is reading your mind?

The first comment or the last one? Cuz the last one wasn't meant to be sarcastic, you aspie.

The worthless ambiguous reply that sparked this entire bullshit conversation.

I figured anyone with half a working brain would be able to understand I was being literal, it's pretty much a normal thing on this sub. Did you actually think I thought you believed the definition of irony was what you posted?

How about instead of leaving ambiguous, unfunny replies to my comments, you kill yourself? I obviously know in hindsight that you were trying to do the Literal Jim thing you always see people do here, it was just a really poor attempt. But don't let me define you, I'm sure everyone else loves your humor.

Stop trying to seek the approval of strangers. "You should be getting down voted", "I'm sure everyone else loves your humor", dude, you're a mentally deficient moron who couldn't understand a literal joke. Now you seek validation like "check this guy out, huh". You are such a cringeworthy water head it's embarrassing.

God, I can't be the only one that is tired of people like you. You should be getting downvoted to hell and be subjected to a lynching.

You stupid cocksucker, use the language to communicate what you want us to understand. What good is it if other people don't get it?

I'm basically pointing out you have a smudge of food on your face and you're saying O&A fans are the only ones that see it that way. Do you know how stupid you sound?

Oh no, downvotes from obsessive autists, anything but that! Fucking downie, take the propeller hat off for a second.

Way to only read up to the 2nd sentence, because the rest would be too hurtful to read. Are you done here? We just don't get your comedic genius, maybe once you die everyone will understand you.

So because I didn't retort EVERYTING you said in your pathetic little diatribe, I only read the first sentence? If I had to respond to every stupid thing you said I'd be here all night.

Lol. Shoot yourself in the face, alright? You know you got destroyed here.

Autistic people always think they've "won". Zero self awareness..

Holy shit, what a waste of time. Seriously, kill yourself you fucking burden. I actually hate you for sucking me into this shitty fucking bullshit argument. Don't leave you snappy incommunicable replies to people's comments anymore, because now you see what happens.

You've already mentioned suicide three times, projecting much? That would be the only way you would win in this situation tho, if I actually killed myself.

You've mentioned autistic a dozen times, projecting much? Hurr durr durr. Fuck off already. Please.

A dozen times? I'm thinking that number is greatly exaggerated. And oh yeah, just so you know, I was being literal right there. Figured I should inform you in case you didn't get it.

Back when he did that podcast he was in 'fuck the world mode'. He would have freely admitted doing that podcast for what it was. But, immediately after he found out what that podcast was he called it a KTC fuck up. I believe him



Ant thinks everyone has forgotten that he did an anti nig/kike radio show.What a funny fucker.

I'd say it's more of a "the fans don't give a fuck and the losers on tumblr forgot I existed the second something new they could pretend to be mad at came along" kind of thing

If you didnt know his leanings way in advance of that you should be forced to wear a dunce hat on weekdays.

first time it's been mentioned since it happened... everyone did forget about it.

Who gives a shit? Radio and TV talk shows have members of hate groups on all the time and allow them to promote their causes. He promoted his show to that show's audience and moved on, just as Daniel Carver promoted his racial ideas to Howard Stern's audience and neo-nazis promoted their views to the audiences of people like Phil Donahue and Geraldo back in the day. It's entertainers and radicals exploiting each other while mutually benefiting each other, and the news is doing the same thing every day.

Racist dollars spend just the same as SJW dollars. A few of that show's racist audience who had never heard of Anthony probably decided to check out his show. The same is true of the SJW audience who read an article of feigned outrage that a radio DJ went on an offensive show. Both that racist show and the SJW website also attracted fans of Anthony who otherwise wouldn't have checked them out. It's ultimately just a circle jerk of entertainers promoting themselves and each other. Let's try not to freak out.

Speaking of Daniel Carver, the greatest PR for him came from his roast. I never saw a more down to Earth, chill racist. Nobody could make him flinch. It was a fucking disaster haha


I wonder if he subs to /r/CoonTown

Of course he knew, this is the same guy that used to shout out the niggermania website back in the day. Ant doesn't give a fuck, that's why we like him.

Don't forget how much he loves Johnny Rebel, but who could blame him? Those songs are genius.

He's full of shit of course he new. Sad thing is many people here see nothing wrong with him doing it.

He new? Maybe he old?


Sad thing is many people here see nothing wrong with him doing it.

What exactly is wrong with going on a show that the mainstream finds disagreeable? Please enlighten us.

Don't have a discussion with that she it'll go no where except them calling for censorship.

You don't think that by him going on there show in a way, legitimizes their toxic opinions?

Looks like Faux News Cumia is trying to rewrite history because Patrice isn't here to put him in his place with his logic. I miss Patrice and Anthony should call Billy Boy Burr.

What is it with you autists obsessing about Anthony calling Forehead Burr?

I love the negative points on this post and comments :)

i do believe he knew what it was and thats why he said shit like why nasa dont have niggers and all that, i remember he did an interview around that time about how he wanted to say anything he wanted like Ann Coulter

Joe sees anyone that doesn't share his politics as potentially being a nazi, and he's not an honest person himself.

You do know you can't criticise rogan round here.

I wanted the free downvotes. :3

I'm dumbfounded by what I'm hearing right now. A lot of the people Here that are crucifying Ant for doing a racial podcast are the same people who applaud and agree with Jimmy when he preaches free speech! Since when does a guest of a radio show, TV talk show, podcast or any interviewing medium have to share the exact same social & political views? As much as I hate Opie, I would say the same exact thing defending him or anyone else in Ants place!

He created a podcast, went on any show who would have him so He could plug his new podcast. He didn't have time to think Gee, I wonder if anyone "who doesn't pay my bills" would have a problem with going on this show to hopefully gain listeners? Because I really should pander to the people who were my friends until I said something that they don't agree with? I better just go plug my new show "that will determine if I have a home to live in next month" Only at places that won't offend anyone. At least Ant admits to being racist. Celebrities of all levels are just as racist as anyone else. But just as Patrice always said, they'll sell out everything & anything they believe in just to play the game and make that next dollar. But once you do that just one time, they got you! And you can never stand up and have balls again after you already sacrificed your dignity and chose to do what the suits want you to do instead of what you believed in.

A lot of people on here make references to what Patrice would have thought about this situation and that situation. And about what this person did and what that person did. I never had the privilege of meeting Patrice, but based on his outlook on everything, I think he would have been proud of what Anthony did! But once again, that's just my worthless opinion and I don't want to act like I know any of these people or just went fishing with them last week.

You don't even know what free speech means, so I didn't read the rest of that garbage.


Yeah. In my defense, I stay up for to long sometimes and go off on a rant, and then the next day after I've had sleep, I look at My post and think "Why the fuck did I write that? My answer had nothing to do with the question?" This is about the 3rd time I've done that. Did the infamous podcast at least have a large listening audience of potential subscribers?

Was it al least a "Popular" White Supremacist Show with a lot of listeners?

Who cares? Political cesspool is a decent show. People here would learn something if they listened. No im not joshing you. Have you ever listened op?

He's right. Before I started listening to them I could never figure out how to get all the way back to my car before the cross started burning.

Yep, they have the courage foster honest racial discussion about how David Duke is a hero and Hitler was right.

You know what, I'm getting pretty sick of Cumia and his kosher brand of nationalism, never addressing the "JQ". Maybe I should give these goys...err... guys a listen!

About 80% of what duke or this guy say is true as opposed to what you'll get on mainstream news sources. But whatever keep believing kike lies on TV and wonder where your country went kids.

Hitler was fairly awesome would you rather be led by him or rahm Emmanuel?



No i have not listened to them other then Ant episode. But i use my right to speak out of my delicious ass to start a conversation.

You go girl!

You sound like Opie.

in some truck cab*