Tiny, tiny rant

0  2015-04-17 by [deleted]

I went on this sub this morning because I just found out about the “drama” that has been going on with Opie and Anthony recently. Never been on this sub before and I just wanted more info about what was going on. My boyfriend has been listen to O&A for as long as he can remember. He’s from NY and he makes sure he listens to it often because it makes him think of home. Now, I am not a listener of the show but one day, 3 years ago I heard Jim Nortons voice, and since I am a fan of his stand up, I have been listening here and there. I am not a huge fan of the show. But it is sometimes entertaining listening to peoples different opinions on popular subjects and also, I enjoy listening to comedians chat. And hey, I like being exposed to different ideas. When I do listen, sometimes just have to stop or step out of the room when I would hear such ignorant, hateful speak coming from a person. Not that it would ruin my day, but I would choose to stop listening and focus my attention elsewhere. My boyfriend would often tell me that it’s Anthony’s opinions or comments that would cause my “What the F, who says shit like that!” reaction. But whatever, my days obviously continued. When Anthony got fired, I just though, “good! A consequence to your actions” My boyfriend kept listening to Opie and Jimmy and I would occasionally eavesdrop. When I heard about what has been happening the past 2-ish weeks, I was intrigued and listened to both Anthony and Opie’s episodes, I read interviews and tried to get info. There was too much information that I did not have to cause hate for one or the other. UNTILLLL I came to this subreddit. Holy shit. Posters here are so filled with hate and anger, I was actually shocked. You are terrible people. I have found my experience on Reddit to be pretty pleasant for the most part, there are so many different kinds of people crossing over in every sub. Yes, there are some users that do not deserve the internet, but Reddit is no comments sections of YouTube, by any means. You guys seem mean spirited and are probably like Anthony in real life. Just people going around finding those 1 or 2 people who back you up to let you continue to be A-holes. I get it, free speech, whatever, but man, is there any other way for you to support free speech instead of just bashing a person over and over again? I don’t even know what the point of this post it, I guess just someone going “Hey! Stop being mean miserable people to each other!” But there’s probably no room for that here. I should just leave and not read anything here, huh?


Hit the bricks, toots!

Shut up, bitch.

Only a fat pig of a woman has to mention that many times they have a boyfriend. Like it's some sort of a miracle you found anyone that would stick their dick in you.

between that comment and your name i have experienced few less offensive things on here, which is the only reason i upvoted you.

It's because I mentioned 3 different males in my post. And the way I did was to make sure the reader knew who I was talking about. Sorry! Your reaction just kind proves my point about how angry you all are. You probably also honk and the driver in front of you AS SOON as the turns green, don't you?

You like driving assumptions. Here's mine, you probably make a beeping noise when you walk backwards.

Only if it turns green with envy.

You are that driver, fatty

No gone wild posts in your history. Get out.

I say this dizzy broad should take a long walk off a short pier, what do you think, fellas?

Not all of us are monsters, miss. I am a gentleman, thank you very much. :(

Okay, you will be the exception :)

Thanks, can I fuck you now?

So you came here to tell us how terrible we all are? Lol. What exactly do we have to be happy about? Ant's still fired, Opie is still on the radio full time, and the two of them still hate each other. There's nothing positive about being an O&A fan these days.

Lol I know, I guess it also makes me a terrible person. That's the internet for ya

Get me a beer, walking punching bag

I've become spoiled from Chiprolls that I come to expect them so much, and get disappointed when it doesn't happen.

I'm blushing. Thank you.

You definitely should leave. We are too smart for you.

Honey I work all day hard, and then I come home to this crap, why don't you get in the kitchen and make me a damn steak


This penis of mine? Kiss it.

This sub was found to be the 2nd most bigoted on reddit. We're probably going to be #1 next time since people keep posting quotes from the racist "comedian" Joe DeRosa.

Ole Joe "We're gonna need a bigger boxcar" Derosa?

When Anthony got fired, I just though, “good! A consequence to your actions”

You are everything that is wrong with our society.

Women should never have been allowed to vote

I've never been so sad to not see "Peckah"

that's the bit.




This was embarrassing. I feel bad for your boyfriend. I bet you go through his faults daily. All because you give him kisses, he has to hear this kind of shit from you.

Die nigger

Well overall you sound like an insufferable, annoying person. And it's not just a female thing. My girl loves the show and really loves Jimmy, and like me (even more than me) she disagrees with most of Anthony's views and doesn't like him much, but she wasn't happy when Ant got fired and she still laughs and thinks it's funny. Anyway, with all that aside I do agree with you. The people I have to communicate with in this sub truly are the worst. Lots of cunts, wannabes, and degenerates. Lots of anonymous, fat, virgins. So you do have a point lady. But what does it say about you that you know what kinda low life's dwell in here and still decided to make this post? It kinda shows that you are a person who wants attention and conflict doesn't it?

But you post religiously on both the wrestling and O&A subreddits. All evidence indicates you are one of those fat anonymous virgins yourself. Try as you might to differentiate yourself from others here you are very much one of them. You are probably worse because you see yourself as someone better with absolutely no reason to feel that way.

I do love pro wrestling and have always prided myself as being a lifelong "out of the closet" wrestling fan. My entire life I have made it look cool to like wrestling. It's because I'm a cool mother fucker that is in phenomenal shape (I'd honestly guess that I'm somewhere in the 95th percentile of adult males when it comes to fitness) and I have fucked lots of girls in my lifetime, and now I have a hot, cool, girlfriend. I mean you can not believe me, or whatever it doesn't matter. If you don't believe me that's actually cool, it's like saying "wow this guy sounds so fucking cool and awesome that I can't even believe he's real"

Choke on a cock and die

Oof, you hurt my feelings with that well thought out and creative diss. Why are you so jealous of me? Is it my big muscles, the fact that I fuck hot chicks, or cuz I'm smarter than you? Please answer asap I really wanna know

I'm actually a hot chick IRL

Finally someone on here I could actually be friends with. Thank you sir.


You need to fuck more chicks like maynerd then we can be friends.

Eh, you're both fucked in the head.

You're a joke.

You're a slippery slope guy

You like to watch a soap opera called "wrestling" with sweaty roid raging faggots humping each other. You're also the guy who stares at other dude's dicks in the gym and at the urinals. It's OK to admit you're gay.

Good one!!! That one cut right down to the core of me. Here let me try! Bro you look at dicks all day, but You do it on the Internet cuz you never been to a gym In your life! Ahhhh shit swim walk

:::car crash sound::: "bro"

Please tell me you don't listen to that hipster garbage "das racist" bullshit

I already said that I guess this also makes me a terrible person. But yes, agreed on all points you made. I honestly went here to get some extra details from fans. The guys are funny and entertaining, I wanted to know everything! The posts didn't give me anything. So yea, I wrote it to get attention, of course! Sorry, yes I am the annoying person that points out what's right and what's fair. At least we can agree you guys don't have to hang out with me in real life.

If you point out what's "right and fair" you would point out that it was complete bs that Anthony got fired. I'm a very liberal person and I'm assuming you are too. The party is being desecrated by pussy PC cunts that want to point out douchey things like "white privelage" and call for people to lose their jobs over the things they say. SO the fact that you were happy Anthony got fired makes you a shitty person

These are not the droids you are looking for...

You can't reason with these people. I tried that at first, but then I started doing the same thing they were doing. I started calling anthony a racist pedophile, then I realized I became what I hated.

And it was way more entertaining then trying to be rational.

There are some spots brighter than most here. Hold on tight to them.

Please tell me you don't listen to that hipster garbage "das racist" bullshit

Eh, you're both fucked in the head.